even when camera movement is in another direction,
provided rotation is minimal and the overall camera
movement is still small.
(a) Endoscope (b) Lambert
(c) Z by VBW (d) Modified Z
Figure 19: Result with Gaussian Noise.
The reflectance parameter, C, was estimated as
13244 and Fig.19(b) shows the final estimated shape.
Total of processing time was 90 seconds including 80
seconds for NN learning with 480 epochs.
The estimated size of this polyp was about 1cm.
Although Gaussian noise was added, shape recovery
remained robust.
This paper proposed a new approach to improve the
accuracy of absolute size and shape determination of
polyps observed in endoscope images.
An RBF-NN was used to modify surface gradi-
ent estimation based on training with data from a syn-
thesized sphere. The VBW model was used to esti-
mate a baseline shape. Modification of gradients with
the RBF-NN improved the accuracy of that baseline
shape estimation. Estimation of the reflectance pa-
rameter, C, was achieved under the assumption that
two images are acquired via small camera movement
in the depth, Z, direction. The RBF-NN is non-
parametric in that no parametric functional form has
been assumed for gradient modification. The ap-
proach was evaluated both in computer simulation
and with real endoscope images. Results confirm
that the approach improves the accuracy of recov-
ered shape to within error ranges that are practical for
polyp analysis in endoscopy.
Iwahori’s research is supported by Japan Society for
the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Grant-in-Aid for
Scientific Research (C) (26330210) and Chubu Uni-
versity Grant. Woodham’s research is supported
by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
Council (NSERC). The authors would like to thank
Kodai Inaba for his experimental help and the related
member for useful discussions in this paper.
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