An Integer Linear Programming Solution to the Telescope Network
Scheduling Problem
Sotiria Lampoudi
, Eric Saunders
and Jason Eastman
Earth Research Institute, 6832 Ellison Hall, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106-3060, U.S.A.
Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network, 6740 Cortona Dr., Suite 102, Goleta, California 93117, U.S.A.
Scheduling, Integer Linear Programming, Astronomy.
Telescope networks are gaining traction due to their promise of higher resource utilization than single tele-
scopes and as enablers of novel astronomical observation modes. However, as telescope network sizes in-
crease, the possibility of scheduling them completely or even semi-manually disappears. In an earlier paper,
a step towards software telescope scheduling was made with the specification of the Reservation formalism,
through the use of which astronomers can express their complex observation needs and preferences. In this
paper we build on that work. We present a solution to the discretized version of the problem of scheduling
a telescope network. We derive a solvable integer linear programming (ILP) model based on the Reservation
formalism. We show computational results verifying its correctness, and confirm that our Gurobi-based im-
plementation can address problems of realistic size. Finally, we extend the ILP model to also handle the novel
observation requests that can be specified using the more advanced Compound Reservation formalism.
Telescope networks have the potential to enable in-
creased resource utilization and novel observation
modalities. Historically, observation requests for sin-
gle telescopes were made in human-readable form,
and any conflicts between requests were resolved by
a person, often working directly with the request-
ing astronomer in a tight feedback loop. This type
of manual scheduling is not practical for general-
purpose telescope networks containing more than a
small number of telescopes, due to the large number
of competing requests received for a typical schedul-
ing interval, and the added complexity of choosing
among multiple resources. Further, in networks wish-
ing to enable the study of fast transient phenomena,
manual scheduling is infeasible due to the need for
near-real-time re-scheduling responsiveness, which is
necessary to achieve these scientific objectives.
Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope
(LCOGT) is a robotic telescope network that cur-
rently (in September 2014) includes two 2m and nine
1m telescopes, with plans to add a number of 0.4m
telescopes in the near future (Brown et al., 2013). The
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Current Affiliation: Liquid Robotics Inc., 1329 Moffet Park
Dr, Sunnyvale, California, 94089, USA
telescopes are robotically controlled and connected
via the Internet to LCOGT headquarters in California.
Professional astronomers, citizen scientists and edu-
cators can apply for access to the network on a bian-
nual semester basis. The scientific merit of proposals
is assessed by a Time Allocation Committee (TAC),
which assigns each accepted project some amount of
total time on the network and a scalar per-unit-time
priority. Each project then requests specific astronom-
ical observations to be conducted, not exceeding the
project’s total time allocation. The motivation for the
contributions of this paper is the design and deploy-
ment of a software telescope network scheduler for
the LCOGT network (Saunders et al., 2014).
A software solution stack for scheduling a tele-
scope network has three components: (a) methods al-
lowing the network’s users to make observation re-
quests, (b) a scheduling algorithm capable of resolv-
ing conflicts between users’ requests to produce a vi-
able schedule, and (c) additional control logic that
adds awareness of the state of the network, manages
schedule re-calculation (due to new input, weather,
network outages and other reasons), and deals with re-
quest completion. In (Lampoudi and Saunders, 2013)
a formalism was developed for allowing astronomers
to express their complex observation needs and pref-
erences in an unambiguous, machine-readable way
Lampoudi S., Saunders E. and Eastman J..
An Integer Linear Programming Solution to the Telescope Network Scheduling Problem.
DOI: 10.5220/0005207003310337
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES-2015), pages 331-337
ISBN: 978-989-758-075-8
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
that would allow software to arbitrate among them.
The contribution of the present paper is a solvable
integer linear programming (ILP) model for the of-
fline, discretized version of the scheduling problem
expressed by this formalism.
This paper is organized as follows: in section 2 we
present the Reservation formalism thatis used to com-
municate astronomers’ requests to the scheduler. Sec-
tion 3 presents the solvable ILP model of the schedul-
ing problem. Section 4 presents computational results
confirming the correctness and evaluating the perfor-
mance of the ILP solution. Section 5 extends the
model of section 3 to include the more complex Com-
pound Reservations possible in telescope networks.
Related and future work are discussed in the final sec-
A request for an observation on a telescope network
contains two types of information: (a) observation-
specific information about the target of the observa-
tion, which instrument (i.e. camera or spectrograph)
to use, the exposure settings, etc, and (b) information
about when, where and for how long the observation
can occur, based on astronomical factors that can be
calculated a priori, such as visibility of the target dur-
ing local night, lack of interference by the moon, and
so on. Information contained in (a) is necessary so
that a robotic telescope or a human operator can carry
out the observation. But it is not necessary for choos-
ing which of many requests to fulfill, when and where.
This task, the scheduling of the telescope network, is
performed solely on the basis of the information con-
tained in (b). In our work the information contained
in (b) is encapsulated in a “Reservation”: a represen-
tation of a request for exclusive access to a resource
during one contiguous chunk of time at one or more
specific times in the future.
As formally specified in (Lampoudi and Saunders,
2013), a Reservation R is a 4-tuple (d, p, t, W) where:
d is a scalar duration,
p is a scalar priority,
t is a resource (i.e. telescope),
W is a list of “windows of opportunity”
Windows of opportunity specify the times during
which the observation is possible; that is, the entire
observation must fit within a single window of oppor-
In the vocabulary of a telescope network, a Reser-
vation R is a request by a project with priority p for
exclusive access of duration d to resourcet during one
of the windows in the list W.
Typically, however, an observation can be carried
out on one of many telescopes. According to the
above definition of Reservation, a request with multi-
ple resources (and corresponding windows of oppor-
tunity for each resource) will result in multiple “or”-
ed Reservations. Because this is such a common oc-
currence, for compactness and with no loss of gener-
ality, we simply extend the above definition to merge
multi-resourceReservations into a singleReservation.
That is, each Reservation is now permitted to include
a list of resources, instead of a single resource, and
windows of opportunity become subscripted by re-
source. The resulting definition of Reservation is the
4-tuple (d, p, T, W) where:
d is a scalar duration,
p is a scalar priority,
T is a list of resources (i.e. telescopes), t
W are lists of “windows of opportunity”,
where list W
is the list of windows correspond-
ing to t
Given a list of Reservations we wish to find a maxi-
mum priority subset, the subset of scheduled reserva-
tions, and an assignment of a specific resource and
start time for each scheduled reservation, such that
there are no overlaps between scheduled reservations.
This is an offline, multi-resource, interval schedul-
ing problem with slack. The slack is introduced by the
fact that windows can be longer than the duration of a
Our ILP modelis inspired by a similar approach to
a problem in truck scheduling (Lee et al., 2012). We
first discretize time into “slots”, which can be of uni-
form or non-uniform lengths. Each slot is defined by
the resource to which it corresponds and a (start time,
duration) or (start time, end time) tuple that we abbre-
viate as (timeslice) in the text that follows. We then
express the non-overlap constraints as linear inequal-
ities. Boolean variables are used to select between
the possible starting slots for each Reservation, and
the sum of the priorities of scheduled Reservations is
The resulting ILP resembles a weighted maxi-
mum set packing problem, which is known to be NP-
complete (Garey and Johnson, 1990).
Specifically, our model formulation is as follows:
3.1 Parameters
I: set of reservations
T: set of slots, each specified as a tuple: (resource,
: set of possible start slots for reservation i
= 1 if starting reservation i at k S
that it will occupy slot t; 0 otherwise
: priority of reservation i
3.2 Decision Variables
= 1 if reservation i starts at k S
; 0 otherwise
3.3 Objectives
Maximise the sum of the priorities of scheduled
3.4 Constraints
No reservation should be scheduled for more than one
1, i I (2)
No more than one reservation should be scheduled
in each slot.
1, t T (3)
Decision variable must be binary.
{0, 1}, i I, k S
The inequality constraint matrix contains |I| + |T|
rows, i.e. the sum of the number of reservations and
time slots.
4.1 Correctness
The ILP modelwe have just describedis implemented
in a software component called the scheduling ker-
nel”. This forms the core of the software stack re-
sponsible for managing the telescope network. Our
current implementation of the kernel is in Python, and
uses the Gurobi solver (Gurobi Optimization, 2014).
The input to the kernel is a list of Reservation objects
which are direct implementations of the concept of a
Reservation. The kernel translates this list of Reserva-
tions into a model description that is passed to Gurobi,
and invokes the solver. When the solver completes its
run, the kernel uses the output to modify the Reserva-
tion objects to reflect whether or not they were sched-
uled, and, if they were, at what resource and starting
As is common software engineering practice,
the kernel was unit tested using a variety of small
scheduling scenarios that can be solved manually. But
it was also desirable to validate that the kernel’s per-
formance is what one would expect on a larger scale.
This type of validation can be achieved by us-
ing large scheduling scenarios for which the optimal
scheduling outcome is known a priori, due to the way
in which they were constructed. When these scenarios
are run through the scheduling kernel, it is possible to
compare the experimental performance of the kernel
to this theoretically optimal and achievable outcome.
The “subscription rate” of the network is defined
as the ratio of the total amount of time requested over
the total amount of time available for scheduling. The
total amount of time requested is the sum of the dura-
tions of all the reservations submitted to the scheduler.
The total amount of time available for scheduling is
the time covered by the union of all windows of op-
The subscription rate is a property of the input
to the scheduler. To characterize the outcome of a
scheduling run we need a corresponding performance
metric. This is the “scheduled/requested” (s/r) ratio,
that is the ratio of time scheduled (the sum of the du-
rations of all scheduled reservations) over the ratio of
time requested (the sum of the durations of all reser-
vations that were submitted).
For subscription rates below 100% (“undersub-
scribed”), it is possible to construct problem instances
for which the optimal s/r ratio of 100% is achievable.
Given those problem instances, a well-functioning
scheduler should achieve s/r of nearly 100%.
For subscription rates above 100% (“oversub-
scribed”), it is possible to construct problem instances
for which the optimal s/r ratio is known. Specifically,
we constructed cases for which the optimal s/r was
the inverse of the subscription rate another way to
express that is to say that utilization was 100%. On
those problem instances a well-functioning scheduler
should achieve close to this theoretically optimal s/r.
To produce experimental data that can be com-
pared to the optimal values we conducted 15 simu-
lations of a telescope network, spanning subscription
rates between 10% and 150%. The size of the net-
work was chosen to be nine telescopes, and the time
slices on all telescopes were set to be 5 minutes long.
For each individual simulation run, i.e., for each
subscription rate value, we generated an ensemble of
hundreds of reservations for which we knew, by con-
struction, that an optimal or close to optimal schedule
was feasible. Then the scheduling problem was made
artificially harder in two ways: first, all reservations
were assigned the same 24 hour window of opportu-
nity; second, all were also randomly assigned to be
possible on additional resources. This had the effect
of introducing large amounts of slack and seeming
contention to the problem.
0 0.5 1 1.5
subscription rate
Figure 1: The scheduling kernel is able to achieve optimal
performance in cases of undersubscription, and performs
close to optimally in cases of oversubscription. The dis-
crepancy is accounted for by the time wasted due to the dis-
cretization of time into slots.
Figure 1 shows that the kernel was able to match
theoretically optimal performance very closely. The
small mismatch that begins to occur around 100%
subscription can be attributed to the small amount of
time that is wasted due to the discretization of time
into slots. In the case of the artificial scenarios used
for this test, this wasted amount of time can be calcu-
In real-world scenarios the impact of that wasted
time is an open problem. The amount of wasted time
depends on (a) the distribution of Reservation dura-
tions, and (b) the choice of slot sizes. Clearly, smaller
slots decrease the expected amount of wasted time,
but increase the size of the ILP optimization problem.
We plan to study this effect in simulation, by model-
ing the distribution of durations so that we can gener-
ate appropriate synthetic workloads, and empirically,
by running the kernel on real inputs but, in “parallel”,
using different hypothetical slot sizes.
4.2 Performance
To give an idea of what currently constitutes typical
and exceptional operating conditions for the LCOGT
scheduling kernel, in this section we report timings
from two real-world runs. The first is a randomly cho-
sen typical recent run (date: 2014-08-29). The second
is the largest run that occurred since the scheduler be-
gan official operations in May 2014 (date: 2014-06-
21). They both occurred on the same server, a 16 core
Intel Xeon L5530 2.4GHz, with 24GB of RAM. The
implementation ran under Python 2.7.5 and Gurobi
5.6.2 on a Linux OS. Gurobi was configured to use 16
threads, i.e. all the available cores.
In the typical run the input included 833 possi-
ble Reservations, and seven of eleven resources were
available for scheduling. This resulted in a prob-
lem description with 20,895 rows, 138,635 columns
and 479,240 nonzeros, as reported by Gurobi. This
was reduced to 8,826 rows, 92,093 columns, 293,297
nonzeros by the Gurobi pre-solver. 650 Reservations
were ultimately scheduled. Wall clock time spent in
the kernel (which includes the translation of the prob-
lem into a format that can serve as an input to Gurobi,
a process that we have since further optimized) was
23.77 seconds; in the Gurobi pre-solver 6.56 seconds;
in the Gurobi root relaxation routine 0.21 seconds;
and in the Gurobi integer solver 11.50 seconds. In
total, 23% of the time was spent in kernel overhead,
with the remaining time spent in Gurobi.
The biggest scheduling run during the last few
months had an input of 3864 possible Reservations,
roughly four times as many as the typical run. The
same fraction (7/11) of resources were available for
scheduling at the time of this run. The final sched-
ule included 2055 of the submitted Reservations. The
total kernel wall time was 76.54 seconds, of which
17.22 seconds was spent in the Gurobi pre-solver;
20.39 seconds were spent in the Gurobi root re-
laxation step; and 24.83 seconds were spent in the
Gurobi integer solver. The kernel overhead was thus
18% for this larger problem. These measurements are
summarized in Table 1.
Table 1: Measurements for typical and largest runs.
Typical Largest
reservation count 833 3864
wall time (s) 23.77 76.54
% kernel overhead 23 18
pre-solver (s) 6.56 17.22
root relaxation (s) 0.21 20.39
integer solution (s) 11.5 24.83
Astronomical observations requested by a particu-
lar project are usually part of a larger scientific pro-
gramme, so they are frequently not independent of
each other. When, as is most common, the inter-
dependence between observations is in the targets,
instruments, and exposures of observations, it does
not affect scheduling. But it is occasionally helpful
to provide a way to express a limited form of inter-
dependence between the scheduling status of obser-
vations, i.e. whether or not they were scheduled. This
is useful in situations where one of several alternative
Reservations can fulfill the same scientific objective,
or when sets of Reservations must be scheduled in an
“all-or-none” fashion in order to be scientifically use-
ful. We allow for this limited type of dependency be-
tween Reservations via the concept of a Compound
Reservation, first introduced in (Lampoudi and Saun-
ders, 2013).
A Compound Reservation is a set of Reservations,
inter-connected by one of two logicaloperators: AND
and ONE-OF.
The AND operator is the traditional conjunction
operator. (r
) means simply that either both
reservations r
and r
should be scheduled, or neither
should be scheduled. (r
AND ... AND r
) is,
by extension, defined as one would expect.
The ONE-OF operator is equivalent to a one-
hot circuit” in digital circuit design. (r
means that either reservation r
or r
should be sched-
uled, but not both. (Because of the no-overlap con-
straint, it is possible that neither reservation can be
scheduled, making this a set packing, rather than a set
partitioning constraint.) For two arguments ONE-OF
is equivalent to XOR. The reason we use the notation
ONE-OF rather than XOR is that the implementation
of a greater-than-two input XOR is not unique. The
most common implementation (i.e. wiring diagram)
of XOR for greater than two arguments yields a par-
ity checker. What we need is a circuit that evaluates to
True when exactly one of its arguments is true. Since
the term “one-hot” is not commonly used outside dig-
ital design, we use the more intuitive label “ONE-OF”
for this operator.
Single-level Compound Reservations, as we de-
scribe them here, enable some of the novel capabil-
ities of a telescope network. They make it possi-
ble to schedule an observation so that it occurs on
one of multiple alternative resources requiring differ-
ent exposure times (using ONE-OF), potentially in-
creasing utilization by leveraging flexibility. Com-
pound Reservations also make it possible to sched-
ule time-series observations in an all-or-none fashion
(using AND), decreasing time wasted obtaining par-
tial data. They make it possible to conduct concur-
rent observations of a single target, or many corre-
lated targets, from multiple resources (using AND),
which previously required human coordination. Fi-
nally, on the LCOGT network, which is global, they
enable the tracking of stationary or moving targets in
spite of the earth’s rotation, using a succession of re-
sources (AND), which has never before been possi-
ble. Importantly, although an arbitrary level of Com-
pound Reservation nesting is conceptually possible
but computationally intractable, all these capabilities
are gained using a single level of nesting, which it is
feasible to schedule.
The presence of Compound Reservations modi-
fies the problem definition as follows: Given a list of
Reservations, where some are possibly grouped into
Compound Reservations, we wish to find a maximum
priority subset of scheduled reservations, and assign
them specific resourcesand start times, such that there
are no overlaps between scheduled reservations, and
the constraints implied by the Compound Reserva-
tions (single-level ANDs and ONE-OFs) are satisfied.
This extension adds the following parameters to
the list of section 3.1:
O: the set of ONE-OF constraints
A: the set of AND constraints
The following constraints are added to those of
section 3.4:
ONE-OF constraints.
1, r O
, O
O (5)
AND constraints.
= 0, i, j r, r A
, A
A (6)
The size of the inequality constraint matrix is
modified to be |I| + |T| + |O| rows, i.e. the sum of
the number of reservations, time slots and ONE-OF
Finally, AND constraints introduce an equality
constraint matrix with number of rows proportional
to the number of reservations participating in AND
The literature on ILP for intervalscheduling is ubiqui-
tous (see, e.g. (Schrijver, 1986), (Graham et al., 1979)
and (Potts and Strusevich, 2009)). Our own effort
to model the telescope network scheduling problem
as an ILP problem was inspired by a similar (though
more complicated, due to the presence of multiple ob-
jectives) model for truck scheduling(Lee et al., 2012).
Early work in telescope scheduling, which was
surveyed in (Lampoudi and Saunders, 2013), was of a
highly practical and heuristic nature. In general those
early approaches were difficult to evaluate for fitness
of purpose, and they commonly handled complexity,
especially dynamic volatility, through direct human
intervention and decision-making.
More recently, methods adopted from the Arti-
ficial Intelligence community, e.g. neural networks
(Colom´e et al., 2014), and from Operations Research,
e.g. genetic algorithms in the context of optimization
(Garcia-Piquer et al., 2014), have been making in-
roads in telescope network scheduling. A necessary
shift is occuring in the field towards methods whose
performance can be quantitatively compared to either
theoretical models or simulation outcomes.
For completeness, it is worth noting that there
have been two previous design iterations for the
LCOGT scheduler. A randomised planning approach
was proposed in (Brown and Baliber, 2007). In
(Hawkins et al., 2010) the scheduling problem was
broken into a hierarchy of seasonal, monthly and
adaptive planning steps, but specific implementations
for those steps were not proposed. Both of these were
preliminary proposals, and were never fully imple-
mented or evaluated. They both reflected a desire
to steer clear of global optimisation, a stance that
was justified by citing resource availability, volatil-
ity and computational cost. Given improvements in
computational speeds, this stance was reversed, and
our present optimization approach was adopted.
Our own work is divided between, on the one
hand, efforts to gain a deeper understanding of
the structure of the ILP optimization problem, (e.g.
analysing the structure of the conflict graph) and, on
the other hand, evaluating several practical questions
concerningthe schedulingkernel and its performance.
One of these is the impact of the time discretization
introduced by the ILP model, as we explained in sec-
tion 4.2. Another is the choice of priority model,
or more broadly, objective functions, in order to best
match the science objectives of the network. Finally,
the possibilities implied by the compound reservation
scheduling capabilities of the kernel remain as yet un-
characterized. Such a complex feature requires both
an excellent user interface to be useful, as well as
considerable community training efforts to gain adop-
tion. We anticipate that when these conditions come
to fruition, new statistics will become available, and
inform new models of telescope utilization, driving
forward the next iteration of development and theo-
retical advances.
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