and (Potts and Strusevich, 2009)). Our own effort
to model the telescope network scheduling problem
as an ILP problem was inspired by a similar (though
more complicated, due to the presence of multiple ob-
jectives) model for truck scheduling(Lee et al., 2012).
Early work in telescope scheduling, which was
surveyed in (Lampoudi and Saunders, 2013), was of a
highly practical and heuristic nature. In general those
early approaches were difficult to evaluate for fitness
of purpose, and they commonly handled complexity,
especially dynamic volatility, through direct human
intervention and decision-making.
More recently, methods adopted from the Arti-
ficial Intelligence community, e.g. neural networks
(Colom´e et al., 2014), and from Operations Research,
e.g. genetic algorithms in the context of optimization
(Garcia-Piquer et al., 2014), have been making in-
roads in telescope network scheduling. A necessary
shift is occuring in the field towards methods whose
performance can be quantitatively compared to either
theoretical models or simulation outcomes.
For completeness, it is worth noting that there
have been two previous design iterations for the
LCOGT scheduler. A randomised planning approach
was proposed in (Brown and Baliber, 2007). In
(Hawkins et al., 2010) the scheduling problem was
broken into a hierarchy of seasonal, monthly and
adaptive planning steps, but specific implementations
for those steps were not proposed. Both of these were
preliminary proposals, and were never fully imple-
mented or evaluated. They both reflected a desire
to steer clear of global optimisation, a stance that
was justified by citing resource availability, volatil-
ity and computational cost. Given improvements in
computational speeds, this stance was reversed, and
our present optimization approach was adopted.
Our own work is divided between, on the one
hand, efforts to gain a deeper understanding of
the structure of the ILP optimization problem, (e.g.
analysing the structure of the conflict graph) and, on
the other hand, evaluating several practical questions
concerningthe schedulingkernel and its performance.
One of these is the impact of the time discretization
introduced by the ILP model, as we explained in sec-
tion 4.2. Another is the choice of priority model,
or more broadly, objective functions, in order to best
match the science objectives of the network. Finally,
the possibilities implied by the compound reservation
scheduling capabilities of the kernel remain as yet un-
characterized. Such a complex feature requires both
an excellent user interface to be useful, as well as
considerable community training efforts to gain adop-
tion. We anticipate that when these conditions come
to fruition, new statistics will become available, and
inform new models of telescope utilization, driving
forward the next iteration of development and theo-
retical advances.
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