increasing the time span for concepts from h = 3 to
h = 4 improves modelling accuracy by circa 40%,
while increasing the time span from h = 3 to h = 6
improves it by circa 80%.
Proposed time series and concepts’ representation
method for time series modelling with FCMs is based
on gathering h consecutive elements of the input time
series into a single data point. The larger the h, the
longer time span is captured in a single data point and
in extracted concepts. Empirical studies show that ap-
plying this method is beneficial. It allows to increase
modelling accuracy without increasing FCM size.
We have shown that long time spans (like h = 6)
bring higher numerical accuracy, but in our opinion
for a model that would be used by humans h = 3
or 4 are reasonable values. The larger h, the more
computationally demanding is the modelling process.
The allocation of a matrix for membership values is
memory-demanding, while optimization of weights
matrix is time-demanding.
Most important advantage of the proposed method
is transparency of time series and concepts represen-
tation method. Each data point in our model has the
same interpretation and it represents an h-long time
span. Information is not processed and, if necessary,
can be translated in a straightforward way back to the
numeric time series.
In future research we will address interpretation
issues of trained FCMs. We will also take under fur-
ther investigation FCM training procedure.
The research is partially supported by the Foundation
for Polish Science under International PhD Projects
in Intelligent Computing. Project financed from The
European Union within the Innovative Economy
Operational Programme (2007- 2013) and European
Regional Development Fund.
The research is partially supported by the National
Science Center, grant No 2011/01/B/ST6/06478.
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