In this paper we presented two ways in which stan-
dard classifiers can be enhanced to reject foreign ele-
ments at local level. Namely, first, all elements, native
and foreign, subjected to recognition were classified
to native classes. Then, for every native class a SVM
dedicated to the identification of foreign elements was
applied. While one-class SVMs are the more straight-
forward way to do the rejection, two-classes SVMs
gave similarly good results keeping Native Sensitiv-
ity high.
There are several interesting research directions
related to recognition with rejection. An interesting
topic is a possibility to generate such random sam-
ples that would improve quality measures in so called
reinforced learning of rejecting elements. Another in-
teresting topic is related to the architecture of classi-
fiers. Architectures with rejecting at different levels
of classification would be more effective than ones
with rejection at local level only. Another topic is re-
lated to re-classification of rejected elements. This
topic is especially important for classification with
low Foreign Sensitivity. Alike, other measures would
be considered in construction of classifiers and the re-
classification process.
The research is partially supported by the Foundation
for Polish Science under International PhD Projects
in Intelligent Computing. Project financed from The
European Union within the Innovative Economy Op-
erational Programme (2007- 2013) and European Re-
gional Development Fund.
The research is supported by the National Science
Center, grant No 2012/07/B/ST6/01501, decision no
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