As shown in experimental results, in figure 7, the
performance of our platform is measured in terms of
network load (number of messages) and run-time ex-
ecution. From these preliminary results we see that
JChoc platform performs rapidly in small instances
(#p ∈ [4, 14]). The number of messages increases for
#p ∈ [15, 18] and reduces for #p > 18. This scalabil-
ity behavior is due to complexity of MSP problems.
When the instance is hard the problem can be solved
In this paper, we have proposed a modular, reli-
able, deployable and distributed software architec-
ture, called JChoc DisSolver, which can be used eas-
ily for several real combinatorial problems. The main
purpose of our platform is to break down the barriers
to building new and innovative applications. The pos-
sibility of combining the expressiveness of Choco, the
extensibility of JADE and our powerful Distributed
Constraint Reasoning Add-On bring a strong added
value in the development of innovative applications
based on Constraints Programming paradigm. The
JChoc platform presented in this paper has been de-
signed to support extensions: security, cryptography.
In this work, we have implemented ABT protocol
and solved the Meeting Scheduling problem (MSP)
in a real distributed environment. We found that by
using this platform we can adopt easily any proposed
protocol for solving distributed constraint problem in
such environment.
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platform by the implementation of other DCR algo-
rithms and to enrich the graphical user interface to
make it easier to use for researchers. Another direc-
tion of improvement is to allow JChoc platform to be
suitable to mobile devices. We plan also to implement
new approaches of confidentiality.
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