Table 1: Classifying graphs of GREC (C
= 500 ms).
Algorithms t AC
A*GED 119491.5 ms 42.23%
DF-GED 60468.7 ms 98.48 %
In the present paper, we have considered the prob-
lem of GED computation for PR. Graph edit distance
is a powerful and flexible paradigm that has been
used in different applications in PR. The exact algo-
rithm, A*GED, presented in the literature suffers from
high memory consumption and thus is too costly to
match large graphs. In this paper, we propose another
exact GED algorithm, DF-GED, which is based on
depth-first search. This algorithm speeds up the com-
putations of graph edit distance thanks to its upper
and lower bounds pruning strategy and its preprocess-
ing step. Moreover, this algorithm does not exhaust
memory as the number of pending edit paths that are
stored in the set OPEN is relatively small thanks to
the depth-first search where the number of pending
nodes is |V1|.|V 2| in the worst case.
In the experimental section, we have proposed to
evaluate sub-optimally both exact methods: A*GED
and DF-GED under some memory and time con-
straints. Experiments on the GREC database em-
pirically demonstrated that DF-GED outperforms
A*GED in terms of precision, speed and classification
rate. In future work, we aim at proposing a bench-
mark to measure the quality of the solutions found by
approximate methods. Both exact and approximate
graph edit distance computations will be evaluated on
different PR databases.
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