analysis optimal pre-processing has to be performed,
otherwise results may be incorrect.
As authors shown both of mentioned methods
gave satisfactory result, according to the reference
and what is more widely used software solution.
Taking into account all experiments performed by
authors it was proven that both methods might be
successfully used for analysis of NMR spectroscopy
data. Authors observed that crucial points is
sensitivity of both methods for unwanted
components such as noise that might not be
completely removed with advance techniques.
Authors decide to focus on improvement of that
crucial part in their future research.
This work was financed by:
BKM515/2014/9 (MS), HARMONIA 4 register
number 2013/08/M/ST6/00924 (JP), BKM 524/Rau-
1/2014 (FB) and GeCONiI (POIG.02.03.01-24-
099/13) (AP).
All calculations were carried out using infrastructure
of GeCONiI (POIG.02.03.01-24-099/13).
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