ally such information present some complementari-
ties that can be exploited to finely derive a better in-
consistency measure. As a summary, measuring in-
consistency is clearly a multi-criteria based evaluation
Our main goal in the present paper is to exploit
the strength and the complementarities of some pro-
posed measures to better understand and quantify in-
consistency. Our contribution includes a Pareto-based
approach to decide which knowledge bases are domi-
nating given a set of knowledge bases with respect to
inconsistency. Then we discuss how finer ranking be-
tween knowledge bases can be obtained by combining
existing measures.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Some preliminary definitions and notations
are given in the next section. In the section 3, we
present our approach for comparing different knowl-
edge bases using a well known social welfare mea-
sure, namely Pareto optimality. To our knowledge,
this is the first attempt to evaluate knowledge bases in
terms of its inconsistency degrees. Section 4 presents
a new family of inconsistency measures, before con-
cluding with some perspectives.
We assume, through this paper, a propositional lan-
guage L built from a finite set of atoms P using classi-
cal logical connectives {¬,∧,∨,→,↔}. We will use
letters such as p and q to denote propositional vari-
ables, and Greek letters like α and β to denote propo-
sitional formulae. The symbols > and ⊥ denote tau-
tology and contradiction, respectively.
A knowledge base K consists of a finite set of
propositional formulae over L. We denote by Var(K)
the set of variables occurring in K. For a set S, |S| de-
notes its cardinality. Moreover, a knowledge base K is
inconsistent if there is a formula α such that K ` α and
K ` ¬α, where ` is the deduction in classical propo-
sitional logic.
If the knowledge base K is inconsistent, then one
can define a minimal inconsistent subset of K as (1)
an inconsistent subset M of K, such that (2) all of its
proper subsets are satisfiable.
Definition 1 (MUS). Let K be a knowledge base and
M ⊆ K. M is a minimal unsatisfiable (inconsistent)
subset (MUS) of K iff:
1. M ` ⊥
2. ∀M
( M, M
0 ⊥
The set of all minimal unsatisfiable subsets of K is
denoted MUSes(K).
When a MUS is singleton, the single formula in it,
is called a self-contradictory formula.
Let us now, define a dual concept of MUS, called
maximal satisfiable subset (in short MSS).
Definition 2 (MSS). Let K be a knowledge base and
M ⊆ K. M is a maximal satisfiable (or consistent)
subset (MSS) of K iff:
1. M 0 ⊥
2. ∀α ∈ K \ M, M ∪ {α} ` ⊥
For a given inconsistent knowledge base K, and
M ⊂ K an MSS, the subset K\M is usually called a
minimal correction subset (in short MCS). Indeed, an
MCS gives us the minimal subset of the knowledge
base that when removed, we recover the consistency.
There exists a strong relationships between MUSes
and MCSs (Bailey and Stuckey, 2005; Liffiton and
Sakallah, 2008). This relationship can be stated sim-
ply: The set of MUSes of a knowledge base K and the
set of MCSes of K are ”hitting set duals” of one an-
other. Note that any MCS is the complement of some
MSS, and vice versa.
When a knowledge base K is inconsistent the clas-
sical inference relation is trivialized, i.e., any formula
and its negation can be inferred from K. To address
this problem, several techniques have been developed
to analyse inconsistency in terms of minimal incon-
sistent subsets and maximal consistent subsets. In-
deed, an inconsistency measure assigns a nonnegative
number to every knowledge base as its conflicting de-
gree. In the same vein, many logic-based frameworks
of inconsistency measures have been proposed. For
instance, I
measure counts the number of minimal
inconsistent subsets of the knowledge base. Also,
value counts the sum of the number of maximal
consistent subsets together with the number of self-
contradictory formulae, but 1 must be subtracted to
make the measure equal to zero when the knowledge
base is consistent. Furthermore, the I
measure counts the number of formulae in minimal
inconsistent subsets of the knowledge base.
For semantic-based inconsistency measures, one
can cite the inconsistency degrees defined using para-
consistent semantics. The set of truth values for 4-
valued semantics (Arieli and Avron, 1998) contains
four elements: true, false, unknown and both, writ-
ten by t, f ,N,B, respectively. The truth value N al-
lows to express incompleteness of information. The
four truth values together with the ordering de-
fined below form a lattice FOUR = ({t, f ,B, N},):
f N t, f B t,N 6 B,B 6 N. The 4-valued
semantics of connectives ∨,∧ are defined according
to the upper and lower bounds of two elements based
on the ordering , respectively, and the operator ¬ is
defined as ¬t = f ,¬ f = t, ¬B = B, and ¬N = N.