Figure 5: The facet contact force with the different
curvatures of implant in extension, bending and torsion at
L3/4 and L4/5level.
Figure 6: The stress on implant with the different
curvatures of implant in extension, flexion, bending and
The range of motion, stress of intervertebral disc,
facet contact force, and stress on implant were
investigated with different curvatures.
The results show that the geometry of ball-and-
socket artificial disc caused remarkable
biomechanical changes at surgical level.
The general effects after inserting artificial disc
such as increase in ROM and facet contact force at
surgical level were similar to previous FE model
study (Chen et al., 2009). In this study, the range of
motion increased in extension, bending, and torsion
after TDR. However, the ROM decreased in flexion
after TDR. The reason for decreasing ROM in
flexion can be attributed to the location of implant.
A previous study related to TDR and intersegmental
rotation reported that even slightly anterior position
can cause significant ROM decrease in flexion
(Rundell et al., 2008). Accordingly, the location of
implant in this study could be slightly anterior rather
than center location. This issue, however, was not
critical because we focused on the geometry of
implant with fixed location. Also, the results were in
agreement with the previous study except for flexion.
In addition, the facet contact force increased after
inserting artificial disc as was reported by previous
studies (Kim et al., 2010).
The biomechanical effects according to the
geometry of implant at surgical level, such as the
ROM, facet contact force were significantly affected.
In addition, the stress on implant was also affected
by geometry of implant.
The entire ROM increased with decreasing
radius of curvature in extension, flexion, and lateral
bending. In axial torsion, ROM was maximum with
the largest radius of curvature. It was speculated that
the smaller radius of curvature enables the wider
range of motion, but the central point of rotation axis
misplaces in axial rotation.
The geometry of implant significantly affects the
facet contact force (FCF). The FCF was maximum
in C2, while C1 and C3 had similar values. It was
assumed that the FCF increased due to the
translation of vertebral body through the small
curvature and decreased with large curvature
because vertebral body rotates rather than translates.
The adjacent intervertebral disc stress was
similar among surgical models. The disc stress was
independent from geometry of implant.
Lastly, the implant stress tended to increase with
increasing radius of curvature in extension, flexion
and bending.
From these results, it turned out that the
translation or rotation of the artificial disc depends
on the curvature of ball-and-socket geometry. In the
case with smaller curvature, the artificial disc
translates through the curvature rather than rotates.
Therefore, the facet contact force increases and the
stress on implant also increases. Accordingly, the
facet arthrosis at surgical level and subsidence of
implant can be occurred. In addition, excessive
motion could be generated in axial torsion.
On the other hand, in the case with larger
curvature, the artificial disc rotates through the
curvature rather than translates. Therefore, the facet
contact force decreases and stress on implant also
decreases compared to the values with small
curvature. However, excessive motion can be
occurred in all motion.
Therefore, the curvature of implant should be
carefully considered to prevent undesired
complications in the future clinical application.
In this study, the follower load which represents the
intersegmental muscle force was not applied to the
FE model. Therefore, physiologic condition