yet, the meaning is changed after an honest agent has
signed the form. While this particular attack might
not be a problem, it does suggest that some form de-
signs might be vulnerable to such attacks. Unfortu-
nately, this kind of attack is very hard to find by hand;
it would be much better if it could be found automat-
ically through a translation to GoLog.
4.1 Future Work
There are two natural directions for future work. First,
as mentioned in the previous section, it would be valu-
able to turn our theory into an executable program
for finding attacks. The Golog implementation from
(Hunter et al., 2013) can immediately be applied to
find attacks due to form interception or mirroring. In
order to develop a more complete approach to form
validation, we would also like to have the intruder
use form modification actions. The challenge is to
avoid any infinite loops in which a sub-form is cre-
ated, then extended, then contracted forever. But this
is a standard problem already addressed in the Sit-
Calc tool for protocol verification, so it would be easy
enough to use the same methods for the form vali-
dation tool. The second obvious direction for future
research would be to allow more complex forms with
more structure and a wider range of options.
In the long run, it would be ideal to embed
our form validation tool in something like the Lotus
Forms designer tool. At present, Lotus Forms allows
a designer to create a form, but it does not look for any
particular attacks. It would be a significant improve-
ment if the designer would look for possible attacks
on a form, based on the number of signature fields
and the network over which it must be shared.
4.2 Conclusion
We have presented a SitCalc formalization of form
signing procedures. We have demonstrated that form
signing procedures can be formalized by extending
existing SitCalc tools for representing and reasoning
about cryptographic protocols. We have noted that
this is a problem of important practical significance,
which has not been extensively explored using for-
mal methods. It has however been demonstrated else-
where that key concepts such as commitment and de-
ception can be formalized in a logical framework in
which forms are represented as trees, and agents have
explicit beliefs. By using epistemic extensions of the
SitCalc, the framework presented here could there-
fore be used to formalize and reason about these more
complex notions as well. Logical methods have a
great deal to offer in the context of this problem; this
paper is just scratching the surface in terms of techni-
cal content and practical applications.
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