executed locally, so access to this data is facilitated. It
could be interesting to include data collection and dis-
play tools that could be ported between frameworks,
taking advantage of MASSim2Dev.
Possible enhancements to the plugin could include
providing support for user configurations like the se-
lection of the name and location of the newly gener-
ated project, conversion of individual classes and the
automatic creation of “stub launchers” that would al-
low to quickly test if the generated project executes
Finally, future projects could enrich the SAJaS
platform by creating new frameworks for different
simulation tools. While SAJaS core takes care of the
agent model and communication and other function-
alities as described in this paper, a simple independent
module takes care of interfacing with Repast. It is
possible to create new modules to interface with other
simulation tools. Such modules should implement the
following features:
• Contain a structure that organizes all the be-
haviours from all agents;
• Allow the adition of new behaviours to the
pool and initiate them by calling the appropriate
method (“onStart”);
• Allow the removal of behaviours from the pool
and terminate them by calling the appropriate
method (“onEnd” and “done”);
• Schedule each behaviours’ execution by calling
the “action” method on each behaviour – SAJaS’
Repast interface does this sequentially, but other
frameworks could do it concurrently, for instance.
The development of manuals for the implemen-
tation of such interface modules is already underway,
as is the organization of all project documentation and
source code.
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