Bacterium Model. The logistic regression model
achieves significantly better results than the baseline
model and all contest submissions. However, many
of the used features have only very little influence.
We remark that almost comparable results can be
achieved by a model that always predicts true unless
the bacterium name starts with ‘bacteri’. This sort of
model is of course not generic and largely overfits the
data. It works well because it succeeds in excluding a
significant amount of false relations. Labeled entities
occur in surface forms ‘bacterium’, ‘bacterial infec-
tions’, . . . These forms occur relatively often in texts,
but they rarely appear in Localization relations. The
reason for this is that when the word ‘bacterium’ ap-
pears in a text, it usually does not refer to the general
concept but to a specific bacterium discussed previ-
ously in the text. However, to avoid overfitting it is
preferred to use such patterns in the data by including
relevant features, rather than implementing strict de-
cision rules based on them. In the case of the above
characteristic, the name of the specific bacterium en-
tity is added as a feature in our system.
In this paper we discussed an approach for the
first two subtasks of the Bacteria Biotopes task of
BioNLP-ST 2013. For the first subtask (entity detec-
tion and ontology mapping) we implemented a model
based on Conditional Random Fields. In this sys-
tem, candidates are generated from the text and thor-
oughly inspected to find matches within the ontology.
We also devised several improvements for the bound-
ary detection of entities. Our model achieved signif-
icantly better results than all official submissions to
BioNLP-ST 2013.
For the second subtask (relation extraction) we
generated candidates with multiple generation rules
(e.g. all bacteria and locations that occur in the same
sentence). To select a candidate we used a logistic
regression model. Because we used a combination of
generation rules we achieved a much higher recall and
therefore a much better score than all official submis-
sions to BioNLP-ST 2013.
In spite of these pronounced gains, we think there
is still room for improvement, especially for the sec-
ond subtask. One potential improvement of our
model will be to consider long distance dependen-
cies between the bacterium and location, more con-
textual features and additional background knowl-
edge from external resources. In this direction, us-
ing structured output prediction and joint learning
frameworks will help us to consider these kind of
knowledge for an end-to-end entity and relation ex-
traction model (Kordjamshidi and Moens, 2013; Ko-
rdjamshidi and Moens, 2014).
The authors would like to thank the Research Founda-
tion Flanders (FWO) for funding this research (grant
G.0356.12), as well as the bilateral project of KU
Leuven and Tsinghua University DISK (DIScovery of
Knowledge on Chinese Medicinal Plants in Biomedi-
cal Texts, grant BIL/012/008). Also we would like to
thank the reviewers for their insightful comments and
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