than others. Table1 and Table2 shows the recogni-
tion rate of facial expression using OEPA-PCA and
OEPA-NMF. This result is from the joint dataset of
CK+ and JAFFE. As we achieve good recognition
rate for face recognition using PCA and NMF, we are
not interested to apply OEPA based method for face
In this work we propose a multi feature fusion based
algorithm to fuse different combination of facia fea-
ture subspace and to analyze how it improves the
facial expression recognition rate. We name this
method as Optimal Expression Specific Parts Accu-
mulation (OEPA). Here our main work is to imple-
ment OEPA based NMF algorithm and to compare
it with OEPA based PCA. As written before, we
only apply OEPA based approach for facial expres-
sion recognition, not for face recognition. As for
face recognition we achieve a reasonable result using
straight PCA and NMF. Oue result shows OEPA-PCA
and OEPA-NMF outperforms the predominant PCA
and NMF method.
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ural Science Foundation under Grant No. 61070117,
the Beijing Natural Science Foundation under Grant
No. 4122004, and the Australian Research Council
under ARC Thinking Systems Grant No. TS0689874
as well as the Importation and Development of High-
Caliber Talents Project of Beijing Municipal Institu-
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