neighborhood size between 3 and 10, and a default
Lambda parameter equals to 1.0. According to Table
5, C4.5 have presented the best accuracy rates
comparing to K-NN and Naïve Bayes that did not
exceed 97.56% and 93.18% respectively for training
sets and 92.73% and 89.79% respectively for test
sets. These classifiers have achieved good
performance but still lower comparing to the
performance of C4.5 algorithm.
Table 5: Comparison of accuracy rates obtained using
C4.5, K-NN and Naive Bayes classifiers.
Training sets Test sets
C4.5 96.01 100 91.04 100
K-NN 95.12 97.56 83.33 92.73
Naïve Bayes 85.25 93.18 83.82 89.79
By applying C4.5 decision tree algorithm in this
study, a promising and satisfying accuracy rates
were achieved. In fact, the deep analysis of the
initial data set enabled to identify the input attributes
for each decision tree. This procedure allowed to
simplify the model generation phase and produce
decision trees achieving low error rates which
contributes to the production of accurate and
efficient preliminary conclusions.
In this paper, a case study about the application of
C4.5 decision tree algorithm was conducted using a
data set extracted from the ANS unit of university
hospital Avicenne in Morocco. The objective of this
study was to produce a decision support system to
automate the analysis procedure of the ANS's test
results and make it easier for specialists. Thereby, as
a first step, C4.5 algorithm was used to generate a
set of classifiers that enable to generate the
preliminary conclusions needed to produce the
appropriate diagnosis. The classifiers were evaluated
and the results obtained achieved high accuracy rates
which were very promising. However, as a
limitation of this study, we may mention the small
size of the data set used. Thus, more validation tests
over bigger data sets should be conducted.
As mentioned in Section 3, The ANS unit is
specialized on conducting the ANS tests in order to
analyze the preliminary conclusions deducted from
the classifiers. These conclusions are analyzed by
the specialists to provide a global synthesis,
diagnosis of the patient’s state and prescribe the
appropriate treatment. In this study, we worked on
the first phase of the procedure and using the C4.5
algorithm, we were able to define a set of rules
helping to generate the preliminary conclusions. For
future work, a validation of the generated classifiers
by cardiologists on new patients needs to be carried
out. Besides, classification and association
techniques will be used to produce a complete
decision support system that provide a diagnosis for
patients and suggest the appropriate treatment.
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