Information Assistance for Smart Assembly Stations
Mario Aehnelt
and Sebastian Bader
Fraunhofer IGD, Joachim-Jungius-Str. 11, 18059 Rostock, Germany
MMIS, University of Rostock, Albert-Einstein-Str. 22, 18059 Rostock, Germany
Smart Manufacturing, Information Assistance, Cognitive Architectures.
Information assistance helps in many application domains to structure, guide and control human work pro-
cesses. However, it lacks a formalisation and automated processing of background knowledge which vice
versa is required to provide ad-hoc assistance. In this paper, we describe our conceptual and technical work to
include contextual background knowledge in raising awareness, guiding, and monitoring the assembly worker.
We present cognitive architectures as missing link between highly sophisticated manufacturing data systems
and implicitly available contextual knowledge on work procedures and concepts of the work domain. Our
work is illustrated with examples in SWI-Prolog and the Soar cognitive architecture.
Evaluations show that people with a detailed work
plan complete their tasks faster than without it, even
if they did not carry out the planning themselves
(Kokkalis et al., 2013). This is a key motivation for
intelligent systems which assist the worker by creat-
ing work plans autonomously and guide him through
single work procedures aiming to improve both ef-
ficiency and effectiveness of his work. Such intelli-
gent systems will help in manufacturing to ensure a
high product quality even when working with insuf-
ficiently qualified personnel. They inform the worker
about current and upcoming tasks, provide him with
detailed knowledge on assembly procedures, or mon-
itor correct work order execution.
Although manufacturing industries already use
powerful data management systems that support the
planning, execution and monitoring of production
processes, there is still a lack of methods and tech-
nologies which bring intelligent assistance to the shop
floor. Basically, it lacks an automated processing
of the lion’s share of domain dependent background
knowledge. It is hidden in work related standards,
regulations, guidelines or simply maintained by ex-
perts, thus not available for the average worker.
Our research specifically addresses information
assistance for assembly stations at the manufacturing
shop floor. Although smart factories establish digital-
isation and automation to streamline manufacturing
processes and quality, there is still the need for man-
ual assembly operations (W
urtz and K
olmel, 2012).
Here, it requires systematic information assistance in
order to manage the complexity and heterogeneity of
extremely small lot sizes.
Throughout this paper we focus on smart factories
in which individually customised products are assem-
bled by humans. In particular, we assume a lot size
of one. This implies, that basically every product is
unique and required new construction plans. In con-
trast to larger lot sizes or series production, it is not
profitable to invest much into product-specific assis-
tance systems. Therefore, we need to derive useful
assistance systems from existing information sources.
This paper is organised as follows: First, we dis-
cuss different types of assistance within the focus of
manual assembly processes. Sec. 3 and 4 describe
how to detect important situations and how to pro-
vide assistance, respectively. In Sec. 5 we show how
cognitive architectures can be used to formalize and
process the missing background knowledge. We con-
clude our work with Sec. 6.
Below we discuss use cases in which different types
of assistance are required to support manual assembly
processes. But first we give a short introduction to
assembly work activities.
The assembly of machines and technical systems
is an essential part of production. It consumes up to
Aehnelt M. and Bader S..
Information Assistance for Smart Assembly Stations.
DOI: 10.5220/0005216501430150
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2015), pages 143-150
ISBN: 978-989-758-074-1
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
40 percent of costs and even 70 percent of production
time. During an assembly single machine parts are
joined to first-order assemblies (pre-assembly), then
to assemblies of higher order (intermediate assem-
bly) and finally to an end product (final assembly).
The German VDI guideline 2860 (German Engineers’
Association, 1990) further differentiates between pri-
mary assembly, which includes the main joining oper-
ations as defined with the DIN 8580 (DIN Deutsches
Institut f
ur Normung e.V., 2003), and secondary as-
sembly, including all additional assembly activities
like handling, adjustment and control of parts, mate-
rial, tools, and machines. Assembly operations such
as joining directly refer to physical activities of the
worker. A more detailed description of the manual
operations as well as of the physical work environ-
ment can , for example, be found in (Aehnelt et al.,
Traditionally, a worker is equipped with work or-
ders describing the work to be done on an abstract
level. It strongly depends on his individual knowl-
edge and experiences to interpret the given informa-
tion correctly. Information assistance, especially in
complex and continuously changing assembly work
processes, improves the quality of work by ensuring
an immediate transfer of required work information
to the workplace and back to planning systems for ex-
ample. Here, we differentiate between five general
types of information assistance:
Raising awareness: The worker requires up-to-
the-minute knowledge about his direct and rele-
vant work environment in order to align his own
activities accordingly. Knowing early enough the
malfunction or breakdown of a machine, which
produces parts for his own assembly, influences
his situational decisions and activities. Thus, in-
formation assistance needs to make the worker
aware of relevant states, events and occurrences
within the work environment which have an in-
fluence on the planning and execution of the
worker’s tasks.
Guiding: The worker requires orientation with re-
spect to his current and upcoming assembly tasks.
This needs to be given through operational guid-
ance which filters available information for each
specific work step, in order to reduce the parallel
information load to a required minimum. Know-
ing the exact joining procedure beforehand does
not reduce the risk of failures, especially in com-
plex assembly cases. Thus, information assistance
needs to split complex procedures into smaller
but easier understandable parts, used to guide the
worker step-by-step through the assembly.
Monitoring: In the first place, monitoring the as-
sembly process has a practical value. It allows a
detailed comparison as well as re-calculation of
planned and real time figures. Additionally, it en-
ables the early identification of quality issues or
interruptions. Information assistance needs to col-
lect required data from the workplace which sup-
ports the continuously production re-planning. It
also needs to control the correct execution of as-
sembly procedures to avoid reworking in case of
wrong assembly orders, skipped parts or incorrect
tool usage.
Documenting: When it comes to quality issues or
even complaints, information assistance needs to
support tracking back these issues to their roots,
which requires a parallel documentation of assem-
bly tasks. However, this kind of documentation
can also be helpful to evaluate assembly proce-
dures finding examples of best practice or expert
knowledge inherited within individual work pro-
Guarding: The physical and cognitive loads at the
assembly workplace vary from situation to situ-
ation. Information assistance needs to guard the
worker from overload by balancing the load lev-
els within healthy borders or by visualising it.
Based on the use cases introduced above, we dis-
cuss the current state of the art in assistance for man-
ual assembly tasks. Smart assistance is no novelty
in manufacturing. However, we find there a major-
ity of specialised and single task solutions focussing
on quality assurance and information transfer (Berndt
and Sauer, 2012). Other research deals with con-
cepts for smart factories which automate the plan-
ning and execution of manufacturing processes in au-
tonomously working factories. Focussing on the au-
tomation of robot cells Mayer et al. proposed the
usage of intelligent systems to resemble human de-
cision making and problem solving for complex as-
sembly tasks (Mayer et al., 2011). They introduce
the cognitive control unit (CCU) which ensures the
numerical planning of robot behaviour backed by a
cognitive architecture. Cognitive architectures can be
understood as a mean to implement intelligent and au-
tonomous behaviour in assistance applications. They
have proven capable of supporting complex problem
solving tasks. A recent example is the simulation of
mission management for unmanned aircrafts (Gunetti
et al., 2013).
Our own work contributes to the growing demand
of information assistance for manual work operations
in manufacturing which underlies human flexibility
and failures as motivated by (Bader and Aehnelt,
2014). In particular, we focus on assistance that can
be generated automatically from existing knowledge
operation = soldering
tools = [soldering-iron]
wires tin-solder
wire wire wire wire wire
>> >> >> >>
Figure 1: A simple task model stating that a wire-spool is
build from 5 wires and tin-solder. In addition, the top-most
node contains the joining operation (soldering) and the tools
to be used (soldering-iron).
sources. This allows to use the approach also for
small lot sizes.
To actually provide assistance, we first need to rec-
ognize situations in which this is necessary. We will
discuss the recognition process only briefly, because
we simply utilize an approach presented at ICAART
2014. Therefore, we only review some ideas pre-
sented in (Bader and Aehnelt, 2014). Based on a
formalization of assembly tasks, using so-called task
models, a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) is synthe-
sized. The resulting HMM is used to filter sensor data
and compute a probability distribution over the cur-
rent state of the process. As sensory inputs only the
processed building blocks are used and the accuracy is
analysed with respect to different sensor errors. Here,
we use a similar approach, but instead of using the
single building blocks as sensory inputs, we also uti-
lize the tools used for the assembly. Figure 1 shows
such an enhanced task model, stating that a wire-spool
is built from 5 wires and some tin-solder. The parts
are joined by soldering them using a soldering-iron.
To raise awareness for important state changes in
the environment as well as for guiding the worker, the
current state of the assembly process needs to be de-
termined. For this, we rely on the results reported in
(Bader and Aehnelt, 2014), indicating that this is in-
deed feasible. Based on our annotated models, we
believe that the results should be even better, but a
detailed analysis is subject to future work.
To detect assembly errors or deviations from the
usual procedure is harder to track. In (Bader and
Aehnelt, 2014), the authors describe how the system
reacts with respect to different types of sensor errors
(missing and repeated readings).
But here, we need to detect actual assembly errors,
which has not been tackled before. As the task model
produces(’WireMachine’, wire ).
task(wirespool, % goal
soldering , % operation
[ soldering iron], % tools
[ tin solder, 5wire ]). % parts
Listing 1: Static background information describing that a
WireMachine produces wires and that a wire-spool is as-
sembled by soldering wires using a soldering-iron. The task
corresponds to the task-model shown in Figure 1.
storage(wire , 3).
assembles(worker1, wirespool).
broken(’WireMachine’, no copper available ).
knows(worker1, howTo(soldering )).
Listing 2: Dynamic background information describing that
3 wires are available, worker1 assembles a wire-spool, and
that the wire machine is broken.
describes valid construction paths only, the result-
ing HMM will always compute a probability distri-
bution over valid paths. Therefore, an assembly error
is not directly observable. To track assembly errors
nonetheless, we analyse the development of the prob-
ability distribution over states. Because valid paths
result in rather crisp probability distributions (i.e., one
path has a very high probability while all others a low
one), errors result in a higher entropy of the distri-
bution. Based on this insight, we are able to detect
situations in which an error occurred.
Information assistance at the assembly workplace
aims at the continuous information exchange between
leading manufacturing data systems (enterprise re-
source planning, manufacturing execution, etc.) and
the worker in order to support efficient working and to
avoid interruptions, failures or quality related issues.
To keep argumentation and presentation simple,
we assume that the state of the world is known ex-
actly. The system described here, has been imple-
mented in SWI-Prolog
. The state of the world is de-
scribed as static and dynamic facts shown in Listing 1
and 2, respectively.
Below, we work out information which helps to
provide awareness on the assembly situation, guides
the worker through an assembly, and finally monitors
his work and results.
informationDemand(InfoType, Person, Info) :
% Person assembles a given item ..
assembles(Person, Item ),
% ... containing a Part with a given Quantity
isPartOf( Part , Item, Quantity ),
% The Machine producing the Part ...
produces(Machine, Part ),
% ... is broken for a given Reason
broken(Machine, Reason),
% The Quantity is larger than the StoredQuantity
storage( Part , SQ), Quantity > SQ,
InfoType = awareness(stateOf(Machine)),
Info = brokenMachine(Machine, Part, SQ).
Listing 3: Specification of an information demand to raise
awareness with respect to a broken machine. The predicate
isPartOf allows to access sup-parts as defined through the
task model.
4.1 Raising Awareness
Situational awareness with respect to his work envi-
ronment helps the worker to orientate within complex
processes and to align his own activities accordingly
(Gutwin and Greenberg, 2002). It can be understood
as inherent information demand of carrying out and
completing work tasks. All changes of the virtual or
physical work environment which influence the ongo-
ing or upcoming assembly tasks need to made aware
to the worker. This includes, for example:
planned tasks which can change in time and pri-
missing material, tool or information which are
required but not available for assembly, or
deviations from normal procedures, orders and
Depending on the information impact as well as ur-
gency, assistance needs to help perceiving it embed-
ded in the ongoing work flow.
After evaluating the information demand as
specified in Listing 3 with respect to the cur-
rent state of the world, InfoType is unified with
awareness( stateOf (WireMachine’)) and Info with
brokenMachine(’WireMachine’, wire, 3). In addition,
all premisses are known. This allows to generate the
output shown in Figure 2. A simple verbalisation
engine is used to translate the predicates (e.g.,
shown in bold font in Listing 3) instantiated while
computing the information demand into english
sentences. Predicates corresponding to dynamic facts
are verbalised as assumptions.
Type: awareness(stateOf(WireMachine))
User: worker1
Info: We are running low on wire, because WireMa-
chine is broken and only 3 items are left in storage.
Explanation: It is assumed that worker1 assembles
wire-spool. Item wire is needed 5 times to assem-
ble a wire-spool. WireMachine produces wire. It
is assumed that WireMachine is broken, because
no copper available. It is assumed that 3 items of
wire are left in storage. Worker1 should be aware
of the state of WireMachine.
Figure 2: Infomessage and explanation generated for the
information demand specified in Listing 3.
4.2 Guiding
Similar to formal education processes, information
assistance in form of guiding can be understood as an
informal way of mediating and learning facts (what),
procedures (how) and concepts (why) required for a
specific assembly task. The shaping and depth of
guidance varies depending on a specific assistance ob-
jective to be supported (Aehnelt and Urban, 2014). In
a first step the worker is required to remember, under-
stand and apply the given information in order to pre-
pare and execute his assembly task correctly. Thus,
information assistance has to collect and visualise:
bills of material which identify the material to be
used for an assembly step,
bills of tools which lists the tools and machines to
be used for joining procedures,
procedures which describe the correct handling,
adjusting, joining, and controlling of materials
and tools including safety relevant information,
planned figures which detail the expected assem-
bly times and results.
As motivated in Section 2, it is important to split com-
plex assembly procedures into smaller instructions
(steps), reducing thus cognitive loads for the worker
and giving them a clear work structure (Kokkalis
et al., 2013). Showing then the required informa-
tion parallel to the ongoing work process for each step
only, helps to achieve the three assistance objectives.
Similar to the information demand specified in
Listing 3, it is possible to formalise guiding knowl-
edge. This includes for example the tool to be used for
the current assembly operation as shown in Listing 4.
Figure 3 shows the resulting output after verbalising
the predicates.
informationDemand(InfoType, Person, Info) :
% Person assembles a item
assembles(Person, Item ),
% get JoinOperation from task model
task(Item, JoinOp, Tools , Parts ),
InfoType = guiding(JoinOp),
Info = currJoinOp(Person, Item, JoinOp, Tools ).
Listing 4: Specification of an information demand with re-
spect to the current type of join operation and the tools to
be used.
Type: guiding(JoinOp)
User: worker1
Info: You should soldering the wire-spool using
Explanation: It is assumed that worker1 assem-
bles wire-spool. Item wire-spool is assembled
via soldering, using a soldering-iron.
Figure 3: Infomessage and explanation generated for the
information demand specified in Listing 4.
Similar specifications can be used to refer to the
items to be used. For complex assembly tasks, many
different types of joining operations have to be per-
formed by the worker. Usually, not every worker has
the same in-depth training for all of them. There-
fore, more background knowledge should be provided
for unknown operations. This can be formalised as
shown in Listing 5.
informationDemand(InfoType, Person, Info) :
% Person assembles a given part
assembles(Person, Part ),
% get information from task model
task( Part , JoinOp, Tools , Children ),
% if there is a description D of the op ...
bgInfo(joinOp(JoinOp), description (D)),
% ... and the person does not know it
not( knows(Person, howTo(JoinOp)) ),
InfoType = bgInfo(joinOp(JoinOp))
Info = bgInfo(joinOp(JoinOp), description (D)).
Listing 5: Specification of an information demand with re-
spect to missing background knowledge.
Assuming knows(worker1, howTo(soldering)) to be
true, and false for worker2, results in different infor-
mation assistance for both.
4.3 Monitoring
Monitoring the ongoing assembly activities of the
worker establishes a feedback channel to the infor-
mation assistance system. It requires a close observa-
tion of work progress, rejects, and issues for practical
reasons. Manufacturing execution systems need this
information to allow a detailed planning of produc-
tion processes. For situation recognition we require
more detailed knowledge from monitoring: the ma-
terial taken as well as tools picked up and their con-
figuration, which enables us to draw conclusions on
the current assembly step executed and possible devi-
ations in comparison to the provided instructions.
The previous sections showed conceptual and tech-
nical considerations with respect to acquiring knowl-
edge on actual assembly situations as well as to pro-
viding information assistance at the assembly work-
place. Although, a vast amount of required infor-
mation can already be found in manufacturing data
management systems, the major share of procedural
and conceptual knowledge is not yet formalised in
systems which allow their automated processing (see
Figure 4). We find work instructions, standards, or
assembly guidelines normally written in natural lan-
guage within accompanying documents. However,
there has already been research to distinguish between
the semantic meaning of instructions and their vi-
sual representation (Mader and Urban, 2010) based
on controlled vocabularies which allows for automa-
tion. They still require a manual authoring of instruc-
tions for each assembly process individually. What
we require in contrast for guiding for example, is an
abstract formalisation of assembly procedures in gen-
eral which is filled at runtime with factual knowledge
about the specific product or situation.
Cognitive architectures are a mean to bridge the
gap between common assembly descriptions, that we
find in VDI 2860 or DIN 8580, and reusable proce-
dural knowledge in information assistance systems.
Below, we summarize our approach of utilising the
cognitive architecture Soar for assisting the worker
during assembly.
5.1 Cognitive Architectures
Cognitive architectures can be traced back to Newell’s
early hypothesis that any artificial intelligence is
based on a symbol system and related rules (Newell,
1980). As of today, a cognitive architecture describes
the mental structure for human information process-
ing, the representation and organization of informa-
tion within these structures as well as the functional
processing required to acquire, use, and modify in-
formation (Langley et al., 2008). Hence, they allow
modelling and implementing intelligent behaviour in
smart applications and environments. We also need it
for providing assistance as described in Section 2. In
our own work we use the cognitive architecture Soar
(state, operator and result) for:
situation detection based on observations of the
physical work environment and following reason-
the formalisation and processing of contextual
background knowledge (e.g. procedures, expla-
interactions with the worker as well as the phys-
ical environment to provide assistance by raising
awareness and guiding for example, and for
additionally learning assembly related practices
from observation.
In general, processes in Soar are related to the grad-
ual alternation of information and states in working
or long-term memory (Laird, 2012). Here, a situation
is formalized as a state in working memory, which
is modified by evaluating and applying operators un-
til an intended final state is reached. The operator
definition consists of required conditions and actions
on the working memory. It inherits procedural and
conceptual knowledge from the corresponding knowl-
edge domain. New operators can also be derived by
observation of decision making processes (chunking)
and through learning processes.
First examples on how we use Soar to provide as-
sembly assistance are illustrated below.
Assembly Information
Facts Procedures Concepts
best practice
What? How?
Enterprise Resource
Planning System
Execution System
Enterprise Content
System (ECMS)
Expert Knowledge
Enterprise Content
System (ECMS)
Expert Knowledge
Figure 4: Required information is contained in different en-
terprise resources. Partly it is individual expert knowledge
which is not externalised in any management system.
5.2 Situation Detection
In Soar we represent the individual situations of
the work environment during an assembly by states.
Each state identifies a different condition of elements
within the Soar working memory, which finally holds
a virtual copy of the physical environment. Thus, we
transfer the state of real objects, e.g. tools, the mate-
rial stack, or even the workplace, into logical objects
and their attributes in working memory. Soar con-
nects then to sensors which allow the observation of
individual object states and events, e.g. the usage of a
tool, in order to update attributes of the related work-
ing memory object. The working memory is so the
basis of all reasoning on discrete states of the work
In Listing 6 we illustrate the usage of Soar’s state
operator mechanism for a specific soldering situation.
It consists of two parts, an operator proposal rule and
an application rule. The first one defines the pre-
condition of a state described by working memory ob-
jects and their attributes. In our example it requires at
least two materials or parts and a soldering iron in or-
der to start a soldering operation. If the current state
of the working memory matches these conditions, the
operator join-part becomes candidate in following de-
cision making.
# parts can only be soldered if there are at least
# two parts taken , a soldering iron and solder to
# support the joining operation
sp {proposesolderingparts
( state <s> ˆname assemble)
(<s> ˆcount taken > 1)
(<s> ˆiron taken <=> yes)
(<s> ˆ solder taken <=> yes)
(<s> ˆoperator <o> + =)
(<o> ˆname solderingparts ) }
# soldering parts reduces the taken parts to a
# single compound part and consumes solder
sp {applysolderingparts
( state <s> ˆ solderingparts)
(<s> ˆcount taken <t>)
(<s> ˆ solder taken <m>)
(<s> ˆname soldering)
(<s> ˆcount taken 1)
(<s> ˆcount taken <t> )
(<s> ˆ solder taken <m> ) }
Listing 6: Definition of operator and production rules in
Soar for joining assembly step.
Soar evaluates the likelihood of each operator
based on the current state of objects in working mem-
ory and all candidate proposal rule definitions. It uses
contextual knowledge (see Section 5.3) to compare
and select candidate operators during decision mak-
With applying finally the operator soldering-parts
the working memory state is changed by modifying
single memory objects, e.g. by reducing the amount
of available parts.
5.3 Contextual Knowledge
One of Soar’s strengths lays in its interaction be-
tween working and long-term memory. While the
working memory holds information about the cur-
rent condition of logical objects (see Section 5.2), the
long-term memory represents the contextual knowl-
edge which is required to select and apply an opera-
tor. Here, we find five different knowledge types in
Soar: knowledge which qualifies an operator for a sit-
uation, knowledge to compare operators, knowledge
to select a single one, knowledge to change the work-
ing memory, and knowledge to elaborate a state. All
types contain contextual knowledge of the application
work domain, in our case of assembly activities as for-
mulated in VDI 2860 and DIN 8580.
In Listing 7 we encode this assembly knowledge
to define the sequential order of single work steps and
their requirements. In this example, we require fur-
ther solder material prior to collecting the soldering
iron, which will be defined by additional preference
operators, such as +,>,<, or !.
# soldering parts requires additional solder
# material which need to be taken first
sp {proposetakesolder
( state <s> ˆname assemble)
(<s> ˆiron taken <=> yes ˆsolder taken)
(<s> ˆoperator <o1> + ; <o1> > <o2>)
(<o1> ˆname takesolder)
(<o2> ˆname takeiron) }
Listing 7: Contextual knowledge of the work domain is en-
coded in Soar’s production rules.
In this way, we were able to transfer the relevant as-
sembly process logic into Soar operators. They help
us guiding the worker with small sized assembly in-
structions as required for an automated information
5.4 Interaction
We also use Soar to establish an interaction between
information assistance system and the worker as well
as vice versa. As described in Section 4 we aim to
raise the worker’s awareness with respect to relevant
information on his ongoing assembly process, guide
him step by step through the assembly, and monitor
his work activities. It finally requires the interaction
to inform him and collect data from him. This can
also be formalised by operator rules.
# provide information assistance once the worker
# is not informed on his following work step
sp {proposeinform
( state <s> ˆtype state )
(<s> ˆname <n> ˆis informed)
(<s> ˆoperator <o1> !)
(<o1> ˆname inform) }
Listing 8: Information assistance is modeled as operators in
Listing 8 shows the proposal rule of an inform op-
erator which will provide the worker with instructions
for his next assembly steps. In a similar manner we
define operators for raising awareness for example.
In this paper we showed how to provide information
assistance for a smart assembly station. After defin-
ing different types of information demands, we briefly
discussed a possibility to detect situations in which
assistance is needed. Then we showed how assistance
can be provided using a crisp state of the world and
logical specifications of the information demand (us-
ing an implementation in SWI Prolog). Even though,
most information can already be found in manufactur-
ing data management systems, the majority of proce-
dural and conceptual knowledge is not yet formalised.
To bridge this gap we use the Soar architecture.
Although the concept of cognitive architectures
is not new to implementing systems with intelligent
behaviour, it is still rarely used to make the contex-
tual background knowledge from an application do-
main accessible for complex problem solving tasks.
Our approach shows on both, conceptual as well as
technical level, the usage of an cognitive architecture
for supporting information assistance on the manu-
facturing shop floor. It illustrates the role of logical
modelling and the transfer of implicit and barely for-
malised knowledge into predicate logic and state op-
However, one of the next required steps is to learn
new procedures and novel connections from observa-
tion of real assembly activities. Here it is promising
to start with a basic guidance skeleton and detail the
missing assembly steps by tracking, interpreting, and
learning from work procedures of assembly experts.
In addition, we are working on an experimental eval-
uation of the ideas. This includes the collection of
real sensor data and the formalisation of real-world
examples. And finally we will work on an automated
transfer of real existing knowledge into an assistance
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