evaluation is suggested. The ISO/IEC 25010 software
product quality model has been applied to the mPHR
requirements identified in this study. A checklist con-
taining 30 external sub-characteristics has been pre-
sented to calculate the influence of mPHR require-
ments on software product quality. The degrees of
influence of mPHR requirements on a software prod-
uct are calculated and analyzed. The results of this
study have shown that some characteristics, through
certain sub-characteristics, are more influenced by the
mPHR requirements than others, particularly, Func-
tional suitability, Reliability, Performance efficiency,
Operability and Security characteristics. As future
work, we intend to use the results from this study
as a basis to carry out an empirical evaluation of an
mPHR. We intend also to express the disparity and
variability in the degree of influence of the various
mPHR requirements.
This research is part of the mPHR project in Morocco
financed by the Ministry of High education and Sci-
entific research in Morocco 2014-2016.
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