ranging from 67% to 15%, however as the final value
improved on the previous score raising the improve-
ment to 24% this may indicate that the decrease is
more general, or even a feature of the network, the av-
erage improvement being 35%. The decrease in bad
requests fluctuated wildly and, in fact, in one instance,
for the first time, the Energy-Weighted algorithm per-
formed worse in terms of bad requests than its coun-
terpart with a 23% increase in bad requests. However
the overall performance of the algorithm in this in-
stance was superior with a 24% improvement in the
number of successful requests. The average improve-
ment on the number of bad requests was 7.2%. The
decrease of the mean energy of a node between the
two algorithms fluctuated without pattern and aver-
aged at 32.2% decrease of mean energy per live node
in the Energy-Weighted algorithm compared to the
Non-Energy-Weighted algorithm.
An algorithm for multicast routing in wireless sensor
networks based on energy-reweighting is proposed
to optimize the energy-cost of a routing and the
network lifetime. We have found the proposed
approach, based on re-weighting of edges to reflect
the remaining energy level of the nodes, improves
network lifetime, routing significantly more success-
ful requests before the WSN becomes disconnected,
while utilising the resources of the network far more
effectively. This is represented by a steady decrease
in the average remaining energy of a random, live
node in the network after it is disconnected.
The results of the Energy-Weighted Steiner tree
based approach for the multicast routing problem in
Wireless Sensor Networks were consistently superior
to a purely Steiner tree based algorithm and a Shortest
path based algorithm. The percentage of improve-
ment on the total number of requests processed varied
greatly between runs, being between 3% and 56%
on average, depending on the termination conditions.
The percentage of improvement in this regard seemed
to weakly decrease as the network became more
disconnected with the average improvement over all
experiments being 21%. The reduction in the number
of unsuccessful requests (where applicable) also
fluctuated between 7.2% and 81%. There was even a
single instance where the Energy-Weighted algorithm
performed worse than its counterpart in this regard,
however simultaneously improving significantly on
the number of successful requests. Nevertheless,
there was a generally consistent improvement on the
number of bad requests, with the Energy-Weighted
algorithm averaging out at 43% less bad requests.
The Energy-Weighted algorithm also maintained a
consistent decrease in the mean energy level of a
live residual network node after termination. The
improvement here fluctuated very mildly averaging at
a 29% decrease in energy and indicating a consistent,
significantly more efficient use of network resources
on the part of the Energy-weighted algorithm.
The paper considered identical transmission
costs per node as this is the more common scenario
in actual WSNs, as though the nodes may be at
differenct actual distances from one another, each
node in a common WSn transmits with the same
invariable signal strength. Thus the cost of tranmis-
sion is the same to any node within range regardless
of actual distance. However, if the transmission
costs were different, perhaps under the assumption
of different sensor types in the network, the model
would require bi-directional edge costs, with the costs
varying depending on the transmitting node. This
may be an interesting future extension of the research.
The authors would like to thank Dr. Kathleen
ofel for her support. This work is partially
supported by the Scientific and Technical Research
Council of Turkey and Erciyes University Scientific
Research Projects, Project No: FBA-12-4029.
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