However, though some CPGs covering frequently
occurring comorbidities might be devised, there is a
need for formal methodologies to support physicians
in the detection and resolution of interactions
between guidelines, and, ultimately, in the process
of merging two or more guidelines. As a result, in
the very last years some computer-based approaches
have started to face this problem (see the discussion
in Section 5).
In this paper, we focus on one central issue in
the management of multiple CIGs, namely the
development of a methodology addressing
interaction detection. In a recent work (Piovesan et
al. 2014), we have identified three different
knowledge levels at which interactions might occur:
(i) level of the intentions of the CIG actions, (ii)
level of the effects of the drug categories
(recommended by the pharmaceutical actions in the
CIGs), and (iii) level of drugs. We have also pointed
out that, in turn, levels (i) and (ii) may be structured
at different levels of abstraction. Indeed, though a
large variety of representation formalisms exists
(Ten Teije et al. 2008), most CIG formalism support
a hierarchical decomposition of guidelines at
multiple levels of detail, in which composite actions
may be represented, and then refined (possibly at
different levels of abstraction) into their
components. At the finest level of detail therapeutic
pharmaceutical actions in the guideline may
recommend, depending on the accuracy, the use of
drugs or drugs categories, or active principles (thus,
also the interactions between drug categories must
be considered). In turn, drug categories are usually
structured in a hierarchy representing different levels
of detail (see, e.g., ATC (WHO Collaborating Centre
for Drug Statistics Methodology n.d.)). In (Piovesan
et al. 2014), we have also proposed an ontological
representation for the interactions at the different
levels, as well as an algorithm that, given two
actions (or drugs), automatically queries the
ontology to detect interactions between them.
The main goal of this paper is that of extending
the approach in (Piovesan et al. 2014) to provide
user physicians with a flexible support to navigation
and focusing (considering both CIGs and ontology,
at the different levels of detail), in order to
interactively identify actions/drugs on which
interaction analysis should be performed.
The treatment of interactions between CIGs is a very
challenging one, involving difficult problems both at
the knowledge and at the process level.
At the knowledge level, two main limitations
have to be faced:
(K1) defining and acquiring “a priori” a new
guideline for any possible co-morbidity (i.e., for any
possible combination of two or more CIGs) is not
realistic in practice;
(K2) defining and acquiring, for each possible
pair of CIGs G1 and G2, and for each possible pair
of actions (a1G1, a2G2) the interactions between
them is practically unfeasible, too.
At the process level, an automatic process that,
considering two input CIGs G1 and G2, provides as
output the possible interactions between each
possible pair of actions (a1G1, a2G2) is
technically feasible, but practically useless for user
physicians, since the problem is combinatorial, and
too many interactions would be provided to the users
(consider, in particular, the usual dimensions of real-
world CIGs, and the number of alternative paths
they contain).
In this paper, we propose a methodology that
overcomes the above problems.
At the knowledge level, we (K1) consider CIGs
developed for single diseases, and (K2) employ an
ontology in which possible interactions between
actions (or, better, between their goals and
intentions) are modelled independently of the
specific CIGs.
At the process level, we propose a mixed-
initiative algorithm for the detection of interactions
which, taking in input two CIGs, (i) allows user
physicians to integrate their knowledge in order to
focus such detection on relevant sets of actions, and
(ii) exploits the (guideline independent) ontological
knowledge to find and analyse the interactions
between such focused parts.
Notice that the navigation and focusing phase is
interactive and physician-driven, and may be
facilitated by a user-friendly graphical interface. On
the other hand, the interactions between the focused
parts of the CIGs can be automatically provided by
the system (the navigation on the ontology and the
inferences on it are hidden to user-physicians). A
distinguishing feature of our approach is also
flexibility: it supports the navigation and selection of
the focus at different levels of abstraction.
The goal of this paper is to propose a system-
independent methodology. We only assume that (i)
CIGs can be structured at different levels of detail,
as a hierarchical graph, (ii) CIGs contain, besides
composite actions, also actions prescribing the
administration of drug categories (or, possibly, even