5.1 Future Work
The main hurdle before our RHGA can be used in
real-world systems is to test and verify it under real-
istic conditions. This includes considering historical
data of oil tanker traffic, realistic estimates of the vari-
able maximum tug speeds attainable under various
conditions, realistic drift trajectories and cross point
distributions, downtime of tugs due to secondary mis-
sions or change of crew, and so on. It may also be
necessary to extend the algorithm to 2D, in particu-
lar high risk scenarios where oil tankers enter or leave
port and therefore are much closer to land than when
sailing along the TSS corridor. Although challenging,
we do welcome the prospect of TFO algorithms be-
ing adopted as decision-support tools for VTS centres
around the world.
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Norge and the Research Council of Norway through
the project Dynamic Resource Allocation with Mar-
itime Application (DRAMA), grant no. ES504913.
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