Wardrop’s (1952) user-equilibrium principle is essen-
tially the condition for a Nash (1950) game-theoretic
equilibrium among road-users, since no driver can re-
duce his/her travel time by switching to a different
route choice. Wardrop’s principle has been a cor-
nerstone in road traffic research for decades. For an
overview of traffic equilibrium models, see Patriksson
and Labbe (2004).
Other researchers have developed specific game-
theoretic models for transport-related problems. Bell
(2000) investigates network reliability by studying a
zero-sum game between a cost-minimising driver and
a demon that sets the link costs. This game is a con-
cept game in the sense that the demon is not a real
player, and is used to explore the worst-case scenar-
ios faced by the driver. Other researchers have also
explored concept games among road users. James
(1998) studies a game among n road-users where
any player’s utility of using the road segment de-
creases when there are more users. Levinson (2005)
also studies congestion by investigating a game where
the players (drivers) choose their departure times.
Pedersen (2003) investigates road safety by a game
where players choose the behavioural level of driv-
ing aggression. All these games study the competi-
tion among road users. Holland and Prashker (2006)
give an excellent review of recent literature on non-
cooperative games in transport research.
Surprisingly, studies on the competitive situation
amongst public transit operators have received little
attention from transport researchers. Castell et al.
(2004) modelled a Stackelberg game between two au-
thorities (one determining flow, and the other capaci-
ties) in a freight transport network, which is different
to a passenger transit network since the route choice
is not determined by the transportee (freight). Ac-
cording to Holland and Prashker (2006), the “small
number of such games is surprising, considering that
NCGT [non-cooperative game theory] seems a natu-
ral tool for analysing relations between authorities. ...
Trends such as tendering and privatisation, that have
a vital role on today’s transport agenda, also seem apt
to be modelled through games between authorities”.
Surprisingly, there has been very little research along
this line.
Some researchers have studied games between au-
thorities and travellers. Fisk (1984) investigates a
Stackelberg game between the authority that sets traf-
fic signals and all travellers who then finds the user-
equilibrium solution. Chen and Ben-Akiva (1998)
investigates a similar game in a dynamic setting.
Reyniers (1992) studies a game between the railway
operators who sets the capacities for different fare
classes and the passengers who chooses which class
to use. Hollander et al. (2006) studies a game be-
tween the parking authority and travellers to explore
the incentives for public transport ridership. All these
games, however, only involve one operator/authority.
Only few researchers have investigated games with
several operators and passengers. Van Zuylen and
Taale (2004) studies a game with two authorities (one
for urban roads and one for ring roads) and the driv-
ing public. Fernandez and Marcotte (1992) and Fer-
nandez et al. (1993) investigated traffic equilibrium
models involving car users, bus users and bus opera-
tors and presented algorithms for finding the equilib-
rium solutions; their models are general and consid-
ered traffic congestion effects. The focus of our paper
is on the strategic competition among public transit
We have made some preliminary investigation into
the strategic gaming situation among competing pub-
lic transit service providers. In our first-cut model,
we assume that all the operators have the same cost
and price structure, and that the total ridership be-
tween each origin-destination pair is equally divided
among all the operators that service that particular
route. In this setting, a player of the game is the ser-
vice provider, and its strategy is the set of routes that
it chooses to offer service. Each player tries to max-
imize its total profit, and a Nash equilibrium occurs
when no player can improve its profit by unilaterally
changing the set of routes it services.
We can show that this game can be modelled as
what is known as a potential game (first introduced
by Rosenthal, 1973) where the equilibrium can be
computed by solving an auxiliary mathematical pro-
gramme with a potential function as a surrogate ob-
jective. The solvability for the Nash equilibrium al-
lows us to make some comparisons between the com-
petitive equilibrium and a centralised monopolistic
profit-maximizing operator and draw some insights.
3.1 Basic Competitive Model
We consider a game among n players (service
providers) and m possible routes (origin-destination
pairs). Player i’s strategy consists of a subset of the
routes S
⊆ M = {1, 2,··· , m}. For each route j, let k
be the number of players who choose to offer service
on the route, i.e., k
= |{i : j ∈ S
}|. Note that k
endogenously determined. Let a
denote the revenue
from the total ridership on route j, assumed exoge-
nously determined, and let δ
be the cost of operat-