The models we proposed for this particular frequency
assignment problem applied to the design of multi-
beam satellite systems allowed to algorithmically
solve instances that could not be solved by satellite
telecommunications engineers. We showed that the
decomposition method we devised could produce so-
lutions and even optimal solutions in reasonable
computational times especially compared to the
mances of the global constraint program for
that prob-
lem. We also showed that relying on the
cliques of
the interference graphs was an acceptable
and most likely a way to improve our
current algorithms for the scheduling subproblem of
our decomposition method. Concerning the path-
covering problem, a series of experiments showed
that realistic instances where solved almost
instantaneously by the
solver Gurobi, which tells us
that we extracted an
interesting subproblem, and we
will definitely try to
take advantage of this in some
way in the next algorithms we will implement. To
solve the largest realistic instances, work still has to be
done to get faster results and improving the algorithms
for the scheduling
part might not be enough. Instead
of solving the two
identified subproblems
sequentially, we might aim at more integrated
approaches inspired by combinatorial
Benders’ cuts
for instance, or with filtering algorithms
locally the path covering problem.
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