After the image threshold operation, the classifica-
tion of each particle entails the following computation
• boundary tracking, which requires only logical
• backward difference, requiring 2L additions.
• 2M · L increments to determine motion vectors,
and computation of their angles (conveniently
done with a look-up table).
• circular moving average, which requires N ·L ad-
• unwrapping, requiring 2L additions and magni-
tude comparisons.
• calculus of the mean value and the standard de-
viation of angles, requiring 2(L − 1) sums and L
• calculus of centred fourth order moments requir-
ing L −1 sums and L fourth degree powers.
In substance, most of the computational cost is
constituted by the N · L additions used for contour
smoothing, and the final 2L powers.
These costs are small compared to the ones in-
volved by classical feature based shape classification
techniques, requiring multiple scale filters, Fourier
transform, Radon transform, covariance, search of
maxima, etc.
The steering angles of the contours are important
indicators of the morphology of the particle shad-
ows. They allow effective particle classification us-
ing mostly sum based processing. The advantages of
the method herein presented are the simplicity of the
imaging apparatus and the low computational cost of
the classification process, which makes it especially
suited for distributed sensing applications.
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