of users’ behaviours.
The tested aimed to compare incremental
learning with batch learning conditions, to assess if
incremental learning is advantageous or not for this
We have concluded that despite of a minor
degradation of the results in some cases, incremental
learning is advantageous for pattern recognition
since it has a smaller length of time for deployment.
Besides, even the slight degradation of performance
may be explained with the premature start of result
extraction from the incremental learning testing
Based on these results, as future work the authors
will use incremental learning for the pattern
recognition algorithm that aims at giving
information to prefetching and cache replacement
agents about which subset of images will be
probably needed in a close future.
This work has received support from the EU/EFPIA
Innovative Medicines Initiative Joint Undertaking
(EMIF grant n° 115372). Carlos Viana-Ferreira is
funded by the FCT grant SFRH/BD/68280/2010.
Sérgio Matos is funded under the FCT Investigator
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