Finding Evidence for Updates in Medical Guidelines
Roelof Reinders, Annette ten Teije and Zhisheng Huang
Department of Computer Science, VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Medical Guidelines, Evidence-based Medicine, Medical Guideline Updates.
Medical guidelines are documents that describe optimal treatment for patients by medical practitioners based
on current medical research (evidence), in the form of step-by-step recommendations. Because the field of
medical research is very large and always evolving, keeping these guidelines up-to-date with the current state
of the art is a difficult task. In this paper, we propose a method for finding relevant evidence for supporting
the medical guideline updating process. Our method that takes from the evidence-based medical guideline
the recommendations and their corresponding evidence as its input, and that queries PubMed, the world’s
largest search engine for medical citations, for potential new or improved evidence. We built a prototype and
performed a feasibility study on a set of old recommendations, and compared the output to evidence for the
newer version. The system succeeded in finding goal articles for 11 out of 16 recommendations, but in total,
only 20 out of 71 articles were retrieved. Our ranking method for most relevant articles worked well for small
result sets, but for large result sets it failed to rank the goal articles in the top 25 results.
The field of medical science is very broad. But what
it all comes down to in practice, is treating an indi-
vidual patient suffering from a physical or psycholog-
ical discomfort, and finding the optimal treatment to
cure him or her. In order to help medical practitioners
keep a clear view of how a patient should be treated,
medical guidelines have been created. These medi-
cal guidelines describe the different steps that should
be taken in helping a patient who suffers from certain
symptoms, from diagnosis to treatment to aftercare.
It is then up to the medical practitioner to follow this
guideline, and to decide when to diverge from it based
on the individual circumstances of the patient.
The concept of guidelines is built on what is
known as evidence-based medicine (EBM). Sackett et
al. (1996) describe this concept as the conscientious,
explicit, and judicious use of current best evidence
in making decisions about the care of individual pa-
tients. What this comes down to, is that medical prac-
titioners should use the current strongest scientific
evidence combined with their individual expertise to
find the optimal treatment for their patients. Field and
Lohr (1990) describe guidelines as Systematically de-
veloped statements to assist practitioner and patient
decisions about appropriate health care for specific
clinical circumstances.
Guidelines are usually created and maintained by
(semi-)governmental organizations. An example of
this is the National Guideline Clearinghouse
, which
contains a collection of guidelines maintained by the
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Each
individual guideline is created by a committee, of
which all members must disclose any possible con-
flicts of interest. These committees have occasional
meetings to discuss possible changes and updates to
the guidelines.
1.1 Motivation
Because of the number and size of guidelines, these
desirable updates can be difficult to identify. Relevant
evidence might be overlooked or not fully recognized,
causing suboptimal treatment quality. Also, the pro-
cess of finding and identifying the evidence is a time-
consuming task. This can cause the process between
research being done and the results transferring into
the guidelines to take longer than necessary.
Shelleke et al. (2001) defines several factors that
could make updating a guideline desirable. These
factors include ‘technical’ improvements found in re-
search, but also more ‘societal’ factors, such as the
change of values in a society, or the economical cir-
cumstances that could lead to preference for a certain
Reinders R., Ten Teije A. and Huang Z..
Finding Evidence for Updates in Medical Guidelines.
DOI: 10.5220/0005219900910102
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2015), pages 91-102
ISBN: 978-989-758-068-0
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
intervention over another. The authors developed a
model that should indicate whether a recommenda-
tion inside a guideline has to be updated. This is
based on two steps: consultation of experts and lit-
erature research. If either of these steps indicate that
changes are favorable, a panel of experts should judge
whether the suggested changes are correct and see to
it that they are implemented in the guideline.
Consultation of medical experts is useful, and also
expensive in terms of time and knowledge. Because
it is focused on human interaction (a guideline expert
interviewing a medical expert), it is very difficult to
improve upon in terms of resources.
Literature research is currently also expensive in
terms of time, but slightly less so in terms of knowl-
edge. A large part of the work, namely the gathering
of new relevant articles, could be performed by com-
puters. While the results of this search should still be
processed by human experts to determine their rele-
vance, giving automatic support to the task of guide-
line updating by indentifying relevant new articles
(evidence) from PubMed could lead to major time
benefits. This project aims to develop a system that
can perform this task in an adequate manner.
1.2 Research Goals
The goal of this project is to develeop a method that
finds suggests evidence for updates in evidence-based
medical guidelines, to implement a prototype, and to
show the feasability of the method. More specifically,
our research should answer the following question:
Is it possible to build an automated system that
can improve the process of updating medical guide-
lines by performing literature search?
The answer will be based on the subquestions:
1. How can we extract useful search terms from a
guideline recommendation and its evidence?
2. How can we use the search terms obtained from 1
to construct a relevant PubMed query?
3. How can the search results from our PubMed
query be judged and ranked based on their rele-
vance to the recommendation and their scientific
4. How can the final search results and their ranking
be evaluated in terms of their use in practice?
The rest of this paper is structured as follows.
First, we briefly discuss other studies towards this
goal and how we hope to improve on their results.
In section 3, we propose our approach to accomplish-
ing this. We will then evaluate our method by running
it on recommendations from multiple guidelines. Fi-
nally, we describe our interpretation of the results and
make suggestions for future research.
We discuss two approaches to perform a similar task
from the literature. The first is a system by (Cohen, et
al., 2012) that predicts whether a medical article can
be used to update a systematic review of a research
field. This approach uses a machine learning method
based on Support Vector Machines that is trained on
a dataset of pre-tagged articles. This led to good re-
sults in testing, where over 70% of all updates were
recognized while maintaining a low alert rate. Even
though this approach shows promise, there are def-
initely some downsides to it. Firstly, it requires an
annotated set of articles, which requires a lot of hu-
man effort to assemble. Secondly, the resulting model
trained by the SVM algorithm is still a black box.
Even though the system has decent results, it is diffi-
cult to determine how it got these results and whether
the method is generalizable. The second approach is a
system developed by (Iruetaguena, et al., 2013). This
system takes the referenced articles from a guideline,
and then constructs a new set of articles by using the
PubMed related articles search. Then for each arti-
cle in this set, the PubMed related articles are taken
again. This was done for multiple guidelines of which
an older and a newer version were available. The ap-
proach found over 90% of all articles introduced in
the new version (high recall), but the resulting set
of articles was so large that only 0.07% of all arti-
cles found (low precision) were goal articles. Our
approach improve on these two methods in multiple
ways. We want our system to be generalizable, and
not require a manually constructed or tagged set of
articles. We keep our list of suggested articles small,
so that it is easily processable by humans. We im-
plement a ranking system that puts the most relevant
articles high in the list of results.
Other work being done in this field aims at for-
malizing and digitalizing guidelines so that they are
easier for computer programs to process. (Peleg, et
al., 2003) describes several languages that are devel-
oped specifically for this cause. Our work fits very
well to the idea of ‘living guidelines’: guidelines that
are updated continuously, as for example described by
(Seyfang, et al., 2007).
In this section, we describe the means we used to an-
swer our research question. We first describe the ex-
ternal resources used. Then we propose our method,
followed by detailed description of each step of the
3.1 MEDLINE and PubMed
MEDLINE is the largest online database of medi-
cal scientific articles. It is an online implementation
of the MEDLARS (Medical Literature Analysis and
Retrieval System) that was launched by the United
States National Library of Medicine in 1964 (Rogers,
1964). We will use this database to retrieve articles
used for evidence updates. One of the most powerful
resources for categorizing medical articles in MED-
LINE are the MEdical Subject Headings, or in short,
MeSH terms. These terms are used as annotations
to all articles in the MEDLINE database, and have
been part of the MEDLARS design since its concep-
tion (Libscomb,2000). These annotations range from
very specific to very broad, and are structured in the
form of a tree, where broad terms can have more spe-
cific terms as their children. There are different sub-
trees for different topics, for instance ‘Diseases’ or
‘Organisms’, but also meta-terms such as ‘Publication
. On top of the MEDLINE database,
the PubMed search engine was developed. This is
a very advanced search engine that offers many op-
tions beyond basic keyword search. Most advanced
features are accessed by entering special parameters
into the search field. Other features include search-
ing for publication dates, journals, MeSH terms, and
many others. A full list of search tags can be found
in the PubMed Help book (PubMedHelp 2005). One
of the features that makes PubMed so powerful, is the
automatic recognition of these tags. Plain text that
is given as input is automatically parsed by PubMed
and annotated with semantic tags that help define the
search query. For example, if a certain piece of text
is recognized as the name of an author, the [Author]
tag is automatically included in the query when it is
executed. We use this for certain steps in our method.
Another key feature of PubMed, is that it allows
access to most of its important features via the Entrez
Programming Utilities, or E-Utilities in short. We use
three of E-utilities functions, namely ESearch, that
performs a query on the database, EFetch, that re-
quests the summary of a given article, and ELink,
that finds related articles for a given article. A full
For a full overview of the MeSH tree, visit http://
documentation of all features can be found in the E-
Utilities online help book
3.2 Method
The input for our method consists of a recommenda-
tion (in natural language), and the PubMed IDs of the
articles that are used to support it. An example of a
recommendation, including its evidence is shown be-
low. This example corresponds to recommendation 1
in table 5.
Addition of radiotherapy following local excision
of DCIS results in a significantly lower risk of lo-
cal recurrence (this is valid for all subgroups). with
the PubMed IDs 9469327, 12867108, 10683002, and
8292119. Based on this input, we take the following
step 1: Parsing the recommendation
step 2: Processing the evidence
step 3: Constructing a PubMed query and executing
the query
step 4: Grading and ranking the results
step 5: Generating the output to the user
We discuss each step in detail below.
3.2.1 Step 1: Parsing the Recommendation
The recommendation is a string of natural language,
from which we want to extract as much useful infor-
mation as possible. We use ESearch API from the E-
Utilities of PubMed. As we described in section 3.1,
the query processing system can automatically recog-
nize certain terms. We make use of this by sending
the recommendation string to the ESearch API, and
extracting the recognized MeSH terms for the query
that is returned. We use those MeSH terms for con-
structing the query (step 3).
3.2.2 Step 2: Processing the Evidence
To process the evidence articles, first a Python dic-
tionary is created, with as its keys the article IDs for
each evidence article, and as its value another dictio-
nary containing information on the article that was
extracted from its summary which is obtained by per-
forming an EFetch request, including its title, ab-
stract, and a list of MeSH terms used to categorize
it. We perform a loop over the sets of MeSH terms
and use them to create two sets. The goal of this pro-
cess is to establish which terms are common between
the articles, and are therefore useful for annotating the
recommendation. The first will be referred to as ‘pri-
mary terms’, and contains terms that:
Are used to categorize every piece of annotated
Are tagged as a ‘Major Topic’ in at least one piece
of evidence
The set of ‘secondary terms’ contain MeSH terms
that are used to categorize all but one piece of evi-
3.2.3 Step 3: Constructing and Executing
At this point, we have two pieces of information:
1. A set of terms that PubMed recognized in the rec-
ommendation text.
2. A set of primary terms and a set of secondary
terms that were extracted from the evidence.
We use this information to create one or multi-
ple PubMed queries that will bring us new relevant
articles. It should be possible to make queries more
broad (more answers) or more specific (less answers),
depending on the number of results that is desirable.
For this goal, we use two methods:
1. Constructing a query by combining sets of terms
(result of step 1)
2. Constructing a query by selecting terms (result of
step 2)
Constructing Queries Method by Combining Sets
of Terms
This method is used in the case where we have a set of
primary and a set of secondary terms. These sets are
left in tact, but the variation lies in how they can be
combined can make the resulting query more specific
or more broad (lower level). The different levels of
this combination, ranging from the most broad to the
most specific, are shown in table 1.
For this method, the program starts by executing a
query of level 4 (the most specific). This query is sent
to PubMed with the ESearch method. If there are not
enough search results, it tries again with a query from
a broader level. This process continues until enough
results are gathered.
For example the recommendation (14 from table
”To minimise the need for a second operative
staging procedure, intraoperative frozen sec-
tion assessment can be used to diagnose ma-
lignancy and to exclude metastatic disease.
Table 1: Different levels for combining primary and sec-
ondary terms.
Level Query format (output)
0 Disjunction of the union of
primary and secondary terms
1 Disjunction of primary terms
2 Conjunction of primary terms
3 (Conjunction of primary terms) AND
(Disjunction of secondary terms)
4 (Conjunction of primary terms) AND
(Conjunction of secondary terms)
The following MeSH terms were determined to be
primary terms:
{Humans, Frozen Sections, Ovarian Neoplasms,
Retrospective Studies, Female}
The following MeSH terms were determined to be
secondary terms:
{Sensitivity and Specificity, Adolescent, Predictive
Value of Tests, Middle Aged, Aged, 80 and over,
Adult, Aged}
Table 2 shows the different queries constructed for
each level. In the table the quotation marks, MeSH
Terms strings added to each term, and search time
ranges were removed for the sake of clarity.
Constructing Queries Method by Selecting Terms
The second method for constructing queries, is called
‘Querying by Selecting Terms’. This method takes a
single set of MeSH terms as its input. These terms
are then combined into a conjunction, which is sent
to PubMed as a query. If the query does not yield
enough results, the least important of the MeSH terms
is removed from the list, and the query is sent again.
The difficult part here is determining which of the
terms are the most and least important. For this task,
we developed a method that is based on the MeSH
subtrees. The MeSH vocabulary is divided into differ-
ent categories, each indicating a different part of the
medical domain. We ordered the different subtrees in
terms of their relevance for constructing a query, the
result of which is shown in Table 3. The list of terms
is sorted by the relevance of their subtree, and for each
query, the least important term is removed if there are
not enough results.
3.2.4 Step 4: Grading and Ranking the Results
After a query with a large enough number of results,
we have a list of potentially useful articles. To deter-
mine whether or not an article is useful for a possi-
ble guideline update, we have to determine its scien-
tific strength. For evidence to be very strong, it has
Table 2: Example of the different levels of queries as con-
structed by combining the sets of primary and secondary
terms of the evidence.
Level Query
4 Humans AND Frozen Sections AND
Ovarian Neoplasms AND Retrospective
Studies AND Female AND Sensitivity
and Specificity AND Adolescent AND
Predictive Value of Tests AND Middle
Aged AND Aged, 80 and over AND
Adult AND Aged
3 Humans AND Frozen Sections AND
Ovarian Neoplasms AND Retrospective
Studies AND Female AND (Sensitivity
and Specificity OR Adolescent OR Pre-
dictive Value of Tests OR Middle Aged
OR Aged, 80 and over OR Adult OR
2 Humans AND Frozen Sections AND
Ovarian Neoplasms AND Retrospective
Studies AND Female
1 Humans OR Frozen Sections OR Ovar-
ian Neoplasms OR Retrospective Stud-
ies OR Female
0 Humans OR Frozen Sections OR Ovar-
ian Neoplasms OR Retrospective Stud-
ies OR Female OR Sensitivity and
Specificity OR Adolescent OR Predic-
tive Value of Tests OR Middle Aged OR
Aged, 80 and over OR Adult OR Aged
Table 3: List of MeSH subtrees ranked by importance.
Rank Index Description
1 C Diseases
2 D Chemicals and Drugs
3 A Anatomy
4 B Organisms
5 N Health Care
6 M Named Groups
7 E Analytical, Diagnostic and
Therapeutic Techniques and
8 F Psychiatry and Psychology
9 G Phenomena and Processes
10 H Disciplines and Occupations
11 I Anthropology,Education, So-
ciology and Social Phenomena
12 J Technology, Industry, Agricul-
13 K Humanities
14 V Publication Characteristics
15 L Information Science
16 Z Geographicals
to describe randomized controlled trials, a type of re-
search in which test subjects are separated into multi-
ple groups. (Rosenfeld and Shiffman, 2009) describes
a set of criteria that can be used to determine whether
an article describes research of this form. Based on
these criteria, each article in the result set is tagged
with a boolean value that indicates whether it is strong
or not. This method is described in detail in (Irue-
taguena et al., 2013), and is also implemented in our
Next to an article’s scientific strength, we want to
determine its relevance to the guideline recommen-
dation. Two techniques are applied for this. First,
the term frequency/inverse document frequency (tf-
idf) value is calculated for each article. This term was
first coined by (Stalton and Buckley, 1988). To do
this, a corpus of 50,006 article summaries was gath-
ered by requesting related articles to our input arti-
cles on PubMed. A dictionary was created containing
each word in the abstracts of these articles, as well as
their relative number of occurrences. The words in
the recommendation are then compared to the words
in the abstract for each individual and the sum of the
weights for terms that occur in both is taken. The re-
sulting score is a measure for the article’s relevance.
The second measure to determine article relevance is
the Inverse MeSH distance. To calculate this measure,
the distance in MeSH tree branches between MeSH
terms used to categorize each article and the MeSH
terms extracted from the recommendation is calcu-
lated. This is based on the assumption that terms that
are close to each other in the tree are more similar
than ones that are far apart. The inverse of this value
is taken, so that more similar articles receive higher
grades. This computation is made only if two terms
are in the same subtree of the MeSH vocabulary.
At this point we have three measures of relevance
for an article:
1. The article’s scientific strength s
2. The article’s abstract’s relevance to the recom-
mendation r
3. The inverse MeSH distance to the recommenda-
tion d
We use those three measures to rank the articles.
The score for each article is calculated using the fol-
lowing formula: score = (5 ·s) + r + d
s is given more weight than the other variables, be-
cause it turned out during testing that the article’s sci-
entific strength is a strong factor in indicating whether
or not it can be referenced in a medical guideline.
Of course other weights can be given to the different
components. After the score for each article has been
calculated, the list of articles is sorted by this score in
descending order and presented to the user.
3.2.5 Step 5: Generating the Output
The output of the algorithm is an HTML file pre-
senting the program’s results in a clear overview,
sorted on ranking and with the calculated grades. The
queries that were executed are also displayed, as well
as the terms used to generate them from both the
recommendation and the evidence. The level of the
query is also stated. All articles and queries contain a
hyperlink to directly access them on PubMed.
3.3 Implementation
The entire system is implemented in Python. All code
was tested and confirmed to be working on Python
2.7.6, using one external library: the xmltodict li-
brary, that allows XML files to be loaded and inter-
preted as Python dictionaries. This was used to parse
the results of the PubMed responses. The library is
available from its website
. The source code is avail-
able on the author’s GitHub account
4.1 Experimental Set-up
For the feasibility study, several experiments were
performed, all with real medical guidelines of which
two versions were available: one recent version and
an older version from a few years ago. Recommen-
dations from these guidelines that were updated with
new evidence between these versions were selected.
These recommendations and their corresponding evi-
dence were extracted and used as data to evaluate the
For the different types of queries that our program
uses, we want to evaluate three metrics.
The Recall is the percentage of goal articles found
by the query. Goal articles are articles that were added
to a recommendation between the two versions of the
guidelines, and that were thus used to update the rec-
The Number of results is the number of search re-
sults for each query. This value will be evaluated to
get an indication of whether the program has managed
to generate queries that are not too broad or too spe-
cific. Ideally, this number should lie between 10 and
200 for each query.
The Top25-Recall is the percentage of goal articles
that were found by the program and that were ranked
in the top 25 most relevant results by the ranking algo-
rithm. This value should be compared to the Recall: if
goal articles are retrieved, but not ranked highly, this
would be an indication that the ranking algorithm is
4.2 Gathering of Test Data
The recommendations used for these experiments
were extracted from the guidelines shown in table 4
From these guidelines, recommendations had to be
extracted by hand. This was done by reading both
versions of the guideline and looking for sections on
the same subject, where the evidence for a recommen-
dation had changed between versions. This usually
meant that there was a change in the text, as well as
an improvement of the recommendation’s grade. For
each recommendation, the text of the older version
was used as program’s input. For the recommenda-
tions’ evidence, all PubMed IDs were gathered by
searching for the referenced articles manually. The
PubMed IDs that occur in the new version of the
guideline, but not in the old one, are identified as ‘goal
articles’: these are the articles that we want our pro-
gram to find.
The list of recommendations used is shown in
table 5, together with their number of evidence ar-
ticles in both the old and the new version. The
full recommendations and their evidence and goal
articles are supplied in
4.3 Finding the Optimal Search
As described in section 3.2.3, we developed two ways
of constructing PubMed queries from sets of MeSH
terms. The sets were extracted from the recommen-
dation text and the evidence articles. Both were cre-
ated in such a way that they can be made more broad
or more specific in terms of how many results they
return. Now we want to compare how these methods
compare to each other in terms of finding the greatest
number of goal articles. For our experiments we use
the query construction method by combining sets with
different input sets of MeSH terms (techniques 1,2,
3), and the query construction method by selecting
terms with different input set of MeSH terms (tech-
nique 4, 5, 6):
1. Query construction method by combination for
just the MeSH terms from the recommendation
Table 4: The guidelines used to gather test data.
Table 5: The recommendations and their evidence extracted from the guidelines. Not every evidence article could be found
on PubMed. The number of evidence articles that were retrievable from PubMed are listed in the table, and the actual number
of articles is shown between parentheses. The guideline number refers to the guideline number of table 4.
2. Query construction method by combination of
the primary and secondary evidence set of MeSH
3. Query construction method by combination of the
union of the MeSH terms of the recommendation
and the primary evidence MeSH terms, and the
secondary evidence MeSH terms
4. Query construction method by selecting terms for
just the recommendation terms
5. Query construction method by selecting terms for
the primary evidence terms
6. Query construction method by selecting terms for
the recommendation MeSH terms and the primary
evidence MeSH terms combined
Both query construction methods will construct a
broader query until the desired number of articles. For
the experiments the minimum number of search re-
sults was set to 15 for each technique. For the grading
and ranking of the results we use at most 1000 results,
in other words the maximum number of results from
PubMed was set to 1000. The results where sorted by
PubMed based on their relevance to the query. This
means that result 1001 and onward will be ignored
by the ranking algorithm and ignored for its results.
This number was chosen because it seems to be on
the edge of what a laptop can handle, and we do not
want to overburden the PubMed servers by requesting
thousands of articles.
The percentage of goal articles found per recom-
mendation in the at most 1000 results, as well as the
total number of search results returned by techniques
1 to 3 are shown in table 6. The results for techniques
4 to 6 are shown in table 7.
Overall, 20 out of 71 goal articles were found.
Looking at the results more closely, we can note the
following findings:
1. For 5 out of 16 recommendations, the system was
unable to find any of the goal articles with any of
the techniques (recommendations 3, 5, 12, 13 and
2. Technique 2 found the most articles overall,
closely followed by technique 3. Both techniques
work by the query construction method by com-
bining sets of terms.
3. The techniques 4 to 6, which are based on
constructing queries by selecting terms, perform
much worse.
4. The query constructing method by combining sets
of terms (technique 1-3) performs better overall,
but yields many more search results. This in-
dicates that the query captures the recommenda-
tions’ meaning the best, but is not very specific in
doing so.
If we want to explain finding 1, we have to take
a closer look at recommendations 3, 5, 12, 13 and
15. For recommendation 3, 5 and 15, this can be ex-
plained by the small amount of evidence articles for
the recommendation (1, 2 and 1 respectively). No-
table about recommendations 12 and 13 is that their
updates seem to radically change the recommenda-
tion itself. This could be the reason that the system
was unable to find any goal articles: the goal articles
are simply too different from the original evidence.
To elaborate on finding 2, we have to look more
closely at the techniques used. Both are based on con-
structing query method by combining sets of terms,
and both use the primary MeSH terms extracted from
the evidence articles as their input (for technique 3,
these are augmented with the MeSH terms of the rec-
ommendation). In practice, most queries that reach
the threshold of 15 articles are of level 1: they are a
disjunction of all primary terms, as explained in sec-
tion 3.2.3. This explains why the number of search
results is so large, as disjunctions are very weak re-
strictions on the set of articles. The fact that there are
still a significant number of goal articles found, indi-
cates that the PubMed search engine is quite potent at
sorting articles by relevance to the search terms, since
only the first 1000 were used.
We can also see that constructing queries by se-
lecting terms (technique 4-6) reaches one of the goals
for which it was designed, which is decreasing the
search space. This can be seen by the number of
search results, which is much lower on average than
when using the constructing queries by combining
sets of terms (technique 1-3) . This approach is, how-
ever, much worse at finding the goal articles. This in-
dicates that removing search terms in order to broaden
the query can lead to a loss in meaning, causing worse
The large number of results returned by the
queries indicates how volatile queries can be. Even
though our approach offers a lot of variation between
broad and specific queries, small changes such as re-
moving a term or switching from conjunction to dis-
junction can result in an explosion in the number of
results obtained by the query. This is a difficult prob-
lem to solve due to the size of the database, and re-
quires further research.
4.4 Results for Ranking
Now that we have an indication of how well our
queries perform, we will examine how well the rank-
ing algorithm performs in determining their rele-
vance. To do this, we will take a look at our best
performing technique (1-6) for each recommendation,
and measure the percentage of articles that are ranked
in the top 25 most relevant. We chose the number 25,
as this is a reasonable amount that can be processed
by a person in approximately an hour. In table 8 is for
each recommendation given: the best technique (1-6),
the recall for the at most 1000 results (the percentage
goal articles in first 1000 results), and the top-25 re-
call. Recommendations for which we found no goal
articles (3, 5, 12, 13 and 15) are omitted.
From these results, we can immediately see the
urgency of keeping the number of search results low.
In the cases where there are a lot of results, the goal
articles have a very high chance to get lost outside
of the top of the ranking. This reinforces the find-
ings of (Iruetaguena, et al., 2013), who noted simi-
lar results. This indicates that the combination of the
Rosenfeld-Shiffman filter combined with tf-idf is per-
haps not a suitable way to process large numbers of
articles, as the resulting ratings are very close to each
other for many articles. For smaller sets of articles,
for instance recommendations 4 and 8, the algorithm
seems to have performed very well.
The addition of the MeSH distance to these rat-
ings showed little difference. This can have multiple
Not all articles are sufficiently annotated with
MeSH terms. If an article is not annotated, the
MeSH distance will always be 0, resulting in an
Table 6: Percentage of goal articles found in the first (at most) 1000 results and the number of search results for each
recommendation per technique. Technique 1-3 use ”querying by combining sets” for query construction with respectively the
MeSH terms from the recommendation (technique 1), the primary and secondary evidence sets of MeSH terms (technique 2),
and the MesH terms from the recommendation, and the primary/secondary evidence sets of MeSH terms (technique 3).
Table 7: Percentage of goal articles found in the first (at most) 1000 results and the number of search results for each
recommendation per technique. Technique 4-6 use ”querying by selecting terms” for query construction with respectively the
MeSH terms from the recommendation (technique 4), the primary and secondary evidence sets of MeSH terms (technique 5),
and the MesH terms from the recommendation, and the primary/secondary evidence sets of MeSH terms (technique 6).
Table 8: The best technique, the recall (based on the at most
first 1000 results), and the Top25-Recall for each recom-
advantage over other articles.
The weighting of the MeSH distance was not op-
timally calibrated. The resulting number was very
low and did not have much impact on the article’s
While the second reason can be solved by further
experimentation, the first reason indicates a difficult
problem, that can only be solved by more consistent
tagging of articles from the side of PubMed. Al-
though the annotation standards have improved over
the years, older articles are still poorly tagged which
makes them harder to find, although those are proba-
bly less relevant for guideline update.
5.1 Findings
Giving automatically support to the guideline update
process by identifying relevant papers for updating
the guideline is a challenging task. Previous attempts
have shown some success in finding articles for up-
dates, but these approaches each had their limitations.
Cohen et al. (2012) show some success in identify-
ing goal articles with a machine learning approach,
but this approach requires a large manually annotated
dataset, which is very labor-intensive. Iruetaguena et
al.(2013) were able to find these articles, but their re-
sult set was too large, and their rating and filtering
proved insufficient to filter out goal articles to the top
of their ranking.
Our approach focused on extracting as much in-
formation as possible from the recommendation text
and the supporting evidence articles in the form of
MeSH terms. These MeSH terms were then used to
construct PubMed queries that could be tuned to be
more specific or more broad depending on the number
of results. Extracting MeSH terms from the recom-
mendation text and from evidence articles was done
by using E-utilities from PubMed. For the evidence
we constructed a set of primary MeSH terms, which
were shared amongst all articles, and set of secondary
MeSH terms, which were shared amongst all but one.
From these sets of MeSH terms, two techniques
for querying PubMed were constructed:
1. Constructing queries by combining sets, which
takes two sets of MeSH terms as input and
chooses which logical operator is used amongst
them (conjunction or disjunction) in order to make
the query more broad or more specific.
2. Constructing queries by selecting terms, which
takes the conjunction of a set of MeSH terms, and
removes terms in order of importance to make the
query more broad. The order of importance is de-
termined by a pre-made ordering of MeSH sub-
The techniques were evaluated by taking older
and newer versions of four medical guidelines. From
these guidelines, recommendations concerning the
same subject were selected that were updated between
the older and the newer versions. From these recom-
mendations, the set of articles introduced in the newer
version of the recommendation were determined as
‘goal articles’.
After the execution of a query, each article in
the list of search results was rated based on scien-
tific strength and relevance to the recommendation.
To determine the strength, articles were judged on
the Rosenfeld-Shiffman criteria. To determine rele-
vance, a corpus of 50,006 article summaries was gath-
ered. For each word in this corpus, the tf-idf weight
was calculated. This weight was used in combination
with a new measure called the inverse MeSH distance.
This measure is based on the number of branches sep-
arating two terms in the same MeSH subtree. Based
on these factors, a ranking is calculated.
We ran the program for each recommendation
using different techniques. Overall, constructing
queries by combining sets proved to be the most suc-
cessful method for finding goal articles, particularly
when used on the primary and secondary evidence
terms. One problem that occurred when using this
technique, was that the number of search results was
highly volatile. Most of the higher level (more spe-
cific) queries yielded 0 results, while the lower level
queries yielded hundreds of thousands of results.
The ‘constructing queries by selecting terms’
technique was successful in making more specific
queries, and thus keeping the number of search results
in check. This method of searching, however, did find
a lot less of the goal articles.
Overall, the combined techniques found at least
one goal article for 11 out of 16 recommendations. In
total, 20 out of 71 goal articles were found.
The ranking of the articles was successful for
queries with not too many results, for which the ma-
jority of articles was ranked in the top 25. For the
larger lists of results (> 1000 in length), goal articles
were often lost in the middle of the ranking.
5.2 Discussion and Future Work
The first thing to state about the results, is that the
amount of goal articles found is not necessarily rep-
resentative of the success of the system. Guidelines
are maintained by a panel that judge article relevance
based on articles handed to them by an information
expert. It could be that the program finds other use-
ful articles that could be used to improve guideline
quality other than the ones used by the committee.
Based on our own judgment of the search results, this
could very well be the case, as the top articles seem
mostly relevant to the topic at hand. To make a solid
judgment of this would take a medical professional or
someone with expert knowledge on the subject. An
experiment in a setting in which such an expert would
provide feedback on the results could provide a better
evaluation of the system.
Another factor that influenced the performance of
the system, was the timespan between the two ver-
sions of the recommendation that the system was
tested on. In our case this was several years; the
time between the release of two guideline documents.
When the concept of ‘living guidelines’ becomes a re-
ality, the timespan might however be a lot shorter, for
instance a month. Because this significantly reduces
the search space, it could also greatly improve the re-
sults. Notice that our methods rely on the availability
of the MeSH terms in PubMed.
The search strategies we developed each have
their own upsides and downsides. Searching by com-
bination works decently for finding goal articles, but
the number of search results is not very scalable and
tends to explode. This meant a lot of the selection of
the articles was left to PubMed, which performed a
decent job, but this was not the aim of the research.
Searching by terms on the other hand, scales very
well when it comes to limiting the number of search
results, but performs much worse when it comes to
finding goal articles. This could be because the or-
dering of the importance between the MeSH subtrees
was done based on intuition and not tested severely.
This is because the number of possible orderings is
explosive. An ordering made by a medical informa-
tion expert could perhaps offer better results.
When it comes to the number of search results,
we believe this is perhaps the most difficult problem
to solve. The size of the MEDLINE database makes
it difficult to set good restrictions on the number of
results when constructing queries. Perhaps a hybrid
method that combines aspects of both searching by
combination and searching by terms could be used for
An extension that could be made to the method
is the inclusion and prediction of the evidence rating.
This is a letter that indicates how solid the evidence
provided is. The rules for assigning this grade are
clearly defined, and could be applied automatically.
However, this step is outside of the scope of this re-
Looking at the performance of our ranking sys-
tem, we see that there is room for improvement, as
the algorithm seems to fall short when it comes to
larger result sets. Perhaps this indicates that simple
word comparison, even with tf-idf weighting, is not
sufficient for this task. We therefore believe it will
be useful if more meta-data would be included in the
ranking. Examples of this would be MeSH terms, the
number of times an article is cited, or the journal that
an article has appeared in. We believe the MeSH dis-
tance is a good approach to attaining this in theory, but
it ran into several practical problems, such as the lack
of tags on a large number of articles. Using meta-data
to judge the relevance of evidence would definitely be
worth looking into in the future.
Overall, we believe that our system has achieved
its goals, and is a good base for further research. We
constructed a small set of test data that can be used
in the future. During the evaluation, we clearly man-
aged to identify the problems that our approach ran
into, and we believe these offer solid ground for future
research. We think living guidelines and automated
guideline updates are definitely attainable in the fu-
This work is supported by the European Commis-
sion under the 7th framework programme EURECA
Project (FP7-ICT-2011-7, Grant 288048).
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