This paper addressed accelerating the exact solution
of TNDP via a parallel DFS B&B algorithm with a
master-slave parallelization paradigm. Theoretical
measures of speedup and efficiency, based on the
number of parallel iterations, were considered to
evaluate performances. It was discussed that there
were some initial idle processors at the start of the
parallel iterations, as there were not sufficient nodes
to be worked on. The paper suggested assigning
greedy solutions in TNDP (namely dominant
solutions), to these idle processors and applied a
simple enumeration algorithm to provide such
solutions. It was shown, in four case studies of
TNDP with 12 projects, in Sioux-Falls transportation
network, that feeding the idle processors can be
helpful in reducing the number of parallel iterations
and accelerating the performance of the algorithm.
Super-linear speedups, and efficiency values greater
than one, were observed in all examples.
Numerical results in this paper suggested that
improving the performance of the algorithm was
quite dependent on the quality of the best found
solution by idle processors. Therefore, it is
interesting to investigate how application of more
promising solutions, rather than those computed first
by the EDS algorithm, can affect improving the
performance of the algorithm. Also, this paper
addressed the performance measures through
theoretical speedups and efficiencies of parallel
B&B algorithm which have been based on the
number of parallel iterations rather than running-
times. Reporting on the real speedups and
efficiencies based on the running-times and running
the programs on large transportation networks with
more than 12 projects and with higher number of
processors can all be helpful to extend the results of
this paper.
The authors appreciate the insightful comments
made by five anonymous referees which helped to
improve this paper.
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