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rules in clinical settings. This paper addresses 1) rule
mining for modelling sensor data in clinical condi-
tions, 2) individualised modelling of rule sets, and
3) representation of the models in a descriptive tex-
tual output. The proposed approach considers 9 clin-
ical conditions such as angina, sepsis, and respiratory
failure, along three physiological measurements (i.e.
heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration rate). To
evaluate the uniqueness of the provided rule sets, a
novel rule set similarity, appearance ratio, is intro-
duced, which measure the occurrence of rules in other
rule sets. The results on clinical conditions show that
around 90% of all appearance ratios are lower than
30%, besides, 70% of them are lower than 15%. In
this study, a textual representation of the extracted
rules is also considered by applying natural language
generation techniques. However, the semantic mod-
elling based on the rule sets and characterising the
semantic model to improve the quality of text is lim-
ited in this paper. In future, the aim is to apply the
proposed approach in temporal abstraction for more
complex pattern extraction. Moreover, the text output
of descriptive models needs experimental evaluations
in application settings.
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