objective is to minimize the total travel cost for all
evacuees in the network. The cell transmission model
(CTM), introduced by Daganzo (Daganzo, 1994), has
recently obtained significant attention of evacuation
modellers. The basic idea of the CTM is to divide the
network into homogenous cells that can be traversed
by a vehicle in one time period in free flow traffic. The
first one who uses this model is Ziliaskopoulos (Zil-
iaskopoulos, 2000). He proposes a linear model for a
system optimum dynamic traffic assignment problem
with a single sink. Liu et al. (Liu et al., 2006) model a
large scale evacuation problem using the model pro-
posed by (Ziliaskopoulos, 2000). They propose two
evacuation models: in the first model, the goal is to
maximize the number of evacuees reaching the desti-
nation within a given time horizon. The second one
aims at minimizing the total evacuation time. Other
similar studies that use cell transmission models in-
clude the work of Petta and Ziliaskopoulos (Peeta and
Ziliaskopoulos, 2001), and Chiu et al (Chiu et al.,
2007). Interesting studies look at more realistic sit-
uations that capture the uncertain factors of the risk
of a disaster. Yazici and Ozbay (Yazici and Ozbay,
2007) consider uncertain roads capacities while Ng
and Waller (Ng and Waller, 2010) take into consider-
ation the uncertain number of evacuees. These robust
evacuation models are also based on cell transmission
Recently, Bish (Bish, 2011) has introduced and
studied a new model for bus-based evacuation plan-
ning. The choice of buses as a transportation mode
is motivated by the fact that car-based evacuation is
logistically complex, expensive, produces unaccept-
able levels of congestion, and is more dangerous than
bus-based evacuation. To solve the bus evacuation
problem, Bish proposes a mixed integer program and
two heuristics. Goerigk et al. (Goerigk et al., 2013b)
consider a problem closely related to the one dis-
cussed in (Bish, 2011), for which they propose sev-
eral Branch-and-Bound algorithms. Robust bus evac-
uation models have been considered in (Goerigk and
Gruen, 2014) and (Goerigk et al., 2013a).
A recent study is the one conducted by Bretschnei-
der (Bretschneider, 2012) in which she introduces the
multiple commodity evacuation problem using buses
and vehicles. The author proposes a mixed integer
program, where the number of lanes in each arc is
represented by integer variables. The lanes are par-
titioned into public and emergency lanes but only
within intersection. The objective function of the pro-
posed model is to minimize a weighted linear com-
bination of the flows of the commodities arriving at
their corresponding destinations and the total num-
ber of emergency lanes used. This problem is solved
heuristically and the proposed heuristic is only able to
solve small instances in a reasonable amount of time.
The problem adressed in this paper is related to
the one discussed in the paper of Bish (Bish, 2011).
We consider the evacuation of people due to a na-
turel disaster such as an earthquakes, where evacuees
have to change their centre of lives from several days
to several months with the eventual goal of returning
to their respective homes. In particular, we assume
that the locations of shelter (i.e., locations to which
people are evacuated, outside the damaged area), the
locations of collection points (i.e., where people are
gathered waiting to be evacuated) and the capacitated
transportation network are known. The goal is to de-
fine a macroscopic plan of evacuation, implying peo-
ple are considered homogeneously, i.e., the evacuees
are assumed to share the same behaviour and must
be transported from the collection points to the shel-
ters. During the evacuation it is efficient to use roads
that pass through safe area and not through the en-
dangered zone. The evacuees aim is to reach a shelter
without being injured as fast as possible. The evac-
uation is performed by a set of homogeneous buses.
In contrast of the works of Bish (Bish, 2011) and Go-
erigk et al. (Goerigk et al., 2013b), which minimize
the maximum travel time over all buses. We deal with
a bicriteria problem, where the total evacuation time
and the risk exposure of the evacuees are minimized.
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows. In Section 2, we describe the Bus Evacuation
Problem in details. In Section 3, we provide a mixed-
integer programming formulation. In Section 4, we
present Branch and Bound method, and provide lower
bounds, an upper bound and we discuss branching
rule. Computational results are presented in Section
5. Finally, Section 6 concludes the paper.
Consider a network (N , A), where N and A denote
the set of nodes and edges, respectively. N is com-
posed of two subsets of nodes: P = {1,...,P} and
S = {1,...,S}. P is a set of collection points where
evacuees are initially located, and S is a set of shel-
ters. An edge (k, j) ∈ A exists, iff evacuees can be
transported from collection point k to shelter j. A set
B = {1,. . . ,B} of identical buses is used to evacuate
people. The number of evacuees at every collection
point k is known, and given in terms of integer mul-
tiples of bus loads, denoted by d
. Furthermore, we
denote by M = {1,. . .,M} the set of evacuation op-
erations, where M =
. Each operation is also
defined by a collection point at which the correspond-