Association (AHI) and Association for the
Advancement of Medical Instrument (AAMI)
(Kligfield, et al., 2007). The bandwidth of the
system is between 0.05Hz and 500Hz. Octal,
simultaneous 24-bit Sigma-Delta analog to digital
converter (ADC) is used for sampling of 8-channels
at 1ksps. Digital domain consists of microcontrollers
responsible for control and communication tasks.
Each ADC is supported with a microcontroller,
called sub-microcontrollers, responsible to fire the
sampling and read data through Serial Peripheral
Interface (SPI). After that, data are conveyed to the
main-microprocessor using General Purpose Parallel
Bus (GPPB) developed for this design. Finally, data
are sent to the computer using full speed USB2.0. In
computer, the data is received and stored using
MATLAB for further offline computations.
Our aims of this study can be summarized as: (1)
reporting the technical strategies of design and
implementation of multichannel ECG data
acquisition system, (2) developing an ECG
monitoring device according to new advances in
CMOS and embedded system (3) acquire data for
our group’s works on forward and inverse problems
of ECG.
This design consists of four separate parts: (1)
recording units, (2) main unit, (3) power unit, and
(4) backplane.
Recording units are responsible to do
measurements from electrodes, amplify, digitize
them, and send them to main unit. All the recording
units function in the same way, and they make their
measurements independently from each other. Each
recording unit is fed by 16 electrodes, which are
used either in bipolar or unipolar mode. In unipolar
mode, recordings are made from just eight
electrodes; however, in bipolar mode, all 16
electrodes are used in pairs. Then, analog signals
from eight channels are converted to digital signals
simultaneously using a Sigma-Delta ADC. Digital
data are transferred from ADC to sub-
microcontroller via SPI, and stored in the sub-
microcontroller. Figure 1 shows the architecture of
an 8-channel recording unit.
The main unit is the core of the design
responsible to manage the device. This unit consists
of main-microcontroller and data isolator. This unit
also sends recorded data to the computer using
USB2.0 interface module integrated in the main
microcontroller. Error! Reference source not
found. shows the main unit and the host, computer.
Figure 1: Recording unit.
Figure 2: Main unit and host.
Data are sent from sub-microcontrollers to main-
microcontrollers using GPPB interface that is
developed for this system. GPPB not only handles
the data transfer from sub- to main-microcontroller,
but also carries commands from main-
microcontroller to sub-microcontrollers. These
commands control the events (data conversion and
SPI, parallel communication, and USB data
The system is powered by a battery. The required
power rails are generated in the power unit. The
required voltages are ±5V, +3.3V, and +1.8V. All
these power lines and GPPB are embedded in the
backplane. In addition, backplane carries the
Wilson’s Central terminal implemented in the first
recording unit to all the other units. All working
units are connected to the backplane using DIN
41612 Type R connectors. Figure 3 shows the
backplane and the lines carried by it.
3.1 Analog Front-End
Analog front-end is the section of the design that
dete cts and amplifies and filters the potentials from
body surface. Error! Reference source not found.
depicts the analog front-end circuitry.