the MA-STRIPS problem (Brafman and Domshlak,
2008) required for the following sections.
2.1 Planning Problem
An MA-STRIPS planning problem Π is defined as a
quadruple Π = hP, {A
, I, Gi, where P is a set of
facts, A
is the set of actions of i-th agent, I ⊆ P is
an initial state, and G ⊆ P is a set of conditions on
the goal states. Given Π, we use A to denote all the
actions from Π, that is, A =
An action an agent can perform is a triple of sub-
sets of P which in turn denote the set of preconditions,
the set of add effects, and the set of delete effects.
Selector functions pre(a), add(a), and del(a) are de-
fined so that a = hpre(a), add(a), del(a)i. Moreover
let eff(a) = add(a) ∪ del(a).
An agent is identified with its capabilities, that is,
an agent α = A
= {a
, . . . , a
} is characterized by a
finite repertoire of actions it can perform in the envi-
ronment. We use metavariables α and β to range over
agents from Π. A planning state s is a finite set of
facts and we say that fact p holds in s iff p ∈ s. When
pre(a) ⊆ s then state progression function γ is defined
classically as γ(s, a) = (s \ del(a)) ∪ add(a).
2.2 Public and Internal Classification
In multiagent planning each fact is classified either
as public or as internal out of computational or pri-
vacy concerns. MA-STRIPS specifies this classifica-
tion as follows. A fact is public when it is mentioned
by actions of at least two different agents. A fact is
internal for α when it is not public but mentioned by
some action of α. A fact is relevant for α when it
is either public or internal for α. Relevant facts con-
tain all the facts which agent α needs to understand,
because other facts are internal for other agents and
thus not directly concerns α. Given Π, the set pub of
public facts, and sets int(α) and rel(α) of facts inter-
nal and relevant for α are formally defined as follows.
Let facts(a) = pre(a) ∪ add(a) ∪ del(a) and similarly
facts(α) =
pub =
(facts(α) ∩ facts(β))
int(α) = facts(α) \ pub
rel(α) = pub ∪ int(α)
It is possible to extend the set of public facts to
contain additionally some facts that would be inter-
nal by the above definition. It is common in litera-
ture (Nissim and Brafman, 2012) to require that all the
goals are public. Then pub is defined as the minimal
superset of the intersection from the definition that
satisfies G ⊆ pub. In the rest of this paper we suppose
G ⊆ pub and also another simplification common in
literature (Brafman and Domshlak, 2008) which says
that A
are pairwise disjoint
MA-STRIPS further extends this classification of
facts to actions as follows. An action is public when
it has a public effect (that is, eff(a) ∩ pub 6=
0) , oth-
erwise it is internal. Strictly speaking, MA-STRIPS
defines an action as public whenever it mentions a
public fact even in a precondition (that is, when
facts(a) ∩ pub 6=
0). However, as our approach does
not rely on synchronization on public preconditions,
we can consider actions with only public precondi-
tions as internal. For our approach it is enough to
know that internal actions do not modify public state.
2.3 Local Planning Problems
In MA-STRIPS model, agent actions are supposed to
manipulate a shared global state when executed. In
our approach to multiagent planning, a local planning
problem is constructed for every agent α. Each local
planning problem for α is a classical STRIPS problem
where agent α has its own internal copy of the global
state and where each agent is equipped with informa-
tion about public actions of other agents. These local
planning problems allow us to divide an MA-STRIPS
problem to several STRIPS problems which can be
solved separately by a classical planner. This paper
describes a way to find a solution of an MA-STRIPS
problem but it does not address the question of execu-
tion of a plan in some real-world environment.
The projection F α of an arbitrary set F ⊆ P of
facts to agent α is the restriction of F to the facts rel-
evant for α, that is, F α = F ∩ rel(α). Projection
removes from F facts not relevant for α and thus it
represents F as understood by agent α. The projec-
tion a α of action a to agent α removes from a facts
not relevant for α, again representing a as seen by α.
a α = hpre(a) α, add(a) α, del(a) αi
Note that a α = a when a ∈ α. Hence projection to
α alters only actions of other agents.
In the multiagent planning approach presented
in this paper, every agent α is from the beginning
equipped with projections of other agents public ac-
tions. These projections, which we call external ac-
tions, describe how agent α sees effects of public ac-
tions of other agents. Given Π, the set ext(α) of ex-
These two conditions rules out private goals and joint
actions. Any MA-STRIPS problem which does not satisfy
the two conditions can be translated to an equivalent prob-
lem which satisfies them. However, a solution that would
take advantage of private goals and joint actions is left for
future research.