Table 8: Relative errors ∆(x
, y) in the solution y obtained
by our heuristic, with respect to the solutions x
various values of the reduction coefficient α.
subversion S1
, y)
Iteration α = 99 α = 97 α = 94 α = 90
1 -0.011 0.012 0.015 0.014
2 -0.024 -0.0001 -0.002 0.0019
3 -0.027 -0.003 -0.001 -0.0001
4 -0.028 -0.004 -0.0018 -0.0021
subversion S2
, y)
Iteration α = 99 α = 97 α = 94 α = 90
1 -0.011 0.013 0.015 0.0149
2 -0.023 0.0008 0.003 0.0028
3 -0.026 -0.0023 -0.00005 -0.0003
subversion S4
, y)
Iteration α = 99 α = 97 α = 94 α = 90
1 -0.0293 -0.0035 -0.0034 -0.0038
2 -0.0293 -0.0035 -0.0034 -0.0038
3 -0.0293 -0.0034 -0.0034 -0.0038
When a location problem is too large to be solved by
a solving method at hand, the aggregation can be a
way around. Typically, solving methods do not re-
adjust the input data and the aggregation is done at
the beginning of the process and it is kept separated
from the solving methods. In this paper we proposed
a method, which is adapting the granularity of input
data in each iteration of the solving process to aggre-
gate less in areas where located facilities are situated
and more elsewhere. The proposed method is ver-
satile and it can be used for wide range of location
We use the large real-world problems derived
from the geographical areas that consist of many mu-
nicipalities. It is important to note that in location
analysis it is not very common to use such large prob-
lems. We found only two examples where the p-
median problem with approximately 80,000 DPs was
solved (Garc
ıa et al., 2011; Avella et al., 2012) and
in difference to our study they do not use real-world
problems, but randomly generated benchmarks.
We found that minimization of the source C and D
errors has the most significant effect on the quality of
the solution. Not surprisingly, the highest time effec-
tivity is observed when no elimination of source er-
rors is performed. Unexpected is that the elimination
of source A and B errors has tendency to worsen the
quality of the solution. However, this is only an ini-
tial study entirely based on the p-median problem and
more evidence is still needed when it comes to other
types of location problems. For example, the lexi-
cographic minimax approach has considerably larger
computational complexity (Ogryczak, 1997; Buzna
et al., 2014), where problems with more than 2500
DPs are often not computable in reasonable time. In
similar cases, we believe, our approach could be very
This work was supported by the research grants
VEGA 1/0339/13 Advanced microscopic modelling
and complex data sources for designing spatially large
public service systems and APVV-0760-11 Designing
Fair Service Systems on Transportation Networks.
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