Maximum Start Time sorts visits in ascending order
based on the maximum time the visit can start given
its time window. The sorting parameter is v.lst.
Minimum Finish Time sorts visits in ascending or-
der based on the minimum time the visit can finish
given its time window. The sorting parameter is v.eet.
Minimum Start Time sorts visits in ascending order
based on the minimum time the visit can start given
its time window. The sorting parameter is v.est.
Number of Employees sorts visits in descending or-
der based on the number of employees required. The
parameter for sorting is v.req.
Density sorts visits in descending order based on
the density factor. The density factor is obtained by
adding the number of employees required plus the
number of connected activities constraints that the
visit is involved in. This aims to process activities that
are more constrained first and leave the simpler ones
at the end. The number of employees in the team is
modelled using synchronisation constraints.
3.1.2 Parameter solCriterion values
Remaining Time sorts the solution list in descending
order based on the time available left for every em-
ployee. The time available is calculated from the last
visit until the end of the employees shift minus the
time needed for the trip to the ending location. In all
the instances, shift starting and finishing times coin-
cide with the beginning and end of the time horizon.
It aims to reduce the number of employees, since it
avoids using a new employee unless the available time
of the previous ones are full or no other allocation is
possible. If the sorting is in ascending manner, visits
will be balanced across all possible employees with
the right skills.
Solution Size orders the solution structure main list
in ascending order based on the number of visits that
employees have. When two nodes have the same
number of visits, the tie-break criterion is the longest
remaining time explained above.
The aim of the experiments is to evaluate the quality
of the solutions obtained by GHI when compared to
the solver. The comparison seeks to determine which
solution method achieves more best solutions across
all instances.
In this study we used the benchmark data set from
Castillo-Salazar et al. (2014b). The data set is an
adaptation of different WSRP from the literature. We
used 4 groups of instances Sec, Sol, Mov and HHC.
Sec is based on security guards patrolling different
buildings (Misir et al., 2011). Sol is based on adap-
tations to the Solomon data set. Three different ver-
sion of each instance are used 25, 50 and 100 vis-
its (Solomon, 1987). Mov originates from a multi-
objective VRPTW study which controlled variability
of time window sizes (Castro-Gutierrez et al., 2011).
HHC is a home health care data set. It includes a good
level of skills, preferences on employees and patients
(Rasmussen et al., 2012). The total number of in-
stances used is 374. The original benchmark has 375
instances, the instance that is not being used belong
to a single-instance group of technicians on field for
which the benchmark does not provides results.
All instances are solved first using a mathematical
solver. A time limit of 2 hours is set for the solver
and we keep the solution found after this. The solver
achieves optimal solutions for 33 instances. There are
37 instances in which no solution was found by the
solver within the time limit. All instances are solved
also by GHI (coded in Java). As part of our experi-
ments we want to find which combination of values
for listCriterion (7 possible values) and solCriterion
(2 possible values) obtains the best results. Therefore,
GHI is executed for all 374 instances for the 14 com-
binations of parameters. We use all combinations to
identify the best values for the two parameters.
Out of the 374 instances, the solver obtained better
results for 187. GHI also obtained 187 best feasible
solutions. For none of the instances solver and heuris-
tic produced the same result.
In Figure 4 the results are segmented for each of
the 4 data sets. GHI has better results than the solver
in Sec, HHC and Mov. In group Sol the solver out-
performs the heuristic. In order to investigate this fur-
ther we analyse the three subgroups within the Sol
group. The subgroups are those with 25, 50 and 100
visits. Figure 5 shows the subgroups segmented re-
sults. The solver is better in subgroups with 25 and
50 visits. But for instances of 100 visits GHI out-
performs the solver. GHI obtained the same number
of best feasible result as the solver. However, overall
GHI is significantly faster spending less than 1 second
in each instance.
5.1 Evaluating the Quality of Results
This section presents a measure by which results from
GHI and the solver can be evaluated. We divided the