exposed population are shown. By multiplying these
values by the number of trucks, the total travelling
time spent and exposed population were obtained
(line before the last in Table 3). Note that the latter
value (838,335) is equal to the objective function
value when solving the model (Table 2). By dividing
these values by the total number of trucks, average
travel time and exposed population per truck for the
Olivais district were finally obtained (last line in
Table 3).
As shown in table 2, the model was solved to
optimality (0% gap) in less than 2s of CPU time, for
a network dimension significantly larger than the
ones used in similar studies. In fact, the Olivais
district network displays 461 nodes and 682 links,
while the network in the Kara and Verter (2004)
study features 48 nodes and 57 links. This
computational performance underlines the powerful
tools that are currently available to solve
optimization models.
As a final step in addressing this case study, an
analysis was made to parameter R (often termed
Big-M in the literature), varying it by powers of ten
between 10 and 10
. For R values below 10
model is infeasible. Feasible models were solved
three times (for each R value) and the average of
CPU time computed. This varied between 1.6s and
9.7s, with no observable increasing or decreasing
trend regarding the R value variation.
It is the authors’ understanding that there is a
consensual belief, amongst the academia and the
industry, that both further knowledge and practical
tools to identify safe and economic viable routes for
hazmats distribution, including in complex urban
systems, requires further developments. This study
applied a bi-level linear programming model in a
consolidated area of Lisbon using data from one
energy group operating in Portugal, aiming to
contribute to find a balance between population risk
and the economic viability of white oils (petrol and
diesel fuels) transportation. The dimension of the
road network (number of nodes and links), which
was mapped in a GIS software, significantly
surpasses those of similar studies described in the
literature. The optimal solution (computed in
negligible CPU time) displays the road links to be
used for hazmats transportation in the Olivais district
of Lisbon and identifies the routes for each company
shipment in this area. Model results also quantify
population exposure to risk and the routes travel
As future developments, the authors intend to
address the problem of liquid fuel distribution by
this company in the city of Lisbon, which totals 26
destinations. A simplified road network may be then
considered, presenting a smaller number of arcs than
the aforementioned 7,276. Additionally, risk may be
broken down in relation to population vulnerability
in different stretches of roads. Indeed, the current
study considered the resident population, when
greater accuracy would be provided by considering
the population effectively present in any area during
the day, by identifying generator poles of each zone,
such as services and jobs/schools. It is also
recommended for future analysis the comparison
between the routes currently used by the carriers
trucks with those resulting from the optimization
This is a pioneer study in Portugal, which
benefited from a successful collaboration between
the academia and the industry, and is expected to be
a first step in a hopefully gradual expansion of
applied knowledge.
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