Figure 9: The running time of the multiagent tiger problem
given different GPU’s thread block sizes.
We presented a method for optimal planning in multi-
agent settings under uncertainty that utilizes the paral-
lelism provided by a heterogeneous CPU-GPU com-
puting architecture. We focused on the interactive
dynamic influence diagrams, which are probabilis-
tic graphical models whose solution involves trans-
forming the I-DID into a flat DID and computing the
policy with the maximum expected utility. Opera-
tions involving probability and utility factors during
variable elimination are parallelized on GPUs. We
demonstrate speed ups close to an order of magnitude
on multiple problem domains and run times that are
less than 17 minutes for large numbers of models and
long horizons. To the best of our knowledge, these
are the fastest run times reported so far for exactly
solving I-DIDs and other related frameworks such
as I-POMDPs for multiagent planning, and represent
a significant step forward in making these complex
frameworks practical.
As aforementioned, lower level models can be
DIDs or I-DIDs with different initial beliefs. These
candidate models are differinghypotheses of the other
agent’s behavior, and therefore may be solved inde-
pendently in parallel. However, as solving I-DIDs
requires large amount of memory, we may not solve
these in parallel on a single GPU. Nevertheless, mod-
ern computing platforms may contain two or more
GPU units linked together and programmable using
Furthermore, multiple networked machines
with GPUs may be utilized using CUDA-MPI. How-
ever, as the factor operation is not computational in-
tensive, whether the saving from the parallel compu-
tation on the GPU side can compensate the cost of
transporting data between CPU and GPU is still an
NVIDIA promotes having multiple GPU units man-
aged by its scalable link interface.
open question. Comparisons based on different types
of GPUs will be our immediate future work as well.
This research is supported in part by an ONR Grant,
#N000141310870, and in part by an NSF CAREER
Grant, #IIS-0845036. We thank Alex Koslov for mak-
ing his implementation of a parallel Bayesian network
inference algorithm available to us for reference.
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