Outlier Detection in Survival Analysis based on the Concordance C-index
ao Diogo Pinto
, Alexandra M. Carvalho
and Susana Vinga
PIA, Instituto de Telecomunicac¸
oes, Lisboa, Portugal
DEEC, Instituto Superior T
ecnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
LAETA, IDMEC, Instituto Superior T
ecnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
Survival Analysis, Outlier Detection, Robust Regression, Cox Proportional Hazards, Concordance c-index.
Outlier detection is an important task in many data-mining applications. In this paper, we present two para-
metric outlier detection methods for survival data. Both methods propose to perform outlier detection in a
multivariate setting, using the Cox regression as the model and the concordance c-index as a measure of good-
ness of fit. The first method is a single-step procedure that presents a delete-1 statistic based on bootstrap
hypothesis, testing for the increase in the concordance c-index. The second method is based on a sequential
procedure that maximizes the c-index of the model using a a greedy one-step-ahead search. Finally, we use
both methods to perform robust estimation for the Cox regression, removing from the regression a fraction of
the data by their measure of outlyingness. Our preliminary results on three different datasets have shown to
improve the estimation of the Cox Regression coefficients and also the model predictive ability.
Survival analysis is the field that studies time-to-
event data and has become a relevant topic in clinical
and medical research. Usually there are three main
goals when performing survival analysis (David G.
Kleinbaum, Mitchel Klein, 2005): 1) to estimate sur-
vival/hazard functions from the data; 2) to compare
survival/hazard functions between groups of patients;
and 3) to assess the impact of explanatory variables on
patients survival time. Goals 1) and 2) are dealt by re-
curring to non-parametric methods like Kaplan-Meier
and Nelson-Aalen estimators in order to estimate sur-
vival curves. Log-rank tests are commonly used to
compare survival curves. All these methods have
good robustness to the presence of outlying observa-
tions. When modeling the data in relation to explana-
tory variables, the most popular method is the Cox
proportional hazards (Cox, 1972). The robustness of
the Cox regression has shown to be rather weak,with
outlying observations severely affecting the Cox re-
gression coefficients. Concerning robustness, one im-
portant concept is the breakdown point (Donoho and
Huber, 1983; Hampel, 1971), which represents the
fraction of corrupt observations needed to arbitrar-
ily offset the estimation values. It has been pointed
out that Cox partial likelihood estimator has a break-
down point of
(Kalbfleisch and Prentice, 2011), this
means that when fitting a Cox regression to n data
points, one single outlier observation is enough to
cause the estimator to take values arbitrarily far from
their true value (Rousseeuw and Leroy, 1987).
Goal 3) will be the focus of this study, in particu-
lar, our goal is to improve the Cox regression estima-
tion by identifying and removing outlying observa-
tions. This way the regression becomes more robust,
thus providing more accurate relationships between
explanatory variables and survival times, along with
improving the global model predictive ability.
To fix notation, a dataset will be denoted by
and Y
with each X
being a
p-dimensional vector of covariates and Y
the corre-
sponding dependent variable value. In survival data,
is very common the occurrence of censoring, i.e., the
event of interest does not always occur for a given in-
dividual during the period of the study. To model cen-
soring, it is common to add a binary variable which
indicates if the event occurred or not.
There are many definitions of an outlier in the lit-
erature, both mathematical and more informal, as can
be seen more thoroughly in (Ben-Gal, 2005). For ex-
ample (Hawkins, 1980) defines an outlier as an obser-
Pinto J., Carvalho A. and Vinga S..
Outlier Detection in Survival Analysis based on the Concordance C-index.
DOI: 10.5220/0005225300750082
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms (BIOINFORMATICS-2015), pages 75-82
ISBN: 978-989-758-070-3
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
vation that deviates so much from other observations
as to arouse suspicion that it was generated by a dif-
ferent mechanism or (Johnson et al., 1992) that de-
fines an outlier as an observation in a dataset which
appears to be inconsistent with the remainder of that
set of data. These definitions provide two different
ways of detecting outliers: the first one considers only
the values of X
and Y
, the second. assesses the rela-
tion between them by introducting the notion of the
model’s quality of fit. Of course the second notion of
outlyingness needs a model to define this relationship
between Y
and X
. The first perspective corresponds
to a non-parametric approach to outlier detection, the
second corresponds to a parametric or model-based
perspective and will be the focus of the our proposal.
2.1 Swamping and Masking
Data sets with multiple outliers or clusters of outliers
are subject to masking and swamping effects. Here we
enunciate the following definitions (Acuna and Ro-
driguez, 2004):
Masking Effect. One outlier masks another outlier
if the second outlier can be considered an outlier
only by itself but not in the presence of the first
Swamping Effect. One outlier observation swamps
a second observation if the latter can be consid-
ered as an outlier in presence of the first but not
by itself.
As seen in (Fischler and Bolles, 1981), these ef-
fects are particularly harmful when developing se-
quential procedures for outlier detection, mainly be-
cause the subset of observations already deleted influ-
ences which observations will be deleted in the sub-
sequent iterations.
2.2 Model-specific Outlier Detection:
Cox Proportional Hazards
In this paper the model chosen to represent the data
was the Cox proportional hazards due to its simplicity,
good results and great power of interpretability.
Several works have been developed to increase the
robustness of the estimation of the Cox Regression
by performing outlier detection, for example through
residual analysis, estimating the variation in regres-
sion parameters with the removal of a given observa-
tion (Therneau et al., 1990). The outliers can then be
detected by selecting the observations that cause the
largest variation in the parameters upon its removal.
This approach is susceptible to masking and swamp-
ing and also needs the tuning of the outlier or non-
outlier threshold.
In (Farcomeni and Viviani, 2011) outlying obser-
vations are defined as the individuals that have the
smallest contributions to the Cox partial likelihood.
In order to find these observations they first make a
robust fitting of the Cox regression and then in the
absence of masking, they employ residual analysis as
in (Nardi and Schemper, 1999) to perform outlier de-
tection. The robust fitting is done using an algorithm
that maximizes the maximum partial likelihood. This
maximization is made over all possible subsets of the
trimmed set of observations.
2.3 Concordance C-index
To assess the predictive ability of a survival model, we
will use Harrel’s concordance c-index (Harrell et al.,
1982). It measures the ability of the model to predict
a higher relative risk to an individual whose event oc-
curs first. The relative risk is estimated from the out-
put of the model for each individual; in a Cox model
for instance, the relative risk corresponds to the haz-
ard ratio. The c-index is calculated using the follow-
ing procedure:
1. Form all possible pairs of individuals.
2. Omit the pairs whose shorter survival time is cen-
sored and all pairs where both observations are
censored. These are the permissible pairs, being
its cardinality.
3. To calculate Concordance, for each permissible
pair when T
6= T
: count 1 if the shorter survival
time has higher predicted risk, count 0.5 other-
wise. For T
= T
and both not censored: count
1 if the predicted risks are the same, 0.5 other-
wise; if at least one is censored and it corresponds
to a lower risk, count 1 (0.5, otherwise). Concor-
dance is defined as the sum of all counts for each
permissible pair.
4. The c-index is given by
c-index = Concordance/N
The c-index is a rank measure, thus it only mea-
sures how well predicted values are concordant with
rank-ordered response variables. For example, the c-
index for two patients with predicted hazard ratios of
0.4 and 0.6 is the same as if the patients had hazard
ratios of 0.1 and 0.9 (Harrell, 2001), it only measures
if the outcome is concordant with the response vari-
ables or not. Thus, unlike measures such as the sum of
squared errors, one observation by itself has a limited
contribution for the overall concordance. This robust-
ness may allow for the maximization of the c-index
without worrying if it is being maximized at the cost
of the majority of the data, only to fit better one or a
cluster of outlying observations, as it can happen with
the sum of squared errors (Fischler and Bolles, 1981).
We propose two novel methods for outlier detection
in survival data based on the concordance index, de-
scribed in sections 3.1 and 3.2. Section 3.3 describes
alternative proposals that will be further used for com-
parison purposes.
The proposed methods make use of an operational
definition of outlier, defined as an observation that,
when absent from the data, will likely decrease the
prediction error of the fitted model. In a survival set-
ting, this prediction error will be measured recurring
to the concordance c-index, which has the particular-
ity of using the predictive model as a black-box.
3.1 Bootstrap Hypothesis Testing (BHT)
Ideally we would know the underlying distribution of
the observations X
and perform an hypothesis test
about the difference in terms of concordance between
the two distributions. Thus the idea is to perform n hy-
pothesis tests about the concordance variation, one for
each observation i, and sorting the resulting p-values.
The hypothesis tests will be made following the
bootstrap approach (Efron, 1979). Each observation
is considered a discrete random variable hav-
ing a distribution equal to the empirical distribution
given by the original dataset. We will consider n dif-
ferent empirical distributions, each distribution results
from removing each observation i from the original
data and adjust densities in order to sum one. De-
noting by C the concordance c-index and C
concordance in the original data, distributions Data
represent the adjusted empirical distributions having
P(X = X
,Y = Y
) = 0. The hypothesis test for each
observation is formulated as follows:
: C
Model,(X ,Y)Data
: C
Model,(X ,Y)Data
> C
Writing C
Model,(X ,Y)Data
and δC
= C
it is
more useful to reformulate the hypothesis tests as:
: δC
: δC
> 0
The rejection of the null hypothesis given a signifi-
cance level α corresponds to estimate a confidence in-
terval for the values of δC for each distribution Data
if this interval does not contain values less or equal
than zero we can reject the null hypothesis for the sig-
nificance level α, alternatively we can calculate the
test p-value.
These confidence intervals will be computed us-
ing Monte Carlo Bootstrap as explained in (Harrell,
2001), for each observation i the procedure is the
following: 1) produce B bootstrap samples by sam-
pling with replacement n 1 observations from the
empirical distribution Data
; 2) compute the concor-
dance for each bootstrap sample; 3) the p-value corre-
sponds to the proportion of bootstrap samples having
The number of bootstrap samples B used has
shown to be dependent on the number of individuals
and number of covariates. In our tests the value for B
was iteratively increased until p-values convergence.
Following the same reasoning provided in (Singh
and Xie, 2003), given an outlying observation ξ the
probability that a bootstrap sample does not contain
ξ is approximately (1
( 37%) as n .
Thus, each observation will be absent in approxi-
mately 37% of the samples. A low p-value for the
hypothesis test mentioned above, means that the given
observation i improves the concordance c-index in a
systematic way not depending on the cooperation of
any other observation. On the other hand, if one out-
lier is masked by another, the masking outlier will
not be present in approximately 37% of the bootstrap
samples and thus we can expect a multimodal be-
havior for the expected δC. Thus an outlier subject
to masking may not systematically improve concor-
dance (present a high p-value for the hypothesis test)
but if presents multimodality and one of the modes is
relatively high, it is a candidate for an outlier.
To sum up, Bootstrap Hypothesis testing (BHT)
on δC works as follows: for each observation, an hy-
pothesis test by bootstrap is done. The resulting statis-
tics for each observation will be a p-value and the ex-
pected value of δC. The p-value gives us the confi-
dence level to reject the hypothesis that the removal
of the observation causes no increase in the c-index.
Experimentally we verified that these two values are
correlated. When the p-value is low, the expected δC
is usually very high, the opposite relation has shown
to be weaker. So in order to obtain a 1-dimensional
metric for outlyingness, we consider the observations
with the lowest p-values the more outlying ones.
3.2 One-Step Deletion (OSD)
This method is a sequential procedure for outlier re-
moval. We start with all data and at each itera-
tion of the algorithm, the observation that, when ex-
cluded, causes the largest increase in concordance, is
removed. The resulting subset is interpreted as con-
taining the most outlying observations. This method
is equivalent to do one-step-ahead greedy search for
maximizing the c-index of the model in the data. The
resulting subset of observations, will be considered
the most outlying ones.
3.3 Alternative Methods
Here we present alternative methods for outlier de-
tection in survival data that will be used to assess the
performance of the proposed methods.
3.3.1 Martingale Residuals (MART)
These residuals are provenient from the counting pro-
cess framework for censored survival, first a Martin-
gale process is defined by the difference between ob-
served and expected number of events (David W. Hos-
mer, Stanley Lemeshow, Susanne May, 2008). Let
N(t) be the number of events until t and H(t) the cu-
mulative hazard function, we have for each individi-
ual i the Martingale residual process:
(t) = N
(t) H
(t). (1)
The martingale residual is defined as the value of pro-
cess M
(t) at the time of failure/censoring, as N(t)
takes 1 if the event is observed and zero when cen-
sored (David Collett, 2003), their are given by:
= δ
(t), (2)
where δ
is the censoring indicator for individual i.
For the Cox model the residuals are given by:
= δ
(t). (3)
3.3.2 Deviance Residuals (DEV)
The deviance residuals are an attempt (David Collett,
2003) to adjust the Martingale residuals to be more
centered around zero, given by:
= sgn(r
+ δ
. (4)
3.3.3 Likelihood Displacement Statistic (LD)
β be the value of β that maximizes the partial Cox
likelihood and
the estimate when observation i is
eliminated from the fitting. The likelihood displace-
ment (Cook, 1977) statistic (LD) is given by:
= 2logL(
β) 2logL(
). (5)
Under the null hypothesis
β the LD statis-
tic follows a chi-square distribution with one degree
of freedom. Therefore we calculate the p-value for
this test for all observations, the ones having more
significance are considered the most outlying ones.
4.1 Simulation Data (SIM)
Similarly to the simulation data in (Farcomeni and
Viviani, 2011), we will generate datasets having as
underlying probabilistic model, the Cox proportional
hazards. Our goal is to recreate a realistic setting,
with survival times and covariates as similar as real
datasets. In order to approximate this conditions,
each simulated dataset will have a pure model β that
translates a a general trend of the observations, and
two other Cox models with different parameter val-
ues. Each dataset consists in 200 observations hav-
ing covariates X
. These follow a 3-D normal
distribution with zero mean and covariance matrix Σ,
that will be equal to the identity matrix I for the pure
model and σ ·I for the outlier models.
For the survival times, the probabilistic model for
the hazard of each individual follows one of three pos-
sible models: the pure model β and two outlier models
and β
. Having k < n outliers (k even), the hazard
function for each observation i is generated by:
(t) =
(t)exp{βX} 1 i n k
X} n k < i n k/2
X} n k/2 < i n
The baseline hazard h
(t) is given by a Weibull func-
tion with both shape and scale parameters equal to
unity, defined in the interval from 0 to 1. The value
for k will be set in order to have 10% of outliers.
The estimation of the cumulative hazard function
(t) is then obtained:
(t) =
(τ)dτ. (7)
From each H
(t) we further calculate the corre-
sponding survival curves by S
(t) = e
. Having
this distribution, we generate 200 survival times ac-
cording to the distribution given by S
(t) and gener-
ate a censoring vector c
following a Bernoulli
with probability p, corresponding to the proportion of
censored observations, typically a value around 0.2:
1 S
(t), (8)
4.2 Clinical Data
In order to test the procedures in a more realistic set-
ting, we have further applied the methods to real clin-
ical data, focusing on two studies:
WHAS. Dataset from the Worcester Heart At-
tack Study, with 100 individuals each with
5 covariates. This data concerns the sur-
vival times of patients having their first
heart attack. Data publicly available at
BMT. Bone Marrow Transplant Data (Klein and
Moeschberger, 1997): contains data about 137
leukemia patients each with 10 covariates. The
data concerns the survival time after the bone mar-
row transplant. It is publicly available in the R (R
Development Core Team, 2006) package KMsurv.
In this section we assess the performance of the two
proposed outlier detection methods BHT and OSD
and we compare their results with MART, DEV and
LD. We start by presenting the configuration of our
simulation study for outlier detection. Then we apply
all methods to two real datasets, performing outlier
detection. We further use the detected outliers to per-
form a robust Cox regression by removing them from
the data, the coefficients and p-values of the regres-
sion will be compared.
5.1 SIM Dataset
The outlier detection methods will be used on sim-
ulated datasets generated using the methodology de-
scribed in Section 4.1. In order to test the outlier
detection methods in a variety of conditions for the
outlying models and for the general model, we will
fix the general trend model β = (1,1,1) and then we
define a set of configurations for the two sources of
outlying observations. Each parameter for the outlier
sources is given by a three dimensional normal distri-
bution with a diagonal covariance matrix, the values
for the means and variances in each scenario are pre-
sented in Table 1.
Table 1: Tested scenarios for the outlier sources.
Scenario β
1 (-0.5,-0.5,-0.5) (0.5,-0.5,-0.5) 0.25
2 (-2,-2,-2) (-2,2,-2) 0.50
3 (-1,-1,-1) (-1,1,-1) 0.50
4 (0.5,0.5,0.5) (0.5,-0.5,0.5) 0.25
5 (2,2,2) (2,-2,2) 0.50
6 (1,-1,1) (1,1,-1) 0.50
7 (0.8,0.8,-1.6) (-1.6,0.8,0.8) 0.50
8 (0.25,0.25,-0.50) (-0.50,0.25,0.25) 0.10
9 (2,2,2) (-2,-2,-2) 0.50
10 (2,2,2) (-1,-1,-1) 0.50
Although the outlying values for the parameters
may seem close to the general trend model it is worth
noting that the Cox model defines the hazards as an
exponential function of βX, thus the ratio between
the hazard of an outlying and a general trend observa-
tion is given by exp{β
X βX}. The reasons behind
the choice of this set of scenarios is to have a variety
of combinations with different norms and contrasting
Table 2 reports the accuracy in terms of percent-
age of retrieved outliers or true positive rate. By in-
Table 2: Fraction of true positives averaged over 100 runs
for each method in the 10 chosen scenarios.
1 0.29 0.31 0.39 0.25 0.42
2 0.43 0.49 0.54 0.45 0.62
3 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.39 0.52
4 0.22 0.24 0.27 0.27 0.28
5 0.26 0.25 0.19 0.18 0.13
6 0.22 0.30 0.30 0.20 0.32
7 0.31 0.32 0.33 0.31 0.39
8 0.22 0.26 0.34 0.24 0.32
9 0.25 0.26 0.21 0.22 0.21
10 0.22 0.21 0.17 0.17 0.13
specting Table 2 we see that the OSD algorithm is the
one that has an overall better performance, overcom-
ing the other methods in 6 out of 10 of the scenarios.
For scenarios 5 and 10, MART achieves the best per-
5.2 WHAS Dataset
The outliers detected by the methods in the WHAS
dataset are presented in Table 3. The selection is
based on the ten lowest p-values.
Table 3: Top 10% outliers detected by the methods in the
WHAS dataset.
1 93 1 97 67 1
2 51 31 67 1 67
3 90 56 1 78 97
4 33 85 52 56 51
5 11 97 23 69 23
6 27 93 7 8 31
7 40 30 57 45 93
8 1 78 78 93 52
9 31 51 56 30 56
10 56 90 17 32 57
It is noteworthy that all the methods identified ob-
servation 56.The estimates for the regression coeffi-
cients when fitting the Cox model to all observations
are given in Table 4.
We observe that only two covariates are statisti-
cally significant corresponding to the age at the first
Table 4: Cox model fitted to the WHAS dataset.
β p-value
los -0.022 0.3972
age 0.039 0.0025
gender 0.157 0.6066
bmi -0.071 0.0497
hear attack (age) and the body mass index (bmi).
After removing 10% of the observations indicated
in Table 3 for each of the methods, new models are
obtained (Table 5 and Table 6). The goal is to unveil
a trend model, unaffected by outlying observations.
Table 5: Cox estimates removing the top 10% outlier obser-
vations in the WHAS dataset for methods BHT and OSD.
β p-value β p-value
los -0.166 0.006 -0.025 0.374
age 0.048 0.000 0.068 0.000
gender 0.003 0.992 0.042 0.899
bmi -0.162 0.001 -0.137 0.002
Table 6: Cox estimates removing the top 10% outlier obser-
vations in the WHAS dataset for methods MART, DEV and
β p-value β p-value β p-value
los -0.016 0.498 -0.015 0.550 -0.016 0.506
age 0.045 0.001 0.032 0.012 0.069 0.000
gender -0.082 0.800 0.155 0.653 -0.230 0.483
bmi -0.082 0.029 -0.037 0.030 -0.146 0.001
The results show that in the proposed BHT
method the length of stay (los) after the first heart at-
tack appeared as significant, which did not occur for
the other methods. These results show that BHT can
potentially unveil covariates that were not considered
The fact that los rose as a significant covariate
in the Cox regression calls for a better analysis of
this measure. There are several studies that relate
the length of hospital stay with patient readmission.
Also studied, is the association between los and the
quality of hospital care, (Thomas et al., 1996) with
data for 12 different conditions, that a longer los risk-
adjusted for other covariates, is associated with poorer
hospital care. In our case we have a negative coeffi-
cient, meaning that the hazard function decreases with
a longer length of stay, thus this might be also a po-
tential indicator that the hospital has a good quality of
5.3 BMT Dataset
The outliers detected by the methods in the BMT
dataset are presented in Table 7. The selection is
based, again, on the 10% lowest p-values. For BHT,
a value of bootstrap samples B = 2000 has shown to
be sufficient for the convergence.
Table 7: Top 10% outliers detected by the methods in the
BMT dataset.
1 65 129 129 129 129
2 103 35 132 103 132
3 99 108 89 99 30
4 97 65 90 65 130
5 13 132 26 30 26
6 42 87 30 132 28
7 63 84 28 13 65
8 40 103 130 130 13
9 92 30 17 16 103
10 14 99 105 136 14
11 43 97 136 15 72
12 39 28 116 26 89
13 49 109 72 97 50
The estimates for the regression coefficients when
fitting the Cox model to all observation are given in
Table 8.
Table 8: Cox model fitted to all BMT data.
β p-value
Age Diagn -0.0017 0.9357
Donor Age 0.0316 0.1072
Sex -0.2738 0.2651
Donor Sex 0.0409 0.8662
CMV -0.1701 0.4922
Donor CMV 0.0038 0.9875
Wait Time -0.0001 0.8701
FAB 0.7917 0.0012
Hospital -0.5570 0.0004
MTX 1.0062 0.0026
After removing 10% of the observations indicated
in the Table 7 for each of the methods, new models
are obtained (Table 9 and Table 10).
Table 9: Cox estimates removing the top 10% outlier obser-
vations in the BMT dataset for methods BHT and OSD.
β p-value β p-value
Age Diagn -0.017 0.418 0.027 0.222
Donor Age 0.033 0.097 0.016 0.432
Sex -0.412 0.115 -0.556 0.029
Donor Sex 0.076 0.780 0.403 0.144
CMV -0.541 0.047 -0.622 0.026
Donor CMV -0.024 0.926 0.116 0.651
Wait Time 0.000 0.623 -0.001 0.472
FAB 1.260 0.000 1.157 0.000
Hospital -0.991 0.000 -1.190 0.000
MTX 2.127 0.000 2.488 0.000
When using all the data, the statistically signifi-
cant covariates are FAB, Hospital and MTX (Table 8).
When the first top 10% outlier observations were re-
moved, the results were very similar between the pro-
posed methods BHT and OSD as both reduced the p-
value of the variable CMV to 0.047 and 0.026, respec-
tively. This possibly reveals that the variable CMV is
Table 10: Cox estimates removing the top 10% outlier ob-
servations in the BMT dataset for methods MART, DEV
and LD.
β p-value β p-value β p-value
Age Diagn -0.009 0.640 0.029 0.181 0.006 0.777
Donor Age 0.027 0.149 0.024 0.243 0.050 0.027
Sex -0.443 0.078 -0.624 0.021 -0.325 0.235
Donor Sex 0.053 0.833 0.257 0.345 0.361 0.195
CMV -0.356 0.178 -0.460 0.094 -0.395 0.148
Donor CMV -0.432 0.867 0.075 0.771 0.032 0.910
Wait Time -0.000 0.866 0.000 0.321 -0.000 0.586
FAB 1.170 0.000 1.286 0.000 1.058 0.000
Hospital -0.693 0.000 -0.794 0.000 -1.442 0.000
MTX 1.813 0.000 1.495 0.000 2.350 0.000
much more significant to the model than first expected
using the complete dataset. The covariate CMV repre-
sents the cytomegalovirus immune status (positive or
negative) and therefore might be a relevant feature to
predict survival. It is noteworthy that the other meth-
ods did not retrieve this variable as significant.
In all these experiments, the choice of the outlier
percentage threshold has obvious implications on the
obtained Cox regression coefficients and a more de-
tailed analysis is warranted to analyze the tradeoff be-
tween keeping and removing observations.
5.4 Leave-one-Out Cross-validation of
the C-index
To assess the predictive ability of the model when
facing new observations, we perform leave-one-out
cross-validation of the c-index. The outliers also be-
come part of the several test sets, but they are never
present in the training used to estimate the models.
Thus this measure takes into account the prediction
performance of the model on outlying observations.
The results are very positive, with the concordance
showing a systematic increase while removing candi-
date outliers.
Table 11: Leave-one-out estimated c-indexes for the BHT
Dataset All data top-3 top-10 top-30
WHAS 0.6607 0.6813 0.6824 0.6900
BMT 0.6208 0.6314 0.6441 0.6668
Table 12: Leave-one-out estimated c-indexes for the OSD
Dataset All data top-3 top-10 top-30
WHAS 0.6607 0.6832 0.6853 0.6986
BMT 0.6208 0.6314 0.6441 0.6629
We proposed two methods for outlier detection in a
survival setting. Both methods improve the perfor-
mance of the Cox Regression using cross-validation.
Overall, OSD has shown promising results in terms
of p-value improvement of the regression coefficients.
We think BHT can be improved in order to be a 2-D
index possibly using multimodality measures (Singh
and Xie, 2003) to identify the outliers that have a
higher p-value (that do not systematically improve
concordance when removed from the data, but still
are outlying observations).
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estimation for the Cox regression, removing from the
regression a fraction of the data by their measure of
outlyingness. Our preliminary results on three differ-
ent datasets have shown to improve the estimation of
the Cox Regression coefficients and also the model
predictive ability.
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gal) under contracts LAETA Pest-OE/EME/LA0022
and IT (PEst-OE/EEI/LA0008/2013), as well as
project CancerSys (EXPL/EMS-SIS/1954/2013). SV
acknowledges support by Programa Investigador
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