distributed environment is highly complex, these ap-
proaches have remained theoretical and have not been
deployed in any large distributed system.
Computational puzzles, also introduced as Re-
source testing by Levine et al. (Levine et al.,
2006), aim at proving network nodes ID with highly-
demanding computational puzzles, assuming that an
attacker has not enough computational resources to
maintain an artificially high number of Sybil nodes,
since several logical identities are dependent on the
same physical entity. However, the computational
puzzles work best if all identities are proven in a
simultaneous way as stated by Douceur (Douceur,
2002), and it requires that honest nodes continue to
compute these puzzles in a regular basis in order to
remain on the system and avoid the collection of iden-
tities with time. Given the very high amount of IDs
that must be generated to perform a successful eclipse
attack when considering the netDB parameter we rec-
ommend, relying on crypto-puzzle clearly offers the
best collaboration with our work in order to further
improve I2P security against eclipse attacks.
A bullet-proof solution against Sybil attacks can
only be achieved by means of a centralised approach,
as early stated by Douceur (Douceur, 2002), while
non-centralised approaches can partially deal with
this attack. Of course, a distributed approach seems
to better fit a DHT than a central authority but, due to
the lack of mutual trust in a distributed environment
and to the reduced view of the network, as stated by
Urdaneta et al., these defence mechanisms are unable
to fully prevent a Sybil attack, but only mitigate its
effects. Our analysis and recommendations regarding
the I2P’s netDB brings the network a step closer to a
robust system, while maintaining backward compati-
In this paper, we evaluated I2P’s distributed direc-
tory, known as the netDB, from a security and de-
sign points of view. From a security point of view,
we particularly considered the Sybil attack, which en-
ables further complex attacks, such as a full Eclipse
attack, and propose different mechanisms to harden
the netDB based on the design of the KAD network.
An attacker will now need to compute 50 times more
fake identifiers than before to deploy the same attack,
considering a replica set of ten peers and the current
I2P network size. However, a resourceful attacker can
still deploy a full Eclipse attack on the netDB. There-
fore, our solution would gain to be associated with
a more resource-consuming way to generate routing
ID, by involving crypto-puzzles in the process rather
than simple hash functions.
We additionally conducted the first churn study
the I2P anonymous network, where we detect a
slightly different behaviour of anonymoususers when
compared to normal file-sharing networks. I2P
anonymous users keep connected longer hours, up to
nine hours, where we found that the session length
curve dramatically drops.
Our solution is favourable in every sense: we have
a more robust network, which as well reduces mes-
sage overhead thus improving network overall per-
formances. Even more, our solution can be locally
implemented allowing a fully backward compatible
I2P client and letting the I2P network to progressively
evolve to a safer state.
Our future work consists in a flexible and itera-
tive approach to overcome this resourceful attacker.
The owner of a leaseset, for instance, will period-
ically search for his published leasesets and if not
found, he will republished it using a bigger replica
set, thus avoiding malicious peers and reaching out
for legitimate peers. This approach enables to auto-
detect an ongoing attack and adjust the publication
procedure accordingly. Another direction that could
directly benefit from our present contribution and bet-
ter mitigate Sybil attacks would be to change the way
DHT’s identifiers are computed in order to need more
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