Running example 4
The whole surgery was successfully performed
by BROS under the automatic operating mode
and simulated using RobotStudio and
RobotWare. Only 4 fluoroscopic images were
needed, what makes 21 images less than in the
study case introduced in Section 3. BROS
insured all the intervention steps and the surgeon
had only to remotely check the smooth running
of the surgery and be ready to intervene in the
case where the robotized platform would not be
able to perform one of the surgery's steps or he
would judge that a human intervention is
Our work consisted, through this paper, in
introducing BROS, this new robotic platform
dedicated to the treatment of supracondylar humerus
fracture, and its contributions. BROS is a flexible
system since it may run under different operating
modes to meet the surgeon requirements and the
environment constraints: it is reconfigurable.
Through the simulation of a real case of BROS-
assisted surgery, we proved the usefulness of this
robotic platform to avoid the complications that may
be generated because of the blind pinning and
prevent the danger posed by the recurrent exposition
to radiations. We can, now, certify that BROS is an
innovating project which will be of a great help to
pediatric orthopedic surgeons. The next step is to
proceed to the real implementation of BROS using
the ABB robotic arms.
This research work is carried out within a
MOBIDOC PhD thesis of the PASRI program, EU-
funded and administered by ANPR (Tunisia). The
BROS national project is a collaboration between
the Children Hospital of Béchir Hamza (Tunis),
eHTC and INSAT (LISI Laboratory) in Tunisia. We
thank the medical staff, Prof.Dr.med. Mahmoud
Smida (Head of Child and Adolescent Orthopedics
Service) and Dr.med. Zied Jlalia, for their fruitful
collaboration and continuous medical support. A
second paper is submitted in the conference for the
modeling and verification of BROS.
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