Understanding Information Technology Security Standards Diffusion
An Institutional Perspective
Sylvestre Uwizeyemungu
and Placide Poba-Nzaou
Département des Sciences Comptables, UQTR, 3351, boul. des Forges, Trois-Rivières (Québec), Canada
Département d’Organisation et Ressources Humaines, ÉSG UQAM, 315, Ste-Catherine Est, Montréal (Qc), Canada
Keywords: IT Security, Information Security, Security Standards, Institutional Theory, Standards Diffusion, ISO
Abstract: Organizations' dependency on information technology (IT) resources raises concerns over IT
confidentiality, integrity, and availability. IT security standards (ITSS) which play a key role in IT security
governance, are meant to address those concerns. It is then important for researchers, managers, and policy-
makers to understand the reasons for the low levels of ITSS diffusion in organizations. Building on
institutional perspective, this study shows that none of the ITSS has yet reached the stage of legitimation
that would prompt a widespread diffusion across organizations. Of particular focus is the benchmarking of
ISO/IEC 27000 against other more diffused ISO generic standards. Three methodological approaches were
used: structured documentation analysis, public secondary data analysis, and informal interviews of experts.
This study sensitizes managers and policy-makers to the key role of institutional mechanisms in shaping
ITSS diffusion.
Organizations in modern societies rely heavily on
Information Technology (IT) to perform a wide
range of activities from basic, and routine operations
to highly complex and critical ones. Yet, IT-
dependent operations are exposed to IT
vulnerabilities and to threats of different kinds.
Vulnerabilities refer to weaknesses in one or more
parts of an IT system, whereas threats refer to
possible dangers directed towards the system (Chang
et al. 1999). In recent years, numerous IT-related
incidents have been reported by many IT managers:
virus incidents (49%), insider abuse of computer
systems (44%), and unauthorized access from
external sources (29%) (Hu et al. 2011). Current
surveys have systematically reported a dramatic
increase in cybercrime-related incidents (PwC,
2013; Singleton, 2013).
Organizations try to deal with all these issues
through IT security governance which refers to
mechanisms, technologies, structures, and policies
combined together in order to ensure that the
organization’s IT assets in all their components such
as software and hardware, data and information, and
people respond constantly to required levels of
availability, confidentiality and integrity (von Solms,
2005). Organizations’ dependence on IT makes IT
security governance an important issue. By all
accounts, IT security standards (ITSS) recognized at
industrial, national, or international levels are
essential for organizations aiming to effectively
implement IT security-related mechanisms,
technologies, structures, and policies (Disterer,
2013; Hone and Eloff, 2002).
Given the importance of ITSS, one would expect
to find a high rate of ITSS diffusion in
organizations. This, however, is not the case: for
example, when compared to quality system
standards (ISO 9001) and environmental
management standards (ISO 14001), certification
levels of ITSS (ISO/IEC 27000) are very low.
Statistics released by ISO show that while ISO 9001
and ISO 14001 could display respectively 1,101,272
and 285,844 certifications worldwide in 2012,
ISO/IEC 27000 was limited to a meager number of
19,577 certifications; that is 1.8% and 6.9% of
respectively quality and environmental standards.
This means that for 100 firms certified ISO 9000 one
finds less than 2 firms with ISO IT security
certification, and the ratio is 100 firms certified ISO
14000 for 7 certified ISO 27000. One would argue
that the lower diffusion of ISO 27000 is simply due
to its being launched later (ISO 9000 was launched
Uwizeyemungu S. and Poba-Nzaou P..
Understanding Information Technology Security Standards Diffusion - An Institutional Perspective.
DOI: 10.5220/0005227200050016
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP-2015), pages 5-16
ISBN: 978-989-758-081-9
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
in 1987, ISO 14000 in 1996, and ISO 27000 in
2005). We will show that this argument does not
hold by comparing the respective evolutions of the
above-mentioned standards in the first seven years
following each ISO launch. More significant are the
results of surveys showing that even the level of
awareness of ITSS is low. For example, a 2008
survey in the UK showed that only 21% of
businesses were aware of ISO 27000 series, and
among them, only 30% had the standards fully
implemented (Tsohou et al., 2010). The low level of
awareness among top managers, including CIO
(chief information officers) or CTO (chief
technology officers), with regard to “key
cornerstones of a strong cyber-security program” is a
great concern (PwC, 2013, p. 4).
Considering the utmost importance of IT security
in today’s business activities, and the important role
that ITSS play in ensuring IT security, it is necessary
for researchers and practitioners to understand why
the diffusion of ITSS in organizations remains low.
This leads to our research question: “why the
diffusion of IT security standards in organizations is
low in spite of their acknowledged importance?”
Justifications one finds in IT security literature to
explain this situation are all substantive in nature
(Wood and Caldas, 2001); that is based on “rational”
reasons for which the implementation of the
standard would be deemed impossible or
inappropriate. Examples of such substantive
reasoning include limitations associated to extant
standards (Siponen, 2006a; van Wessel et al., 2011),
financial considerations or low incentives (Gillies,
2011). This paper proposes an alternative
explanation rooted in institutional theory: based on
the analysis of the historical evolution of different
ITSS worldwide, we contend that none of them has
reached the “stage of legitimation” (Lawrence et al.,
2001, p. 627) that would be characterized by a wide
diffusion of one or a few of available ITSS across
organizations. We analyze in particular statistics of
ISO certifications in North America (Canada and
USA) in relation to the bulk of registered
corporations in the same region. Then, we proceed
to a benchmarking of ISO 27000 evolution against
the evolution of other ISO generic standards, namely
ISO 9000 and ISO 14000. Our results indicate that if
nothing is changed with regards to current
institutionalization mechanisms, the ITSS diffusion
will remain very low. An important implication of
this study is to make different stakeholders sensitive
to the key role of institutional mechanisms in
shaping ITSS diffusion as ITSS are deemed essential
to implement sound security measures commensu-
rate with the security challenges of the modern
information-dependent economies.
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows: in the theoretical and empirical background
of our study, we briefly present the institutional
perspective which is the cornerstone of our analysis
of the diffusion of ITSS. We then present our
methodological approaches; followed by a section
devoted to results presentation and analysis which
includes the mapping of the broad ITSS historical
evolution, the analysis of their institutionalization
process, and the benchmarking of ISO 27000 against
quality and environment standards. The final two
sections will respectively cover the discussion of our
results, and our concluding remarks.
2.1 Institutional Perspective
The diffusion of IT security standards can be
analyzed through the lens of institutional theory,
according to which external or environmental
pressures play a significant role in the diffusion of
innovations in organizations. Besides being
economic systems driven by the pursuit of economic
efficiency and performance, organizations are also
social and cultural entities driven by the necessity to
meet expectations from their direct and indirect
environment, and gain in the process some
legitimacy. The notion of legitimacy is central to the
institutional theory (Cousins and Robey, 2005): for
their survival, organizations need more than
production resources (capital, labor), they also need
acceptance by informal and formal networks in
which they are embedded, and they seek this
acceptance (or legitimacy) by adjusting themselves
to a number of regulations, norms, practices, values,
and beliefs prevalent in those networks.
This tendency of organizations evolving in the
same environmental context to adopt the same
practices, rules, and norms for the sake of legitimacy
is known as institutional isomorphism which can be
of coercive, mimetic, or normative nature
(DiMaggio and Powell, 1983). The adoption of
innovations, such as ITSS, is no exception to this
phenomenon. The adoption of an innovation will be
qualified as coercive isomorphism whenever it is
due to pressures (which can be more or less
“gentle”) from business partners, relations or
regulations; it is referred to as normative
isomorphism when it stems from the influence of
professional training or communities of key
employees or managers; it is labeled as mimetic
when it is based on following other organizations
seen as models or references, or based on alignment
to standardized solutions or common practices
generally known as “best practices”. These “best
practices” can be spread through consultancy or
accounting firms. Analyzing the diffusion of the
British IT security standard (BS 7799) Backhouse et
al. (2006) ruled out coercive forces arguing that
there were no laws in the UK making it mandatory
for organizations to adopt the standard. However,
coercive pressures are more than just laws. They can
manifest themselves in forms of “obligatory passage
points” which refer to the requirement that an
organization “A” complies to a given standard in
order to be allowed to do business with an
organization “B” (Backhouse et al., 2006, p. 415).
As for example, national IT security standards
promoted by government agencies have mainly been
developed in this spirit for government contractors.
2.2 The Concept of Institutional Field
In institutional theory, isomorphic mechanisms
operate between organizations belonging to an
organizational field, or institutional field (DiMaggio
and Powell, 1983; Lawrence et al., 2001), that is a
network of organizations that form a recognized area
of institutional life due to their area of expertise or
activity, or relationships they may have (suppliers,
customers, regulatory agencies, competitors, etc.).
The study of the diffusion of an innovation with
regards to the institutional field allows for the
inclusion of all relevant actors or stakeholders in the
analysis. Therefore, in the context of ITSS diffusion,
it is important to consider the relevant institutional
Working from the statistics provided by ISO,
previous studies generally analyze the evolution rate
of certifications from one year to the next; they point
out the increasing pace of ISO 27000, and conclude
to its strong diffusion (Disterer, 2013; Tsohou et al.,
2010). The numbers of certifications of year n are
compared to the number of certifications of year n-1,
without any reference to the bulk of organizations
that are targeted. Such analysis does not take into
account the institutional field and therefore leads to
a somewhat misleading conclusion: the high rate of
increase observed year after year masks the fact that
the ISO 27000 certification remains a marginal
phenomenon among potential adopting organiza-
tions, even after a period of seven years. The
institutionalization of an innovation or practice can
only be conceived relative to the field of its potential
application, and in the case of generic standards like
ITSS, one can assume that all organizations,
regardless of their sector, are potential targets. This
assumption has been explicitly or implicitly made
for other ISO generic standards, ISO 9000 and ISO
14000 (Franceschini et al., 2006; Francceschini et
al., 2004; Marimon et al., 2010).
2.3 Institutionalization Process and
The institutionalization of an innovation generally
follows a process in four main stages labeled
innovation, diffusion, legitimation, and
deinstitutionalization (Lawrence et al., 2001). The
innovation phase refers to the early stage when a
new practice or technology emerges and is adopted
by few organizations. A parallel can be made
between the innovation phase and the pre-
institutionalization and theorization stages of
institutional change according to Greenwood et al.
(2002). The diffusion phase refers to the period
when the innovation gains momentum within a field
and is extensively adopted by organizations. With
the legitimation phase, the innovation reaches the
point of saturation and is widely considered as a
taken-for-granted practice in organizations (Enrione
et al., 2006). Finally, the deinstitutionalization phase
is when the innovation loses its legitimacy due to
“precipitating jolts” in form of social, technological,
or regulatory changes (Greenwood et al., 2002, p.
Analyzing temporal patterns of institutionaliza-
tion, Lawrence et al. (2001) contend that the pace
and stability of any institution hinges on the
institutionalization process supporting mechanisms
used. The main concepts defined by these authors, as
well as the institutionalization mechanisms with
their respective temporal effects are presented in
Table 1.
Combining the mode of power (episodic vs
systemic) exercised by the institutional agent and the
relationship of power this agent assumes with regard
to targeted actors (object vs subject), Lawrence et al.
(2001) offer a much more granular conceptualization
as opposed to the general conceptualization
proposed by DiMaggio and Powell (1983).
Lawrence et al. (2001) identify four mechanisms of
institutionalization: influence, force, discipline, and
domination. With influence-based mechanisms, the
institutionalization process is slow and the resulting
institutions less stable; a force-based institutionali-
zation is very fast but less stable; a discipline-based
institutionalization is characterized by a slow pace
and a high stability, while a fast pace and a high
stability are related to a domination-based
institutionalization. The authors also explore two
combinations of mechanisms: the combination of
influence and discipline-based mechanisms results in
a medium pace and a high stability institutionali-
zation, while the combination of force and
domination-based mechanisms yields a very fast
pace and a high stability institutionalization.
Three main methods were used for this research, that
is structured documentation analysis, public
secondary data analysis (statistics), and informal
exchanges (e-mails and discussions). The
combination of these three methods was necessary to
identify the pace of ITSS institutionalization process
and to make sense of the actual state of
For mapping the ITSS historical evolution, we
analyzed the relevant literature with the aim of
identifying instances of institutionalization
(Lawrence et al., 2001). This historical approach
was necessary as “it is impossible to understand an
institution adequately without an understanding of
the historical process in which it was produced”
(Selznick et al., 1967: in Scott, 1987).
Documentation analysis has been previously and
successfully used in studies applying institutional
theory (Cousins and Robey, 2005; Enrione et al.,
To identify the relevant literature, we used a
structured approach for literature review proposed
by Webster and Watson (2002). We performed a
topic-based search using two major journal
databases, the ABI/INFORM Global (ProQuest) and
Information Science & Technology Abstracts
(ISTA). We applied a cross-combination of search
terms. Each of the terms “information security”,
“information technology security”, “IT security”,
“information system security”, and “IS security” was
combined with each of the terms “standard”,
“certification” or “certificate”. The search aim was
to determine the presence of combined terms in
peer-reviewed article titles and abstracts. The
original search yielded 84, and 61 articles
respectively for ABI/INFORM and ISTA.
Based on titles and abstracts analysis, we
eliminated duplicates and irrelevant articles, and
then conducted a backward search in the citations of
Table 1: Concepts and Mechanisms of Institu-tionalization
with Associated Temporal Effects (Elaborated from
Lawrence et al. 2001).
Dimension Type Definition
Mode of
Episodic Relatively discrete, strategic acts
of mobilization initiated by serf-
interested actors
Systemic Forms of power that work
through routine, or through
ongoing practices of
organizations (e.g. socialization,
accreditations, technological
systems, insurance and tax
to target
Subject Target of power is assumed to be
capable of agency (ability to
Object The power does not require
choice on the part of its target
(actor incapable of choice, or
whose choice is irrelevant to the
exercise of power)
Pace Length of time taken for an
innovation to become diffused
throughout an organizational
Stability Length of time over which an
institution remains highly
diffused and legitimated
Result (Pace,
Influence Episodic X
P-, S-
Discipline Systemic X
P-, S++
Force Episodic X
P+++, S-
Systemic X
P++, S++
Influence +
P+, S++
Force +
P+++, S++
Legend. P: Pace; S: Stability; -: Low or Slow; +: Medium; ++:
High or Fast; +++: Very Fast
already identified articles. At the end of this process
we had 17 articles from which we were able to map
the ITSS evolution. This analysis was completed by
information gathered from documents available
through the websites of major international bodies
related to IT security standards such as ISO and
Information Security Forum (ISF).
The collected documents were read, re-read, and
cross-checked. After several iterations, we were able
to develop a deep understanding of the historical and
spatial background of the ITSS evolution in
We also analyzed public statistics on ISO generic
standards. ISO statistics have been widely used in
multiple scholar researches, and are deemed reliable
(Marimon et al., 2010). We compared the
certification statistics of ISO/IEC 27000 with those
of other generic standards (ISO 9000 and ISO
14000) worldwide and in North America (Canada +
USA), in order to highlight the relatively slow
institutionalization of the security standard. We also
compared ISO certification statistics in North
America with statistics on registered enterprises
from Statistics Canada and the Census Bureau of
Statistics of U.S. Businesses (SUSB).
The benchmarking of ISO/IEC 27000 against
ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 makes sense for at least
three reasons. First of all, the three standards are
cross-industrial (generic) in nature: they are referred
to as meta-standards (Heras-Saizarbitoria and Boiral,
2013) that can be adopted by organizations
regardless of their sector of activity. The second
reason is that they all benefit from the international
recognition endowed by the brand ISO. The third
reason is that while ISO 27000 is relatively recent
and its adoption in organizations poorly researched,
the adoption of ISO 9000 and to some extent ISO
14000 have been extensively researched and thus
offer a solid basis for benchmarking.
Throughout the research process, we maintained
informal contacts (through e-mails, by phone and
with in person discussions), with three main sources:
4 representatives of certifications bodies in North
America (Canada + USA), 2 representatives of
statistics agencies (1 in Canada, and 1 in USA), and
2 IT security professionals working for 2 different
Canadian manufacturing firms. Informal
conversations or interviews have proven to be
valuable in complement with other methods (Sarker
and Lee, 2002); in our study, they helped make
sense of the diffusion patterns found using statistics
and documentation analysis.
4.1 Historical Evolution of ITSS
As stated earlier, based on a literature review, we
have identified multiple information or ITSS and
how they have evolved. Figure 1 presents the ITSS
by region of origin, the time of their initial
development, their evolution and links with other
The first standard, the Trusted Computer
Security Evaluation Criteria (TCSEC), also known
as “Orange Book”, appeared in 1983 promoted by
the US department of defence (von Solms, 1999). A
few years later, in 1989, the UK Department of
Trade and Industry (UK DTI) published the “User’s
Code of Practice for Information Security” (Gillies,
In 1992, the Organization for Economic Co-
operation and Development (OECD) published its
Guidelines for the Security of Information Systems
(Orlowski, 1997). As a means of implementing these
OECD guidelines (Ibid), the UK DTI, in 1993,
published a “Code of Practice for Security
Management” (BS PD 003) which eventually
evolved, in 1995, into BS 7799 (Backhouse et al.,
2006; von Solms, 1999), considered as the first de
jure standard (Smith et al., 2010), and widely spread
in the UK, New-Zealand, South-Africa, and
Australia (Siponen and Willison, 2009).
In 1996, in a joint effort, ISO and the
International Electro-technical Commission (IEC)
transformed the BS 7799 into an international
standard, the Guidelines for the Management of IT
Security - GMITS (ISO/IEC 17799) (Backhouse et
al, 2006; Siponen and Willison, 2009) which will
become, in 2005, ISO/IEC 27000 (Gillies, 2011).
Meanwhile, in response to the American
standards (Abu-Musa, 2002), the European
Commission (EC) and the Canadian government
issued their own standards, respectively in 1990 and
1993: the Information Technology Security
Evaluation Criteria (ITSEC), also known as “White
Book” (von Solms, 1999) for the EC, and the
Canadian Trusted Computer Product Evaluation
Criteria (CTCPEC).
The SSE-CMM (System Security Engineering -
Capability Maturity Model), well known in North
America, was developed in 1993 under the
sponsorship of the US National Security Agency
(NSA) in tandem with the International Systems
Security Engineering Association (ISSEA) (Siponen
and Willison, 2009).
The IT Baseline Protection Manuel is another well
known standard. It was first developed in 1996 (von
Solms, 1997) by the German Bundesamt für
Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) [German
federal agency for security in information
technology] and it is, in its 2000 version, a federal
Figure 1: IT Security Standards - Origin, Links, and Evolution.
agency for security in information technology] and it
is, in its 2000 version, a nationally recognized
standard in Europe (Brooks et al, 2002; Hone and
Eloff, 2002).
In 1996, the Common Criteria emerged when
three previous standards, the American TCSEC, the
European ITSEC, and the Canadian CTCPEC were
combined (Whitmore, 2001). The Common Criteria
is also recognized as ISO/IEC 15408 (Caceres et al.,
2010; Tsohou et al., 2010).
The Generally Accepted Systems Security
Principles (GASSP-1992, GASSP-1999), later
known as Generally Accepted Information Security
Principles (GAISP-2003) (Siponen, 2006a; Siponen,
2006b) is another international standard. Its
development was based on OECD principles (Poore,
1999; Siponen and Willison, 2009), and was
supported by US Government and the International
Information Security Foundation in conjunction with
several organizations around the World (Hone and
Eloff, 2002; Siponen, 2006b).
There are two other international standards
published in 2000 (Hone and Eloff, 2002): the ISF’s
Standard of Good Practice by the Information
Security Forum in 2000, and the Control Objectives
for IT and Related Technology (COBIT) developed
by the Information Systems Audit and Control
Association (ISACA).
4.2 Analysis of the General
Institutionalization Process of ITSS
From the analysis of the broad IT security standards
(ITSS) evolution presented earlier, one can draw
some conclusions with regards to the timeline of
their development. Three main periods can be
clearly identified and labeled:
The genesis phase or initial development phase
(1980-1990): it is in this decade that the first major
standards were developed, when integrated IT
security frameworks instead of mere checklists
were proposed (Siponen, 2006b).
The proliferation phase (1990-1995): during this
relatively short period, other standards appeared
and the first major efforts to go beyond the
national boundaries took place.
The internationalization phase (1995-2005): this
period is characterized by more effort either to
combine national and regional standards into more
international standards, or to propose others by
international groups.
Statistics from ISO can help us illustrate the
stage of the institutionalization process of ITSS. We
used ISO/IEC 27000 (which we will refer to from
now on as ISO 27000) due to its international status
and to the availability of data. We compare statistics
on ISO 27000 certifications in North America with
statistics on registered corporations which are
theoretically potential adopters of the standards.
ISO statistics show that in 2010, Canada and the
USA counted respectively 26 and 247 ISO 27000
certifications. Considering that registered enterprises
the same year were respectively 2,428,270 and
8,162,808 (from the statistics agencies of both
countries), one notes that the diffusion rate of the
standard in North America is insignificant
(respectively 0.001% and 0.004%). Considering that
the low level of ISO 27000 diffusion is largely
echoed in prior studies for different ITSS (Gillies,
2011; Tejay and Shoraka, 2011, van Wessel et al.,
2011), one would assume that ITSS have not yet
reached the diffusion phase on the
institutionalization curve (cf. Figure 2). All the
above-mentioned periods of ITSS evolution
(genesis, proliferation, internationalization) can be
considered as different steps of the innovation phase
of the traditional institutionalization curve. It is
worth noting that sometimes the institutionalization
process does not go past the innovation phase. This
was the case for example with the “c:cure
certification scheme against BS7799 Part 2”, an
initiative launched in April 1998 in UK and
discontinued in 2000 due to low adoption rate
(Backhouse et al., 2006, p. 423).
Another conclusion from the analysis of the
evolution of ITSS is that, although the
internationalization of standards seems to have been
a major trend for the last years (no more exclusively
national standards have been developed in recent
years), many international standards coexist: the
internationalization process does not seem to lead to
unification of standards, though we do not assume
that a unique international ITSS would be
preferable, but the question deserves analysis. As
political actions, power games, and groups interests
play a much more influential role than economic or
rational reasons in the process of acquiring an
international status (Backhouse et al., 2006), the
validity or the legitimacy of maintaining multiple
international standards may be questioned with
regards to economic or security effectiveness. When
viewed from an institutional theory perspective, it is
clear that the coexistence of multiple standards
indicates that none has yet clearly established its
legitimacy over others.
Figure 2: Comparing the Evolution of IT Security
Standards Certifications Against the Traditional Institutio-
nalization Curve.
In terms of expectations for the mid- and long-
term future of ITSS in general, and for ISO 27000 in
particular, we note that as ISO 27000 has been
launched years after other generic standards, namely
quality (ISO 9000) and environment (ISO 14000)
were launched and from which certification statistics
are available for much more longer periods, insights
from the latter can probably help us understand the
former’s evolution thus far, and eventually predict
its future evolution. As well, there are more scholar
studies on ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 than on ISO
27000 (Fomin et al., 2008).
4.3 ITSS Diffusion: Benchmarking of
ISO Security Standard against ISO
Quality and Environment
Based on statistics from ISO, Figure 3 presents the
Source: Adapted from ISO Survey 2012.
Figure 3: Evolution of ISO Generic Standards Certifications.
evolution of certifications for the three standards
worldwide and in North America. The debuts of ISO
27000 and its evolution rate appear to be more
modest compared to ISO 14000, and more so when
compared to ISO 9000.
Taking into consideration the institutional field
as referred to earlier, we present a portrait of the
magnitude in the diffusion of certifications among
companies that are potential targets of ISO generic
standards. Figure 4 presents the percentage of
enterprises certified in North America for each
generic standard and for the first 5 years for which
ISO statistics are available. The first 5 years
statistics for each standard were chosen to take into
account the differences of temporal horizon from
one standard to another. The first 5 years are
respectively and inclusively from 1993 to 1997 (ISO
9000), from 1999 to 2003 (ISO 14000), and from
2006 to 2010 (ISO 27000).
Source: Elaboration of the authors, based on ISO survey 2012 and
Enterprises Census from Statistics Canada and The Census Bureau of
Statistics of U.S. Businesses (SUSB).
Figure 4: Percentage of Certificates Compared to
Registered Corporations in Canada and USA.
From figure 4 we can conclude that:
1). the diffusion of all the three generic standards
was low compared to the bulk of enterprises in
North America: after the first 5 years the rates of
diffusion are 0.36%, 0.06%, and 0.003%
respectively for ISO 9000, ISO 14000, and ISO
2). the IT security standard lags behind the
environment standard and far behind the quality
standard in terms of diffusion rate within
organizations in North America.
However, the above figures should be interpreted
with caution. Although ISO generic standards are
aimed at organizations of all sectors and all sizes,
one would argue that it would be an exaggeration to
assume that all registered enterprises are necessarily
potential adopters. Indeed, it has been empirically
demonstrated for example that the likelihood of ISO
9000 and ISO 14000 adoption increases with the
size of organizations, and that the early adopters are
mainly large firms (Bodas Freitas and Iizuka, 2012;
Pekovic, 2010). As for ISO 27000, its suitability for
SMEs has been questioned (Barlette et al., 2008).
However, SMEs cannot be ruled out completely
when it comes to standards adoption: in its efforts to
attract SMEs, ISO published certification guides
specifically targeting SMEs for all its generic
standards. Considering that the likelihood of ISO
certification is low for very small firms which
generally are under resources constraints (financial
and human) that put them at a disadvantage when it
comes to adopting and implementing standards
(Pekovic, 2010), it would make sense to analyze ISO
standards diffusion taking into account the size of
organizations. Unfortunately, such an analysis could
not be performed as ISO certification statistics do
not provide a breakdown by organization size.
It can also be argued that the differences between
the evolution statistics of the three generic standards
can be explained by the cumulative effects caused
by the lag time between their launch year and the
first year for which statistics are available. Indeed,
the launch years and the first years of available
statistics are respectively 1987 and 1993 for ISO
9000 (6-year lag), 1996 and 1999 for ISO 14000 (3-
year lag), 2005 and 2006 for ISO 27000 (1-year lag).
So, for ISO 9000, ISO 14000, and ISO 27000
statistics are available from respectively the 7th, 4th,
and 2nd years. While it would not be fair to compare
available statistics matching the years, given
differences of time horizon, one can compare the
three standards if, one counts at least 7 years
beginning at each launch time (and not at the first
year of statistics availability): in Figure 5 we see that
ISO 14000 had actually known the fastest growth
both worldwide and in North America, while ISO
27000 registered the slowest growth.
The faster growth of ISO 14000 compared to
ISO 9000 in their first years of adoption has been
attributed to factors related to the genesis of the two
standards, but the most important factor advanced is
that ISO 9000 success paved the way for ISO 14000
(Marimon, et al., 2011). One would then assume that
the diffusion of ISO 27000 would be facilitated by
both ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 series previous
implementations. The data contradict this
assumption: Figure 5 shows that initial growth for
ISO 27000 during the 7 first years was lower than
the initial growths for the two other generic
standards, both worldwide and in North America.
This can be explained in two main ways.
The first explanation can be found in statistics.
From statistics depicted in Figure 3, we can see that
ISO 27000 was launched at the moment when the
other generic standards were about to reach their
saturation level (worldwide) or were beginning to
decline (North America); the enthusiasm they had
originally attracted was beginning to fade, and the
brand new ISO series could not but suffer from such
a situation. The “de-institutionalization” of standards
that could be more or less associated with ISO
27000 is likely to negatively affect the later’s
diffusion across organizations.
The second explanation, rooted in institutional
theory as it refers to coercive isomorphism, is
probably the most significant. We illustrate it by the
following quote from one of our respondents, vice-
president of one of the certification bodies in North
America. When asked how he can explain the
differences between the statistics of certifications
between the generic standards, he responded:
“I think the reason is demand by the customers
of the certified organizations. Many business to
business purchasers were asking their suppliers
to be certified in ISO 9001 in the belief it would
make them more reliable suppliers. There was
less such demand with regard to ISO 14001. I am
not aware of any significant B2B demand for
ISO 27001”.
In accordance with the institutional theory, our study
contends that the low rate of ITSS diffusion across
organizations can be explained with reference to the
traditional institutionalization curve of innovations
(Lawrence et al., 2001). None of the available
international ITSS has yet reached the legitimation
phase of institutionalization whereby it would be
recognized as a largely agreed upon reference for
which most organizations would seek certification. It
seems that the bandwagon phenomenon
(Abrahamson and Rosenkopf, 1993) - that is the
diffusion of an innovation, regardless of its intrinsic
merits in terms of efficiency or returns, just because
the pressure to adopt it accumulates with the rising
number of organizations that have already adopted it
- does not yet apply for any of the available IT
security standards in general, and ISO 27000 in
We further contend that institutional theory
offers an appropriate theoretical framework to
analyze ITSS adoption by individual organizations.
The highly dynamic nature of IT infrastructure and
software industry entails a high level of ambiguity in
the assessment of ITSS efficiency or returns, and
therefore a certain degree of uncertainty for adopting
organizations. Yet, ambiguity surrounding an
innovation influences the bandwagon effect (Abra-
hamson and Rosenkopf, 1993): greater ambiguity
leads organizations to found their adoption decision
on social considerations as opposed to economic
efficiency. In case of uncertainty, organizations tend
to succumb to mimetic isomorphic pressures by
aligning themselves to standardized solutions or best
practices DiMaggio and Powell, 1983). With this in
mind, the low levels of ITSS certifications can be
interpreted as a reflection of the absence of one or a
few standard(s) whose adoption is generally
accepted as “best practice” to initiate the cycle of
mimetic isomorphism.
Alternatively, one would assume that we are still
in the early stages of ITSS diffusion in which
organizations (early adopters) are reluctant to adopt
the standards considering that the opaqueness about
their potential returns is unlikely to be compensated
by the magnitude of expected returns (Abrahamson
and Rosenkopf, 1993). These two explanations are
complementary and in line with institutional theory
according to which early adopters of an innovation
found their decision on technical analysis while later
adopters are mainly swayed by legitimacy pressures
(Lawrence et al., 2001).
Any institutional agent promoting an innovation
would like to see it diffused and legitimated at a fast
pace. He/she would also like to see it remaining
legitimate for a long period (stability). The
discipline-based mechanisms such as normalization
and examination on which certification bodies rely
for the diffusion of their IT security standards are
clearly not good enough for such a double purpose.
They are good for ensuring high stability, but
stability concerns come in only when an innovation
reaches the legitimation phase: as the pace of
institutionalization process with discipline-based
mechanisms is slow, the risks that the innovation
will never reach the legitimation phase are high. The
results of our analysis through the lens of
institutional theory show that the future of ITSS in
general, and ISO 27000 in particular, does not bode
Force-based mechanisms would not either meet
the double requirement of fast pace and high
stability: they would ensure a fast pace of the
institutionalization process of ITSS, and fail to
guarantee its high stability. The fast growth of ISO
14000 as reported in the precedent section can be
explained by force-based mechanisms of
institutionalization such as environmental laws.
Such mechanisms need to be regularly activated
Source: Adapted from ISO Survey 2012.
Figure 5: ISO Certifications Numbers 7 Years after the Initial Launch.
(law enforcement) to maintain the commitment of
organizations (institutionalization stability). The
combined mechanisms (influence and discipline-
based mechanisms, and force and domination-
mechanisms) described by Lawrence et al. (2001)
seem to be the most appropriate for institutional
agents promoting the adoption of ITSS.
The literature review on ITSS shows discrepancies
between theory and practice. A consensus emerges
from both scholarly and professional publications
that ITSS are important and their implementation
necessary to help organizations deal with IT security
challenges in the information age. One would then
expect high levels of ITSS adoption in modern
organizations whose dependency on IT in almost all
their activities is tremendous. In reality, however,
few organizations have adopted the ITSS available.
As a result, many organizations are ill-prepared to
meet IT security challenges. We have shown that
institutional theory can be mobilized to understand
and explain this phenomenon and to devise
strategies that will not only prompt the diffusion
process (diffusion pace) of ITSS, but also ensure
their being embedded in routines and practices of
organizations for longer periods (stability).
From a theoretical point of view, this study
contributes to the theoretical foundation of research
in managerial IS/IT security, a research field that has
been thus far largely atheoretical (Björk, 2004).
From a practical point of view, considering the
diffusion of ITSS through the lens of institutional
theory may help any international, national, or
industrial entities engaged in or interested by
promoting IT security practices in organizations to
take appropriate measures. For instance, they would
consider adopting institutionalization mechanisms
that accelerate the diffusion pace of ITSS and ensure
a lasting commitment to those standards.
In line with institutional theory, we have arrived
at the conclusion that none of the available ITSS has
yet reached the legitimation phase that would make
it a taken-for-granted reference for any organization
seeking to implement sound IT security practices.
Arising from this result, an interesting research
avenue would be to explore how does an
organization deal with IT security challenges when
IT security standards that should serve as references
have not yet reached a stable institutional status.
In this study, the analysis of the evolution of one
of the major ITSS, namely ISO 27000, in
comparison with other generic standards from ISO
has provided interesting insights. However, the
consideration of other ITSS than ISO 27000 would
allow portraying a broader and more complete
picture of ITSS diffusion. We analyzed mainly ISO
statistics from North America, one of the regions
where the diffusion of ISO standards is the lowest. It
may be interesting to do the same analysis
contrasting regions with different patterns of
diffusion such as Europe and developing regions.
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