and also a mapping between them to derive the
transformation rules.
There are previous MTBE approaches which
already deal with automatic generation of model
transformations starting from pairs of example
models. Most of the approaches are based on formal
mapping to derive the transformations (Balogh and
Varró, 2009). (Strommer and Wimmer, 2008)
approach uses correspondence model between input
and output model to generate ATL transformation
rules. Instead offering a mapping model (García-
Magariño et al., 2009) annotates with extra
information the source metamodel and the target
metamodel to derive the required ATL
transformation rules. Our approach also creates ATL
transformation rules but a mapping between the
desired input and output model or extra information
besides the models differentials is not required.
In (Faunes et al., 2013) a genetic programming
based approach to derive model transformation rules
(implemented with JESS) from input/output models
is presented. This approach doesn’t require fine-
grained transformation traces. This approach is a
self-tuning transformation so it cannot be used with
legacy model transformations. TransEvol tool can be
used with legacy ATL model to model
MTBD are based on defining the desired
transformation by editing a source model and
demonstrating the changes that evolve to a target
model. Most of the MTBD are used on endogenous
model transformation (Sun and Gray, 2013) not as
MTBE, based on correspondences, which can be
used with exogenous transformations. (Langer et al.,
2010) presents a MTBD approach that can be
applied to exogenous model transformation. This
approach uses a state-based comparison to determine
the executed modification operations after modeling
the desired transformation. Using an incremental
approach, in each step using a small transformation
rule demonstration, internal templates representing
the transformation rules are created. Because the
approach uses templates created by transformation
rules demonstrations it is not easy to apply this
approach to legacy model transformations.
Recently a MTBD approach for automating the
maintenance of non functional system properties
was presented (Sun et al., 2013). The approach can
only be applied to endogenous transformation while
Transevol can be applied to exogenous model
Metamodel and transformation co-evolution
solution also exists. In (Iovino et al., 2012) weaving
between metamodels and transformation rules is
used to analyze the impact on the transformation
rules due to input metamodel evolution. These
works only derives the modification on the
transformation rules when regular metamodel
evolution, as attribute modification or metaclass
rename, occurs. When new elements on the input
metamodel appear, the approach cannot derive the
transformation rules.
This work has been developed in the DA2SEC and
UE2014-12 AURE projects context funded by the
Department of Education, Universities and Research
of the Basque Government. The work has been
developed by the embedded system group supported
by the Department of Education, Universities and
Research of the Basque Government.
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