short filtering (Li et al., 2006). According to this al-
gorithm, if a string shares a certain number of sub-
strings, the pair is considered identical. Consequently,
they could skip many character-to-character compar-
isons in the middle of matching processes. However,
this approach is not applicable to matching malware
programs because patterns of substrings in SCFSs de-
pend on variable authors’ coding styles.
From the view point of parallelism and resource
management, there have been several approaches for
large workload distributions in scientific calculation,
such as matrix calculation (Gusev et al., 2012). It dis-
tributes workloads to multiple VMs. However, we
distribute VCPUs instead of workloads. In an ap-
proach similar to our work, some researchers have
proposed dynamic resource allocation (Kundu et al.,
2010). These studies model workloads using resource
usages, such as CPU usage, memory usage and so
on. Our work utilizes an easier modeling variable, Q,
which indicates how many workloads are distributed
as well as CPU usage.
Our main goal was to accelerate approximate match-
ing, which cannot classify numerous malware vari-
ants, its performance is too low. To accomplish our
objective, we proposed Malfinder with I-Filter, table
division and dynamic resource allocation which fo-
cuses on acceleration of Analyzer and apply them in-
crementally. As a result, we gained the total perfor-
mance improvement of on average 280.9 times in our
experiments; especially, the performance improve-
ment of Analyzer is 593.2 times on average.
This work was supported by Ministry of Knowl-
edge Economy, Republic of Korea (Project No.
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ICISSP 2015 - 1st International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy