Expansions of CHAP
Modificationless on Its Structures of Packet and Data Exchange
Masaki Inamura
Division of Information System Design, Department of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Denki University,
Ishizaka, Hatoyama-machi, Hiki-gun, Saitama, Japan
Authentication, CHAP, Two-factor authentication, Administration free, Anonymous authentication.
I propose new authentication protocols using/unmodifying the structures of packet and data exchange on
CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol). CHAP is one of the most popular authentication
protocols because of very simple scheme and no vulnerability of its structures of packet and data exchange.
Therefore, this protocol is used a lot of services over the Internet as de facto standard. However, unlawful
access often happens caused by users’ mistakes of password setting, e.g. password-list-attacks, and propos-
ing/implementation of other authentication methods without using password are urgent. To solve the problem,
I propose new scheme which can send many type of authentication codes using intact CHAP. By using my
proposal, other authentication method using password authentication together can be realized with a minimum
cost burden.
1.1 Weakness of Password
Recently, the Intranet becomes common technology
and makes it possible for users to take many services
over IP, e.g. multi party communication, shopping,
banking, e-government service, and so on. In these
services, a user authentication method is introduced
because of protection against spoofing identity.
The most popular method of user authentication
is password authentication. Especially, CHAP (Chal-
lenge Handshake Authentication Protocol) (Simpson,
1996) is generally used, e.g. authentication over PPP
(Point-to-Point Protocol) (Simpson, 1994). However,
the authentication used original CHAP is the follow-
ing weakness:
Users tend to use easy-to-guess password or the
same password in multiple accounts. Therefore,
if user authentication is dependent on only pass-
word, the system may be easy to be attacked.
The administrator have to administer all users.
Therefore, if an adversary intrudes the service
system, users’ privacy and/or personal informa-
tion may be leaked.
Furthermore, in the recent ubiquitous computing,
users can connect their computers/mobile terminals
to the Internet anywhere. Therefore, they need to
pay attention to the attacks from adversaries any-
time (Sklavos and Zhang, 2007).
1.2 Related Work
Regarding the above weakness in section 1.1, some
authentication methods/protocols except to use classi-
cal passwords have been proposed. One is two-factor
authentication protocols (Schneier, 2005; Hagal-
isletto and Riiber, 2007; Aloul et al., 2009; Rathgeb
and Uhl, 2010; Fan et al., 2010; Eldefrawy et al.,
2011; Acharya et al., 2013; Hwang and Gope, 2014)
for countermeasuresagainsttheformer weakness, and
the other is anonymous authentication protocols (Kil-
ian and Petrank, 1998; Ateniese and Tsudik, 1999;
Boneh and Franklin, 1999; Camenisch et al., 2006;
Wachsmann et al., 2010; Au et al., 2013) for counter-
measures against the latter weakness.
However, these protocols cannot use the structurs
of the packet and data exchange of CHAP, and new
other machines have to be established. Therefore, it
entails many costs to introduce a new authentication
Inamura M..
Expansions of CHAP - Modificationless on Its Structures of Packet and Data Exchange.
DOI: 10.5220/0005228002130220
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP-2015), pages 213-220
ISBN: 978-989-758-081-9
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
1.3 Outline of Proposal
For solution of the above problem in section 1.2, I
propose new authentication protocols.
My proposed protocols realize two types of au-
thentication within the architecture of CHAP. One is
two-factor authentication shown in section 3.1, which
can authenticate users with two secret codes at the
same time. Furthermore, this protocol can be cus-
tomized to the existing system, whose server cannot
be stopped and replaced, with introduction of only a
proxy server as shown in section 3.2. And the other is
anonymous authentication shown in section 4, which
does not need to administer ID/password in the server.
These protocols modify only the calculation
method of response with using keyed one-way hash
function, e.g. HMAC (Hash-based Message Authen-
tication Code) (Krawczyk et al., 1997), and symmet-
ric key encryption algorithm, and do not need to cus-
tomize/modify the sequence and packet format newly.
Therefore, network machines, e.g. access-point,
router, gateway and so on, can be utilized without
changing, and introduction costs of authentication
protocol except passwords can be reduced.
2.1 Protocol
2.1.1 Symbols
I define symbols used in CHAP as follows:
ID: User identification code.
PW: Secret code for authentication (e.g. password).
C: Challenge code generated by random number gen-
R: Response code for the challenge C.
(α, β): Keyed one-way hash function (hashing
data β with a key α).
2.1.2 Preconditions
I describe preconditions for using CHAP as follows:
The server, which authenticates users, is trusted
PW sharing between the server and one user is not
leaked out.
Figure 1: CHAP sequence.
Third party can obtains only traffic packet and
cannot know other code/data excepting the packet.
2.1.3 Procedure Sequence
CHAP has two phases ; one is “Set-up” and another
is “Authentication. I show these procedure sequence
in figure 1 and describe the procedures as follows:
1. For registration, a user sends ID to the server.
2. The user generates PW and shares it with the
3. The server administer ID bound to PW.
1. For request, the user sends authentication re-
quest to the server.
2. The server generates C and sends it to the user.
3. The user calculates R H
(PW, C) and sends
it with ID to the server.
4. The server calculates H
(PW, C) using C and
administered PW bound to ID. The server ver-
ifies whether this generated value and received
R from the user are equivalent or not, and in-
form the user about the result of this verification
(“ACK” means the success of this verification,
and “NAK” means the failure of this verifica-
2.1.4 Packet Format
I show the packet format of CHAP in figure 2.
Figure 2: Packet format of CHAP.
The first octet (from 0th-bit to 7th-bit) means the
code, which show the type of packet. There are four
codes as follows:
0x01: Challenge.
0x02: Response.
0x03: Success.
0x04: Failure.
Next, the second octet (from 8th-bit to 15th-bit)
means the identifier. This field aids in matching chal-
lenges, responses and replies.
The third and fourth octet (from 16th-bit to 31st-
bit) means the length. This field and indicates the
length of the CHAP packet including the code, iden-
tifier, length and data fields. Octets outside the range
of the length field should be treated as data link layer
padding and should be ignored on reception.
The octet after the fifth (from 32nd-bit) means the
data. The format of this field is determined by the
code field. However, in case of packet, which means
success or failure, this field may be zero octets.
In four type of CHAP packet as above, the re-
sponse is the most important packet as security, be-
cause security function is used in only this packet. I
show the format of the response packet in figure 3.
The fifth octet (from 32nd-bit to 39th-bit) means
the value length, which indicates the length of the
value field.
The octets after the sixth (from 40th-bit) means
the value, which has the fields indicated the value
length field. The value in response packet is the one-
way hash function calculated over a stream of octets
consisting of the identifier followed by the secret code
PW and the challenge codeC. The length of the value
dependsupon the algorithm of the one-way hash func-
tion used in the authentication system.
The last octets after the value field means name.
This field represents the identification of the system
transmitting the packet. There are no limitations on
the content of this field, e.g. ASCII character strings
or globally unique identifiers in ASN.1 syntax
. How-
ever, the name should not be NULL or CR/LF termi-
nated. The length of this field is determined from the
length field and the value length field.
2.2 Security Analysis
2.2.1 Password Unleakability
When authentication, raw password PW is not send
over the Internet. Information regarding PW is only
These identifiers are defined as ASN.1 Project by In-
ternational Telecommunication Union Telecommunication
Standardization Sector.
Figure 3: Response packet format of CHAP.
send in the response packet. However, response value
R is calculated from PW and the challenge code C
with the one-way hash function. If security condi-
tions (Rogawayand Shrimpton, 2004) of this one-way
hash function are established, nobody can calculate
PW from R.
2.2.2 Unforgeability
When authentication, the challenge code C is gen-
erated from random generator. C is new value each
time of authentication. Therefore, an adversary can-
not reuse C, which has been sent over the Internet al-
ready, for forgery by replay attack.
3.1 Prototype Protocol
3.1.1 Symbols
I define symbols used in the prototype protocol as fol-
ID: User identification code.
: Other identification code excepting ID.
PW: Secret code for authentication (e.g. password).
SK: Secret code for authentication excepting PW
(e.g. encryption key).
C: Challenge code generated by random number gen-
R: Response code for the challenge C.
(α, β): Keyed one-way hash function (hashing
data β with a key α).
Figure 4: The sequence of prototype protocol of two-factor
authentication over CHAP.
3.1.2 Preconditions
I describe preconditions for using the prototype pro-
tocol of two-factor authentication over CHAP as fol-
The server, which authenticates users, is trusted
PW and SK sharing between the server and one
user is not leaked out.
Third party can obtains only traffic packet and
cannot knowother code/data exceptingthe packet.
3.1.3 Procedure Sequence
I show “Set-up” and Authentication” procedure se-
quence of the prototype protocol of two-factor au-
thentication over CHAP in figure 4 and describe the
procedures as follows:
1. For registration, a user sends ID to the server.
2. The user generates PW and shares it with the
3. The user generates ID
and SK in addition to
tha above and shares them with the server.
4. The server administer ID bound to PW and
bound to SK.
1. For request, the user sends authentication re-
quest to the server.
2. The server generates C and sends it to the user.
3. The user calculates R H
(SK, H
(PW, C))
and sends it with ID and ID
to the server.
4. The server calculates H
(SK, H
(PW, C)) us-
ing C, PW bound to ID and SK bound to ID
The server verifies whether this generated value
Figure 5: Response packet format regarding the prototype
protocol of two-factor authentication over CHAP.
and received R from the user are equivalent or
not, and inform the user about the result of this
verification (“ACK” means the success of this
verification, and “NAK” means the failure of
this verification).
3.1.4 Response Packet Format
I show the format of the response packet regarding the
prototype protocol of two-factor authentication over
CHAP in figure 5.
The value length field is the same as that of the
original response packet.
The octets after the sixth (from 40th-bit) means
the value, which has the fields indicated the value
length field. The value in response packet is the one-
way hash function calculated over a stream of octets
consisting of the identifier followed by the secret code
PW and the challenge code C. The length of the value
dependsupon the algorithm of the one-way hash func-
tion used in the authentication system.
The last octets after the value field means name.
This field represents the identification of the system
transmitting the packet. There are no limitations on
the content of this field, e.g. ASCII character strings
or globally unique identifiers in ASN.1 syntax. How-
ever, the name should not be NULL or CR/LF termi-
nated. The length of this field is determined from the
length field and the value length field.
3.2 Revised Protocol with Proxy Server
3.2.1 Symbols
I define symbols used in the revised protocol as fol-
ID: User identification code.
: Other identification code excepting ID.
PW: Secret code for authentication (e.g. password).
SK: Secret code for authentication excepting PW
(e.g. encryption key).
Figure 6: The sequence of revised protocol of two-factor
authentication over CHAP.
C: Challenge code generatedby random number gen-
R: Original response code for the challenge C.
: Encryption code of the response conde R.
(α, β): Keyed one-way hash function (hashing
data β with a key α).
Enc(α, β): Encrypting function of symmetric key en-
cryption Algorithm (Encrypting data β with a key
Dec(α, β): Decrypting function of symmetric key en-
cryption Algorithm (Decrypting data β with a key
3.2.2 Preconditions
I describe preconditions for using the revised protocol
of two-factor authentication over CHAP as follows:
The existing server, which authenticates users,
and the proxy server, which decrypts data. are
trusted parties.
PW sharing between the existing server and one
user and SK sharing between the proxy server and
one user are not leaked out.
Third party can obtains only traffic packet and
cannot knowother code/data exceptingthe packet.
3.2.3 Procedure Sequence
I show “Set-up” and Authentication” procedure se-
quence of the revised protocol of two-factor authenti-
cation over CHAP in figure 6 and describe the proce-
dures as follows:
1. For registration, a user sends ID to the existing
Figure 7: Response packet format regarding the revised pro-
tocol of two-factor authentication over CHAP.
2. The user generates PW and shares it with the
existing server.
3. The user generates ID
and SK in addition
to tha above and shares them with the proxy
4. The existing server administer ID bound to PW,
and The proxy server administer ID
to SK.
1. For request, the user sends authentication re-
quest to the existing server.
2. The existing server generates C and sends it to
the user.
3. The user calculates R H
(PW, C). Furthe-
more, the user calculates R
Enc(SK, R).
and sends it with ID and ID
to the proxy
4. The proxy server calculates R Dec(SK, R
using SK bound to ID
and informs the exist-
ing server of it with ID.
5. The existing servercalculates H
(PW, C) using
C and PW bound to ID. The existing server ver-
ifies whether this generated value and received
R from the user are equivalent or not, and in-
form the user about the result of this verification
(“ACK” means the success of this verification,
and “NAK” means the failure of this verifica-
3.2.4 Response Packet Format
I show the format of the response packet regarding
the revised protocol of two-factor authentication over
CHAP in figure 7.
The value length field is the same as that of the
original response packet.
3.3 Security Analysis
3.3.1 Secret Codes Unleakability
In prototype protocol, there are two secret codes:
both PW and SK are the codes for password au-
thentication. PW and SK are only used in the re-
sponse packet. Therefore, an adversary can obtains
(SK, H
(PW, C)). However, H
(PW, C) can
calculated from R because of features of general one-
way hash function shown in section 2.2. Furthermore,
Granted that an adversary can obtain H
(PW, C), PW
cannot be calculated from H
(PW, C) similarly.
Also in revised protocol, there are two secret
codes: PW is the code for password authentication,
and SK is the key for symmetric key encryption. PW
and SK are only used in the response packet. There-
fore, an adversary can obtains many response packets,
namely many types of cipher text R
Enc(SK, R).
However, if security conditions (Bellare et al., 1997)
of this symmetric key encryption are established, any
adversaries cannot decrypt R
or obtain R from the
response value. Furthermore, Granted that an adver-
sary can obtain R, PW cannot be calculated from R
because of features of general one-way hash function
shown in section 2.2.
3.3.2 Unforgeability
When authentication, the challenge code C is gener-
ated from random generator similar to original CHAP
in section 2.1. Also this code is new value each time
of authentication.
As a result, in prototype protocol, H
(PW, C) in
the response packet is new value each time. There-
fore, adversary cannot reuse C and H
(PW, C), which
has been sent over the Internet already, for forgery by
replay attack.
Furthermore, in revised protocol, also H
(PW, C)
in the response packet is new value each time. There-
fore, adversary cannot reuse C for password authenti-
cation and H
(PW, C) for the challenge code decryp-
tion, which has been sent over the Internet already, for
forgery by replay attack.
3.4 Discussion
Regarding proposed protocols in section 3.1 and 3.2,
on the one hand, there are the following strong points:
If both of secret codes, which are PW and SK, are
not legitimate, this authentication certainly fails.
Therefore, the proposed protocols of the certifica-
tion possess high reliability.
Each protocol does not need to change its packet
format. Therefore, hardware of communication,
e.g. access-point, router, gateway and so on,
and/or servers does not need to be replaced.
Furthermore, regarding the proposed protocol in
section 3.2, the existing system can be used just
to put one proxy server. Therefore, two-factor au-
thentication can be installed at low cost.
On the other hand, these proposed protocols have the
following problems:
If authentication fails, the administrator cannot
know which secret code, PW or/and SK, is irreg-
Even though the cost of installing hardware is low,
it costs a few revised expenditure to introduce
4.1 Protocol
4.1.1 Symbols
I define symbols used in CHAP as follows:
ID: User identification code.
MK: Secret master key holding only server.
PW: Secret code for authentication generated from
: Authentication code generated from MK in au-
thentication phase.
C: Challenge code generated by random number gen-
R: Response code for the challenge C.
(α, β): Keyed one-way hash function (hashing
data β with a key α).
4.1.2 Preconditions
I describe preconditions for using the authentication
with administration free over CHAP as follows:
The server, which authenticates users, is trusted
PW sharing between the server and one user is not
leaked out.
MK holding only the server is not leaked out.
Third party can obtains only traffic packet and
cannot know other code/data excepting the packet.
Figure 8: The sequence of authentication with administra-
tion free over CHAP.
4.1.3 Procedure Sequence
I show “Set-up” and Authentication” procedure se-
quence of the authentication with administration free
over CHAP in figure 8 and describe the procedures as
1. For registration, a user sends ID to the server.
2. The server generates PW H
(MK, ID) and
sends it to the user.
3. The user holds PW bound to PW.
1. For request, the user sends authentication re-
quest to the server.
2. The server generates C and sends it to the user.
3. The user calculates R H
(PW, C) and sends
it with ID to the server.
4. The server calculates PW
(MK, ID) and
, C) using C. The server verifies
whether this generated value and received R
from the user are equivalent or not, and in-
form the user about the result of this verification
(“ACK” means the success of this verification,
and “NAK” means the failure of this verifica-
4.1.4 Packet Format
The format of the response packet regarding the au-
thentication with administration free over CHAP is
the same as that of the original response packet.
Therefore, I omit the detailed description of this
4.2 Security Analysis
4.2.1 Secret Master Key Unleakability
PW is calculated from ID and MK. ID can be gen-
erated by any user and opened in public. Therefore,
if the user, who has already registered ID, can calcu-
lated MK from my PW, he/she can forge the authen-
ticable pair of user identification code and secret code
for authentication.
However, PW is calculated with the one-way
hash function. If security conditions (Rogaway and
Shrimpton, 2004) of this one-way hash function are
established, any user cannot calculate MK from PW.
4.2.2 Secret Codes Unleakability
When authentication, information regarding PW is
only send in the response packet similar to original
CHAP in section 2.1.
Therefore, any adversaries cannot calculate PW
from R because of the same reason in section 2.2.
4.2.3 Unforgeability
When authentication, the challenge code C is gener-
ated from random generator similar to original CHAP
in section 2.1. C is new value each time of authentica-
tion. Therefore, an adversary cannot reuse C, which
has been sent over the Internet already, for forgery by
replay attack.
4.3 Discussion
Regarding proposed protocol in section 4.2, on the
one hand, there are the following strong points:
The administrator administers only his/her secret
master key MK. He/she does not need to adminis-
ter any users’ identification code and secret code.
Unless otherwise leaked the secret master key, the
administrator can authenticate only legal users.
Users’ information is not stored in the server.
Therefore, the anonymity of the user is kept when
authentication, i.e. an anonymous authentication
system over CHAP can be realized. Furthermore,
even if adversaries attack the server, users’ infor-
mation of privacy is not leaked.
This protocol does not need to change its packet
format. Therefore, hardware of communication,
e.g. access-point, router, gateway and so on, does
not need to be replaced.
On the other hand, these proposed protocols have the
following problems:
Because all of users’ secret codes PW is generated
from the secret master key MK holding only the
administrator and the identification code ID, all
users cannot decide their own PW.
Because the administrator does not administer
user’s identification code ID, he/she cannot distin-
guish a user requesting authentication from other
If user’s secret code PW is leaked and needs to be
reissued, his/her identification code ID have to be
If the master key MK is leaked and needs to be
reissued, all of users’ secret codes PW have to be
In this paper, I have proposed two types of authenti-
cation protocol revised CHAP; one is the two-factor
authentication, and another is the authentication with
administration free. Both use original format and se-
quence of CHAP and do not need to substantial re-
vision to existing system. Therefore, new authenti-
cation protocols can be installed securely and easily
with few costs.
As a future work, I plan to make the simulation
systems installing these proposed protocols and mea-
sure these performances. Furthermore, I plan to pro-
pose other authentication protocols over CHAP.
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