• Because the administrator does not administer
user’s identification code ID, he/she cannot distin-
guish a user requesting authentication from other
• If user’s secret code PW is leaked and needs to be
reissued, his/her identification code ID have to be
• If the master key MK is leaked and needs to be
reissued, all of users’ secret codes PW have to be
In this paper, I have proposed two types of authenti-
cation protocol revised CHAP; one is the two-factor
authentication, and another is the authentication with
administration free. Both use original format and se-
quence of CHAP and do not need to substantial re-
vision to existing system. Therefore, new authenti-
cation protocols can be installed securely and easily
with few costs.
As a future work, I plan to make the simulation
systems installing these proposed protocols and mea-
sure these performances. Furthermore, I plan to pro-
pose other authentication protocols over CHAP.
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