These results have boosted our confidence in dis-
covering the necessary constraints for PARADIGM.
We feel that we are now able to implement and incor-
porate them in a modeling environment (a tool that
allows to create PARADIGM models), and thus en-
suring that models are created correctly.
This paper introduced a novel approach using Alloy in
DSL engineering, in order to find and tune language
constraints. Thus, we provide an empirical study –
the development of a DSL called PARADIGM for the
PBGT domain – to support our methodology. Results
indicate that it is feasible to use Alloy to define the
language elements and its relations and also to tune
language constraints. Also, to the best of our knowl-
edge, Alloy has never been used to assist the creation
of DSLs in the context of GUI modeling.
One of the benefits of using Alloy is due to the
simplicity in write specifications and the capability
of executing these specifications (in Alloy Analyzer
Tool) in order to be analyzed in further depth in a
graphical manner.
This work is financed by the ERDF - European Re-
gional Development Fund through the COMPETE
Programme (operational programme for competi-
tiveness) and by National Funds through the FCT
- Fundac¸
ao para a Ci
encia e a Tecnologia (Por-
tuguese Foundation for Science and Technology)
within project FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-020554.
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