systems in their dynamic world. We modeled an ac-
tive world of an autonomous system. A test genera-
tion process is defined. In addition, a path combina-
tion technique is introduced and formalized in order
to generate concurrent test paths (AWBTCs). Two
concurrent test criteria (APSESCC and RCC) are in-
vestigated. The findings indicate that RCC is practi-
cally feasible. Reachability analysis (Carver and Lei,
2013; Hwang et al., 1994; Yang and Chung, 1990)
is required for both criteria (APSESCC and RCC) to
increase their feasibility and efficiency. Future work
will explore other path combination and concurrent
test path coverage criteria. Future work will also ex-
periment using the CADP (Construction and Analy-
sis of Distributed Processes) toolbox (Garavel et al.,
2013). Reachability analysis investigations and scala-
bility of the world behavioral model will also be pro-
vided. We also plan on extending the approach to
other robotic systems such as robots interacting with
humans in manufacturing.
This work was supported, in part, by NSF IUCRC
grant # 0934413, 1127947, and 1332078 to the Uni-
versity of Denver.
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