Finally, we conducted an experiment on how the
maximum velocity of mobile sensor nodes can affect
the recovery rate of the sensor void situation. We
increased the maximum velocity of the sensor node
from one to twenty and checked the average delay in
the query execution. Figure 10 shows that a faster
mobile sensor node leads to a lower average delay
for query executions. This is derived from the fact
that the sensor is more likely to flow into the target
region if the sensor has higher velocity.
In this paper, we propose a sensor database system
for MSNs with uncontrolled mobile sensor nodes. In
contrast to a stationary sensor network, the
availability of sensor nodes in the target region is not
guaranteed in a mobile sensor network, and the
random mobility issue gives rise to difficulties in
sensor database management, which is referred to as
the sensor void problem in this paper. In this paper,
we have proposed a location-aware time-constrained
query processing technique which is highly effective
for handling the sensor void situation of sparse
MSNs with uncontrolled mobile sensor nodes. We
have demonstrated the proposed query processing
procedure in operational phases for query
dissemination, execution, data collection and
aggregation, and data return. Our experiments show
that various mobility parameters are correlated with
the occurrence rates of sensor void situations.
Finally, we plan to develop our query processing
strategy further and implement more functions into
our mobile sensor network database management
This work was supported by ICT R&D program of
MSIP/IITP. [B0101-14-0334, Development of IoT-
based Trustworthy and Smart Home Community
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