7.2 Limitations
Our study of A1-A3 comprised a documentation
study and interviews, but we still do not know de-
tails about the discussions and the priorities made. We
might do the assessments injustice by making state-
ments about whether or not the important risks have
been identified and assessed.
Participant observation poses the risk of bias due
to the researcher’s active role in the process. As au-
thors of the guideline that was used as support, we
might use it differently than an independent process
leader, and we might be too supportive of our own
This case study shows that the DSOs need support for
their information security risk assessments, as they
experience challenges related to competence and un-
derstanding of information security issues. Check-
lists and a focus on assets may help in this respect.
However, more studies are needed in order to iden-
tify what type of support will significantly ease the
performing of risk assessments by DSOs. We do not
have a sufficient base for claiming that the use of our
guideline will increase the quality of risk assessments.
Feedback from the participants indicated that they ap-
preciated the process of identifying assets before con-
sidering threats and vulnerabilities, and they felt that
our checklists added value to the process as well. We
would like to stress that our guideline does not present
a new method, but the Norwegian energy industry
does not have traditions for including asset identifica-
tion as part of their risk assessments, and this may be a
valuable approach when information security and pri-
vacy constitute the main focus for these assessments.
Irrespective of availability of guidelines or other
types of support material, it is still important that each
organisation perform their own assessments based on
their specific systems and priorities. Thus the compe-
tence of the participants in an assessment is likely to
be more important than any guideline support.
The authors would like to thank the DSOs that partic-
ipated in our study.
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