learning environment. The experimental results
showed that the GSR sensors’ measurement was
aligned with the surveys, so that we can use GSR
sensors as an alternative method to measure
students’ engagement. Furthermore, we compared
the resulted non-engaging user experiences to the
previous similar studies, and we found that GSR
readings demonstrated the different patterns that
have not been reported before. In addition, the MDS
result revealed that the GSR response at the remote
location was more synchronized when compared to
the one at the lecture classroom.
We believe that our study is beneficial for E-
learning, as we have shown that GSR sensors can be
used as an alternative tool to provide feedback in a
distributed learning environment. Moreover, we
presented a non-engaging user case, where the
patterns of GSR readings were first reported. Last,
the methodologies incorporated in this study are also
helpful on other sensor studies, e.g., a pulse sensor.
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