SysML Modeling for Embedded Systems Design Optimization
A Case Study
Patrick Leserf
, Pierre de Saqui-Sannes
, Jérôme Hugues
and Khaled Chaaban
CERIE, ESTACA, F-53000 Laval, France
ISAE-SUPAERO, University of Toulouse, F31055 Toulouse, France
Keywords: Architecture Optimization, SysML, Embedded Systems, Model Variability.
Abstract: Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) with the SysML language allows the designer to include
requirement capture and design representation in a single model. This paper proposes a methodology to
obtain the best design alternative, from a SysML design, by using multi-objective optimization techniques.
A SysML model is extended with stereotypes, objective functions, variability and constraints. Then an
integer representation of the problem can be generated and solved as a constraint satisfaction problem
(CSP). The paper illustrates our methodology using an Embedded Cognitive Safety System (ECSS) design.
From a component repository and redundancy alternatives, the best design alternatives are generated, to
minimize the total cost and maximize the estimated system reliability.
Embedded system design has become an important
development activity, due to the industrial demands
for new functions integration and design. These
systems are mainly composed of software. However
hardware components such as sensors, CPU and
embedded networks have to be considered too.
The designer must implement an architecture that
fulfills the functionalities according to the
requirements, but numerous indicators such as cost,
weight and reliability have to be optimized too.
These indicators typically compete with one another:
Improving one of them often leads to degrading
another one.
In this context, this paper considers that the
designer has a twofold objective: to obtain the set of
optimal architecture designs and to obtain it using a
Model-Based System Engineering approach that
seamlessly unifies system modeling in SysML and
architecture optimization. Such an optimization may
be automated using architecture models and
transformations. Then the designer can select the
appropriate design alternative, according to his or
her preferences. These activities shall be integrated
into Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE)
where the recommendation for engineers is to
capture their knowledge about all aspects of the
problem in one model.
The expected benefits of MBSE include the
capacity to simulate and formally verify models in
order to detect design errors as soon as possible in
the life cycle of systems. A great number of papers
present tools (e.g. TOPCASED (http://www., TTool (Ttool, 2011)) that enable
SysML model simulation and verification. By
contrast, little work has been published on SysML
modelling as a front-end to come up and compare
different design alternatives. Current approaches
such as (Van Huong and Binh, 2012) and
(Spyropoulos and Baras, 2013) address design
optimization from SysML models but differ from
our approach by focusing on component parameters
tuning, like CPU frequency or memory size. In our
work we propose to take into account the hardware
component selection, the component redundancy
level and the component connection, in order to
optimize the system cost and reliability.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2
introduces the methodology we propose for model-
based system design optimization in the context of
embedded systems. Section 3 and Section 4
respectively address SysML modeling and
architecture optimization. Section 5 surveys related
work. Section 6 concludes the paper and outlines
future work.
Leserf P., de Saqui-Sannes P., Hugues J. and Chaaban K..
SysML Modeling for Embedded Systems Design Optimization - A Case Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0005229204490457
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD-2015), pages 449-457
ISBN: 978-989-758-083-3
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2.1 Design flow with MBSE
We consider architecture design in the context of
systems engineering activities with MBSE, as
described in (Friedenthal, et al., 2011). The output of
systems engineering activities is a coherent model of
the system (figure 1). The model can be separated
between a Platform Independent Model (PIM) and a
Platform Specific Model (PSM). PIM and PSM
concepts come from the Model Driven Architecture
standard of the Object Management Group
( Figure 1 uses the
system model to specify both hardware and software
components requirements. The system model as
defined in SysML (figure 2) is a set of diagrams.
Among these elements, the requirement diagram
(req) describes the requirements and the activity
diagram (act) represents the system behavior. The
Block Definition Diagram (BDD) and Internal Block
Diagram (IBD) describe the system’s structure.
Finally the parametric diagram captures
relationships among properties. An important
activity of system engineering is to find the best
design alternatives, for the whole system. However
the exploration space is very large, especially, with
current approach like (Apvrille, 2008) that does
exploration on PSM. In this paper, we focus on
system model optimization issue (dashed elements
in figures 1 and 2) because it comes first in the
design activity and it will substantially restrict the
design space exploration (DSE).
Figure 1: design flow with MBSE.
With this approach, the DSE can be done in a
stepwise manner, exploring the system model first,
and then the software, hardware and allocation
alternatives with current DSE approaches.
Figure 2: system models with SysML.
The system structure is also a key point for metric
evaluation (i.e. cost, weight and reliability). In this
context, the objective for the designer using MBSE
and SysML is to obtain the best trade-off system
structure, in order to optimize objective functions
such as cost and reliability. This multi-objective
optimization problem can be described in
mathematical term as follows:
Above, f is the objective function vector and S the
set of constraints. Our approach is to suggest the
best configurations to the designer, that is, to find
the Pareto-optimal solutions. Pareto-optimal
solutions have the lowest (or equivalently low)
values for all objective functions. The set of
solutions is presented to the decision-maker by the
Figure 3: Methodology overview.
designer for the selection of optimal solutions.
The methodology we propose is presented in the
next sub-section. The requirement and structure
model are adapted for the optimization, including
objective function definition, variability and
constraints. We assume that the system design is
done using the SysML language. Also, a component
repository is available including parameters for
objective functions.
All the SysML diagrams of this paper are built
up with the Papyrus tool from CEA
2.2 Our Proposal
Figure 3 presents the methodology we propose for
optimizing system architecture, showing the
activities and the produced artifacts. The first stage
is the SysML modeling for optimization, described
in section 3. In a preliminary step, the requirements
are captured using requirement diagrams.
Architecture requirements are taken into account.
This allows to express constraints and to add
traceability between requirements and architecture
Then the SysML model is completed for
optimization, adding objective function definitions
in parametric diagram and adding model variability.
The model variability expresses the different design
alternatives that the designer wants to explore. The
model variability is represented by several degrees
of freedom from the model, represented by
variability variables inserted in comments. We
distinguish between the instance variability variable
(IVV), meaning that we may have several instances
of the same component in the model, and component
variability variable (CVV), meaning that a
component instance may be replaced.
The second stage, described in section 4, is the
optimization model generation and solving. To do
this, the variability variables of the SysML model
are transformed into a new set of 0-1 variables in the
Figure 4: ECSS system.
optimization model. By re-using the constraints from
the SysML model, the problem can be resolved as a
Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP), using a
standard solver. Then the designer can select among
the trade-off solutions the ones that best fit to his or
her needs.
This section presents the Embedded Cognitive
Safety System (ECSS, Figure 4) that serves as
running case study throughout the paper and
discusses each step of ECSS modeling in SysML.
3.1 Case Study
The ECSS system can be integrated in an on-board
vehicle digital system or in aeronautics systems such
as drones. Typical features for ECSS are line
detection, obstacle detection and distance
measurement with stereoscopic view.
The embedded hardware platform is composed
of CMOS image sensors, processing elements and
vehicle interface networks. These three components
types may be redundant, for safety purposes or
stereoscopic processing. CMOS image sensors
support auto focus engine and image stabilization.
Image sensors are connected to processing elements
through Digital Video Port (DVP), a type of parallel
bus interface. Processing elements are CPU
supporting image processing like Cortex A9 or
iMX35. Vehicle interface is an embedded serial bus
like CAN High Speed or FlexRay. The vehicle
interface is integrated into the ECSS system with a
transceiver component, connected to the processing
element with a digital port (DP) which is a parallel
bus interface.
Figure 5: requirements for optimization.
3.2 Requirements Capture
SysML provides modeling constructs to capture and
represent textual requirements, and to link the
requirements to other modeling elements. The
requirement diagram depicts requirements, but a
requirement can also appear on other diagrams to
show its relationship to other modeling elements. A
standard requirement includes a unique identifier
and a text requirement. “Satisfy” and “Verify”
relationships relate requirements and other model
elements such as blocks and test cases.
In our context of architecture optimization,
specific requirements for the architecture, so-called
the “architecture requirements,” are derived from
standard requirements. To clearly identify
architectural requirements, a stereotype
ArRequirement extends the standard SysML
requirement. On the other hand, a standard
requirement is evaluated by an objective function.
The objective function is a stereotype extending the
standard SysML constraint block. This objective
function is related to a requirement with a stereotype
“evaluate” extending the basic UML-2 dependency
relationship. A dependency is a design-time
relationship between definitions. In Figure 5, the
MaxRedundancy architecture requirement limits
the sensor component redundancy to two for a cost
reason, and the system cost requirement is evaluated.
3.3 MDO Context and Objective
Functions Definition
To integrate the multi-domain optimization (MDO)
into the system model design, we propose to define a
MDO context, a type of analysis context. The MDO
context is represented by a BDD diagram and a
parametric diagram, both including constraint
blocks. The parametric diagram captures the internal
structure of a constraint block, in term of parameters
and connectors between parameters. The BDD is
used to define constraint blocks and their
relationship. This BDD diagram contains a top-level
constraint block, named “ECSS MDO Context in
Figure 6. This constraint block has a reference to the
block representing the system under analysis and
including the variability for alternative
representation. The MDO context diagram contains
also the objective functions and the optimization
model representation. The Pareto front, a result of
the MDO context, is used to present alternatives to
the designer. The MDO context can be passed to an
external optimization solver, and the result can be
provided back as Pareto front values of the MDO
The objective function block extends the
standard SysML Constraint Block and contains an
optimization goal parameter (i.e. maximize or
minimize). A constraint provides a description of the
analytical function supporting the objective function.
Other parameters specify interactions point between
the objective function and the system under analysis,
and between the objective functions and the
optimization model. Figure 6 shows the MDO
context definition for our case study, in a BDD. The
MDO context is called ECSS MDO Context, to
perform a multi-objective optimization of the ECSS
system. The ECSS MDO Context constraint block
Figure 6: BDD diagram for ECSS MDO context Definition.
has two value vectors, /BestCost[1..*] and /BestRel
[1..*], representing the Pareto front. The
ParetoFront constraint block produces these value
vectors from the two objectives functions. It is
intended in the analysis that the equations are solved
by external optimization solver for these two
vectors, so they are shown as derived. The result
values obtained with an external CSP solver are
presented later in sub-section 4.2 and 4.3.
As indicated by its associations, ECSS MDO
context contains two constraint properties, both
typed by objective function, HWCostEvaluation and
SystemReliability. A precision to the modeling of the
objective function is added, with a constraint. The
two constraints describe the equation underlying the
total cost and the reliability calculation. In this case,
the Python language can be used as constraint
language, because it is used by the CSP solver
(Niemeyer, 2014) in our case. For the
SystemReliability function, the system reliability R is
calculated with parameters coming from the system
under analysis (the components reliability) and from
the Zero One Model.
The ECSS MDO context also contains one
reference property typed by ECSS, the system under
analysis including variability. Finally, ECSS MDO
contains a constraints property Zero One Model,
representing the optimization model described in
section 4. The Zero One Model has a parameter and
a set of constraints deduced from the ECSS system
(see section 4, equation 2) and from the model itself.
These constraints can be expressed using the Object
Constraint Language (OCL).
Figure 7 shows a parametric diagram. Its frame
represents the ECSS MDO context constraint block.
This diagram is similar to an internal block diagram
but uses binding connectors exclusively. Binding
connectors link constraints parameters.
Figure 7: Parametric diagram for MDO context definition.
3.4 System Composition and
Redundancy Modeling
The architecture modeling represents the set of
hardware resources available for the execution of the
application, representing the hardware system. At
the first level, the hardware system is made up of
several components and described by a block
definition diagram (see Figure 8). A SysML block
definition diagram defines features of blocks and
their relationship such as associations. In our
optimization problem, the composition is known, but
the redundancy level of each component is not. The
redundancy level is the first degree of freedom for
the optimization problem. At this step, we specify
instance variability variables (IVV) in comments.
Each IVV is related to a composition association,
between the top-level component and the low-level
As depicted in Figure 8, the ECSS system
contains between one and two sensors, processing
elements and networks. We have three IVVs,
respectively related to the sensor, CPU and
Transceiver composition. Each composition satisfies
with the maximum redundancy requirement, derived
from the global cost requirement.
Figure 8: BDD for HW composition.
The hardware components selection is the second
degree of freedom for the optimization process. For
this second degree of freedom, Component
Variability Variable (CVV) is inserted in the model
as a comment. CVV indicates that the component
instance can be replaced by another hardware
component specification. Hardware component
specification is provided by the designer, and
belongs to a component repository. The repository
includes a set of tables. Each table is associated to
one component of the block definition diagram. In
our example, we define three tables and three CVV,
respectively associated with the sensor, the
processing element and the network block. Each
table contains the list of available components, with
their cost and reliability (See Table 2). These tables
are provided by the user, in addition to the SysML
3.5 Component Interface Modeling
Component interface modeling is useful for the
optimization problem, because new constraints arise
during this stage. These constraints will be added to
the computational model for the problem solving.
The Internal Block Diagram in SysML captures the
internal structure of a block in terms of properties
and connectors between properties. If we consider
the IBD depicted by Figure 9, we have one or two
sensors with one output DVP port connected to one
or two processing elements for video data
transmission. At this step we do not specify a
connection matrix between components. The goal is
to retain the valid configurations with a constraint
used by the optimization process. In our case and for
the digital video port (DVP), the sum of input ports
for processing elements shall be greater than the sum
of output port for video sensors. This constraint may
be expressed in OCL and attached to the VideoData
Figure 9: Interface modeling using IBD.
Figure 10: Activity diagram.
3.6 Application Modeling
An application represents the functionality that the
modeled system will accomplish during its
execution time. The activity diagram in Figure 10
represents workflows of stepwise activities. With the
allocation concept, it is possible to allocate
individual actions to hardware components
represented by blocks.
An activity diagram combined with allocation to
blocks is used to generate a reliability block
diagram, in order to estimate the application
Previous section has shown how the SysML model
could be prepared for optimization. But a
mathematical representation is required to perform
the optimization with suitable algorithms. In this
section we propose a representation and show how
to obtain it from the SysML model. This
representation is based on zero-one variables, and
can be solved as a constraint satisfaction problem.
4.1 Problem Statement
Optimization models have been developed to select
software or hardware components and redundancy
levels. The system (see Figure 11) consists of
independent subsystem S
. S
is associated to a given
block with instance variability (the VideoSensors
aggregation in Figure 11). Subsystem S
is composed
of components selected in a repository of
components C
. C
represents the component number
j in the repository C
. Each selected component has a
position k in the final subsystem S
, after the problem
resolution. Figure 11 shows there exists two possible
positions for a selected component in the final
Figure 11: from BDD to problem formulation.
We define the following sets and parameters:
the set of components with position k. C
set of component available in the component
the cost of component C
and θ
interconnection cost for any component
the reliability of component C
and s
the input and output port numbers of
component C
. For sensors ( the first block)
we have no input port and one output port, so
we have : e
=0 and s
The range of k is given by the SysML aggregation
multiplicity in BDD (Figure 11), the range of i by
the system composition in the BDD and the range of
j by the component table size. A zero-one
programming formulation of this problem is as
follow, by defining decision variables:
 
0; 
Regarding as constraints applied to the system, the
first set of constraints comes from the decision
variable definition. At any position of the final
subsystem S
we can have only one component in
position k :
1 (2)
Other constraints can be expressed such as exclusion
between components.
Table 1: Association between SysML model elements and
optimization model.
Sets and
SysML model element
S and S
S is the system, modeled by the top-
level block in the BDD. The ECSS
block in Figure 10 represents the
One sub-system S
per sub-block in the
BDD with instance variability variable
and s
One C
per block associated to
component variability variable (CVV),
from BDD diagram. In Figure 10, C
the set of video sensor components,
with cost and reliability in video sensor
table (Table 2).
and s
are deduced from the IBD
When a CPU component is not compatible with a
particular transceiver, it can be expressed as a
constraint, such as a sum lower than one. In the
same way, a sum comparison is used to express a
component dependency. Connection information is
given by the IBD diagram (see Figure 12).
Figure 12: from IBD to connection constraints.
First, the place of each Si in the component flow is
given. Then connection constraints are provided. At
each interface we have constraints between total
input port number and total output port number. In
our example of Figure 12, for VideoData
connection, sensors and CPUs satisfy the following
connection constraint:
For DigitalData connection, each transceiver input
is connected to CPU, and each CPU has at least one
connected output:
The objective functions are included in the
parametric diagram. In our example, the goal is to
minimize the cost and maximize reliability. The total
system cost including interconnection cost, is given
The system reliability to be maximized, using serial-
parallel interconnection model, can be calculated by:
max 11
4.2 Problem Solving
The previous problem can be seen as a constraint
satisfaction problem (CSP). A CSP requires a set of
values, selected from a given domain, to be assigned
to each variable. Researchers in artificial intelligence
usually adopt CSP when they try to solve such
problems. CSP problems are combinatorial by
nature. These problems are NP-complete and an
efficient algorithm (i.e with polynomial time for all
inputs) does not exist, but some heuristics produce
good approximate solutions. A feasible solution for
the problem consists in an assignment of values
from its domain to every variable, in such a way that
each constraint is satisfiable. In this case, we may
want to find just one solution, all solutions or an
optimal solution. In our case an optimal solution is
given by the objective functions defined in the
SysML model. The selected approach in this paper
consists in finding all solutions and then to evaluate
the different solutions with objective functions, to
determine the best ones. Algorithms for solving CSP
usually search systematically through the possible
assignments of values to find a solution. SC
Brailsford et al. (Brailsford et al., 1999) shows that a
simple algorithm is the backtracking algorithm, and
others are forward checking and MAC algorithm. In
these algorithms, a search tree is used, as it would be
done in a branch and bound algorithm. In the
backtracking algorithm, the current variable is
assigned and then checked against the partial
4.3 Results from the Case Study
We consider the case study with the following
A maximum redundancy of two for sensors,
processing elements and transceiver
Four connection constraints between sensors,
processing elements and network transceivers
A repository of 18 components with
specifications in Table 2.
Table 2: Component repository extract.
Component Reliability min-max Cost min-
Sens. 1 to 3 0.99997-0.99998 16.9-21.5
Sens. 4 to 6 0.999976-.999985 20.2-25.7
CPU 1 to 3 0.99996-0.99998 12.6-28.4
CPU 4 to 6 0.99997-0.999985 21.2-34.5
Trans. 1 to 3 0.9934-0.9969 12.8-13.1
Trans. to 6 0.9971-0.9995 13.8-15.4
We obtain a 36 variables problem to be solved. With
a CSP solver using backtracking algorithm
implemented in Python, and a posteriori objective
function evaluation, we obtain the Pareto front
illustrated in Figure 13, with 13,500 solutions in 36
minutes of computation time. That figure displays
the Failure rate (1-R
) instead of reliability R
Table 3: Three best trade-off configurations.
Sol. Sens. CPU Trans. Cost (€) FR
1 S1+S1 CPU1 T4+T1 30.3 1.48
2 S1+S3 CPU1 T1+T1 35 1.22
3 S1+S3 CPU1+
T1+T1 41.2 1.02
For a maximum cost of 50 and a failure rate <
0.00002, table 3 presents the three best trade-off
configurations selected by the user.
In recent literature, there are approaches on the
integration of SysML with external analysis tools
and solvers. One of them (Schamai et al., 2009) is
Paramagic for integration of SysML and Modelica,
Matlab and Mathematica. However these approaches
lack support of multi-criteria optimization that help
designers to perform design space exploration and
trade-off analysis. The approach proposed by P. Van
Huong (Van Huong and Binh, 2012) and
Spyropoulos (Spyropoulos and Baras, 2013) allows
the user to perform multiple analyses in the same
environment. These approaches are adapted to the
component parameters optimization like CPU
frequency or memory size, not to the architecture
Figure 13: Pareto Front with CSP Solver.
composition and redundancy problem we want to
In (Meyer et al., 1998) an optimization technique
is proposed for a micro-wave module design, with
combination of alternatives for part modules, but
without redundancy constraint. In the Design Space
Exploration (DSE) approach (Apvrille, 2008), the
problem to solve is related to the hardware/software
partitioning and the mapping of application onto
hardware elements. Our approach comes earlier in
the design flow and is complementary, providing a
limitation of the design space exploration.
The redundancy allocation problem (RAP, (Coit
and Smith, 1995), (Limbourg and Kochs, 2008))
deals with component selection, for cost and
reliability optimization at system level. In these
approaches (DSE, RAP), the problem is formalized
as an optimization problem, and not with the MBSE
approach. Similarly, the RAP formulation does not
take into account heterogeneous component
selection and the connection topology is fixed as a
serial-parallel model.
The paper presents a methodology for multi-
objective optimization of system architecture.
Starting from a SysML model, we add information
concerning objective functions, variability and
architecture constraints. The redundancy level and
the component alternatives are tagged with variables
that describe variability. Then the SysML model can
be further exploited to generate a mathematical
representation, based on: integer variables, linear
constraints and objective functions. The problem can
be solved using a CSP solver. Finally, the ECSS
case study shows there exists three best
configurations, minimizing cost and maximizing
reliability, from a repository of 18 components.
Ongoing work includes the design of an
algorithm to generate the optimization model
instance from the system model. This representation
will be compatible with CSP solvers. In addition to
instance and component variability, the value
variability, relative to component parameters, will be
integrated too.
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