programmer should configure the reporting feature
properly and take into consideration the type of
network, e.g. whether it is LAN, WAN, or Internet.
If there is a single database about different SOs
showing their performance, then data can be
analysed easily and a rich set of statistics can be
made availed for programmers and designers upon
need. Good solutions can be built over a database to
avail useful reports and manufacturers as well and
other programmers worldwide can benefit from it.
Development methodologies need to evolve
differently and quickly in order to cope with the fast
growth in technology. Business analysts and
architects in particular need to be knowledgeable
about different technologies. They need to learn
about psychological, sociological, and health
precautionary procedures as well. This is essential
since smart objects may affect living creatures even
if they bring huge benefits to our lives. Hence,
designing a smart environment for safety, privacy,
and security is mandatory.
Given that there are now a large variety of smart
objects with different technologies, software
development becomes more complicated too. No
one can know everything about all issues and
problems related to that domain. Hence, there is a
need for an open platform community that shares
analytical reports about different smart objects in a
systematic and automated manner.
Our target is to have a robust and innovative
open reference architecture that helps software
engineers working in that field. The reference
architecture will capture the state of the art in the
domain area of pervasive computing with respect to
design patterns, and architecture standards.
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