notoriously hard problem (Tabacchi & Termini,
2011). On the other hand, if we consider the network
arrangement in space, the topology of the
environment – that is, the absolute (with respect to
space) and relative (with respect to other agents)
position of each agent – has to be carefully taken
into account. Optimal and sub-optimal solutions to
well-known and highly idealized situations are
already available in literature, including Steiner’s
Tree (Hwang et al., 1992); however, it is harder to
deal with harsher, possibly non-convex, non-
contiguous, and/or arbitrarily complex areas.
In these cases, a soft-computing technique
(Seising and Tabacchi, 2013) such as evolutionary
programming (Michalewicz, 1996) could provide
sub-optimal solutions in a reasonable amount of
time. Evolutionary algorithms in general, and
especially genetic algorithms, are already
successfully applied to a huge number of
optimization problems and they are proven of being
capable to efficiently find “good” solutions, i.e.
solutions that closely approximate the best one.
In this work we propose a preliminary version of
an evolutionary algorithm, which serves to optimize
the number and position of agents in arbitrarily
shaped areas, possibly populated by obstacles.
Results have shown how the algorithm satisfies sub-
optimality criteria as well as strong connectivity
requirements and were also obtained in an efficient
way. Even more, the algorithm tries to optimize the
number of agents, removing the superabundant ones
from the map.
This article is organized as follows: in the next
section we shall describe in detail the problem we
are concerned with and the approach we chose to
face it. In the third section we shall present the
algorithm as we implemented it, while analyzing the
principal mechanisms regulating agents and entities
of the simulation. Last section is devoted to
conclusions and to possible further developments of
this work. Some alternative methodologies and
different approaches to this very problem are
discussed and it will be pointed out how this work
can be applied to problems of a very different nature
than the one considered here.
In the study and analysis of an ideal network, it is
crucial to focus on the first stages of its creation,
since the initial topology can have a severe impact
on network functionalities and evolution, as well as
on its principal entities, i.e. those nodes establishing
interconnections among peers.
Amongst the fundamental aspects to be
considered we should mention the minimization of
the number of entities involved in the peer-
communication process, which plays an important
role during the construction stage. In fact, an
excessive number of agents can lead to some
inconveniences (already well-known in information
theory) such as information redundancy and
corruption due to signal degradation. However,
decreasing the number of entities should not
compromise the connection between them —
therefore it turns out to be indispensable to evaluate
the proportion between number of nodes and
available space.
Another point that should be carefully taken into
account is that network topology could contemplate
the presence of hubs, which play a fundamental role
for the reasons discussed in the introduction;
however, the number of hubs in a network should
not exceed a critical limit, since otherwise we would
get an inefficient network due to the redundancy of
some connections.
Some mathematical models to deal with
canonically shaped areas are already known in
literature; they allow to find the “best” (with regard
to communication efficiency and total number of
entities) way of positioning entities in such highly
idealized scenarios, though this formally restricts the
possible choices by presenting characteristics that
are not modifiable by those entities moving in the
arbitrarily shaped spaces.
Considering all the limits and problems arising in
such situations, it comes as no surprise that finding
the optimal solution is a computationally unfeasible
problem. However, we can find suboptimal solutions
in a reasonable amount of time using evolutionary
programming techniques. In particular, in the next
section we shall introduce and discuss a procedure
that employs an evolutionary algorithm augmented
by hill-climbing, of which many variants are
Even though a full detailed description of the
algorithm is the focus of the next chapter, we want
to highlight that the algorithm plays a crucial role
because of its capacity of satisfying all the requisites
mentioned before. This very algorithm acts as a
leader, imposing a direction for the entities to move,
without asking them to act in a precise way. The
leader also evaluates the solution at each stage of the
process, using a fitness function, which is based on
an evaluation of the total area covered by each
Some motivation for the leader to be