the voice recognition on another connected device.
This distributed capabilities scenario lowers complex-
ity and cuts back device cost. Due to the heteroge-
neous nature of the webinos platform, multiple de-
vices support comes for free. In fact, the same appli-
cation is able to run on Linux, Windows, Android and
other platforms.
The proposed API implementation is based on the
webinos API architecture and it is thereforedeveloped
in node.js. On Android, the API (as also webinos) is
running on anode, an open source porting of node.js
for the Android platform.
The objective of this work is to demonstrate how
webinos can be extended and integrated with existing
technologies such as the STMicroelectronics speech
engine (Kurniawati et al., 2012). This engine inter-
prets the voice command using a speech recognition
algorithm and remotely performs an action or func-
tion for the user. It is desirable to be able to perform
the voice command without the need to be present
next to the device and therefore doing it remotely, us-
ing an application running on another device or smart-
phone. To achieve this, a web application has been
implemented which relies on standard web technolo-
gies only, such as HTML5, JavaScript and CSS3 and
with the ability to leverage on the functionalities in-
troduced by the webinos platform.
The scenarios defined for the project can be ex-
tended to perform more complex functions requir-
ing minor changes to the webinos APIs’ code (e.g.
controlling a smart TV from mobile devices). The
proposed domotic controller is a proof-of-concept
to represent the link between the conventional ar-
chitectural models and the Web of Things (WoT)
world as an evolution of Internet of Things (IoT)
smart devices and RESTful interfaces web connected
(Guinard et al., 2011).
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In
Sec.2 we describe the proposed architecture, in Sec.3
we sketch a use case in which the architecture can be
applied and in Sec.4 we describe the on-going work.
Sec.5 concludes the paper describing future work.
Webinos is a EU co-funded project, started in 2010
and ended in 2013, aiming to deliver a platform for
web applications across mobile, PC, home media and
in-car devices. The webinos project consists of over
twenty partners from across Europe spanning aca-
demic institutions, industry research firms, software
firms, handset manufacturers and automotive manu-
facturers. Webinos is a ’Service Platform’ project un-
der the EU FP7 ICT Programme (Vergoriet al., 2013).
The webinos platform is based on open-source
software. Its objective is to enable web applications
and services to be used and shared consistently and
securely over a broad spectrum of converged and con-
nected devices, including mobile, PC, tablet, home
media and in-car units. The webinos technology has
been built on HTML5, widgets and device API stan-
Webinos presents many cloud architectural com-
ponents. These components aim to enable cross-
device services in heterogeneous inter and intra-user
scenarios, thus fading out the physical boundaries of
devices. This seamless device interconnection mech-
anism can be described by the Personal Zone concept
(Botsikas et al., 2013). In Figure 1 an example of
the webinos architecture is depicted. The Personal
Zone is the predominantly concept introduced by the
webinos architecture and three different entities are
its main actors namely the Personal Zone Area, the
Personal Zone Hub and the Personal Zone proxy.
The Personal Zone Area (PZA) is representable as
an overlay network whose perimeter is delimited and
defined by the ownership of devices. Each webinos-
enabled device that belongs to the same user is con-
sidered to be inside this perimeter (Vergori et al.,
2013). Moreover, every PZA is considered by defini-
tion a single point of synchronization and all the de-
vices within this area must be authenticated against.
The authentication point is represented by the sec-
ond entity, i.e. the Personal Zone Hub (PZH) that
is the entity in charge of providing functionality to
the webinos ecosystem, such as attestation, authenti-
cation and act as privacy/policy control point. These
assets are provided through OpenID authentication
flows (Recordon and Reed, 2006) and X509 certifi-
cates’ exchange. The PZHs are, in turn, connected
at their edges in order to extend the overlay network
described above, federating multiple PZH entities and
creating a multi-user cross device environment. The
third entity is represented by the Personal Zone Proxy
and is deployed on every webinos-enabled device in
order to manage interconnections with the PZH. It
also keeps all preferences synchronized across per-
sonal devices and exposes available services across
the PZA. Local caching mechanisms are in charge of
making these services available and even maintaining
consistency among already authenticated PZPs when
Internet connection is not available.
The webinos end-to-end communication system is
complemented with an API set that is based on both
standard and non-standard specifications. The testbed
foresees the use of the webinos W3C File API