nodes, while our approach is more scalable since the
workers always see only a small portion of the com-
plete graph.
The pattern matching approach presented in (Dörr,
1995) can be used for matching multiple patterns hav-
ing isomorphic sub-patterns at the same time. The al-
gorithm runs on single-core environments, but by dis-
covering the identical parts of the different patterns
and performing their matching at once, it can achieve
noticeable performance gain, since only the different
parts of the patterns must be matched separately af-
In this paper, we have introduced a new pattern spec-
ification language. The presented concept makes it
possible to define inexact patterns in a concise way.
We have also presented the algorithm MRMM, a
MapReduce-based method for detecting inexact pat-
terns in large graphs. The algorithm finds all sub-
graphs corresponding to the defined pattern in the host
The MapReduce framework is designed to sup-
port processing large data sets. Therefore, it can be
suitable for graph related algorithms if the graphs are
represented as textual files. In this paper, we have also
described the applied data structure.
Because of the lack of space, in this paper, we fo-
cused on the description of the new language concept
and the new matcher algorithm. We plan to present
the detailed evaluation of the performance and the ex-
periences collected during the application of the ap-
proach in a separate publication.
Other future work contains the analysis of the pre-
sented algorithms. Since the MapReduce framework
is not optimized for I/O operations, the sizes of the
produced outputs are critical. In order to evaluate the
efficiency of the algorithms, we also intend to perform
different measurements.
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